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Rock the System Nancy Sayer PCC, BCC, MS Cornelia Shipley PCC, BCC, ELI-MP, MBA copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock the System Nancy Sayer PCC, BCC, MS Cornelia Shipley PCC, BCC, ELI-MP, MBA copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock the System Nancy Sayer PCC, BCC, MS Cornelia Shipley PCC, BCC, ELI-MP, MBA copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

2 What is Systems Coaching? Why does it matter? copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

3 What is a System? A set of interacting elements a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular. a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method. copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

4 Individual Systems Coaching The Individual as System The Culture as System The Work as System (how work gets done) Based in open systems theory copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

5 Why Focus Your Coaching on Systems Assess the strengths and weaknesses of an individual, team, or organization Enhance awareness for the client to their internal and external environment Understand the individual, social and work processes impacting your coachee copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

6 HTTP://WWW.OCAI-ONLINE.COM Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument

7 Covers Six Areas: Dominant characteristics Organizational leadership Management of employees Organization glue Strategic emphases Criteria of success copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

8 Dominant Characteristics copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

9 Organizational Leadership copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

10 Management of Employees copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

11 Organizational Glue copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

12 Strategic Emphases copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

13 Criteria of Success copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

14 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE VALUES Flexibility and Discretion Internal Focus and Integration External Focus and Differentiation Stability and Control

15 copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE VALUES Flexibility and Discretion Stability and Control Internal Focus and Integration External Focus and Differentiation

16 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE VALUES copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

17 Cornelia’s Map copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

18 Holly’s Map copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

19 Sample Debrief copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

20 Key Questions Individual as System What do you love to do? What brings you joy? What steals your energy? What do you avoid at all costs? What impact is your environment having on you and others? copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

21 Key Questions Culture as System How is leadership and power displayed? Who are the power brokers and why ? What relationship do you have/need with them? How do people typically communicate? What causes individuals to withdraw? What is the general energy of the team? How is work rewarded? copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

22 Key Questions Work as System How are work priorities determined? What work functions take priority? Where does the company invest most? How do you deal with problems/challenges? What challenges exist in your planning process? copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

23 Key Questions Integration Questions How do your values as a leader align with that of the system/organization? What adaptations do you need to make for better alignment? copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

24 What questions do you have? copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

25 Connect with US Nancy Sayer E-mail: nsayer@samaritancenter. org @SamaritanCFC Cornelia Shipley Email: cornelia@3ccons cornelia@3ccons @CorneliaShipley copyright: 3C Consulting 2006-2014

26 Let’s Connect Email: Join us at the 2014 Design Your Life Event. Use the Discount Code DYL20 and Receive 20% off Your Registration and bring a friend for only $99 if you register before January 31 st !

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