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“Is this the little woman that made the great war?”

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2 “Is this the little woman that made the great war?”

3 What words stand out in this passage? Who is mentioned in the passage? What is the author’s tone? Which passages seem to agree with each other? What viewpoints are being put forth? Is one or more of the passages more reliable than the others? Is there a time period given? Can you predict a time period if a specific year is not indicated? What was the author’s purpose behind writing this? Is this passage fiction or nonfiction? How can you tell? Does this change how you feel about the passage?

4 Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe Published in 1852

5 The file documents the time period: 11/19/1850 - 12/05/1850

6 Published in 1845

7 Written by Caroline Lee Hentz Published in 1854





12 What do you see in this artifact? What words do you see? What is the mood in this artifact? How is the message of these artifacts the same? How is it different? How do the styles differ? Which source do you find more trustworthy? Why was this artifact made? From what historical period did this artifact come? Who was the audience? What judgments can you make about the person who made this artifact?

13  Sitemap for Uncle Tom’s Cabin and American Culture

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