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Middle College Conversation KISA Fall Retreat William Smith 10-14-15.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle College Conversation KISA Fall Retreat William Smith 10-14-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle College Conversation KISA Fall Retreat William Smith 10-14-15

2  Origins  LEA Feedback  Communications  Grounded in Original Purpose (Lab School – Secondary Reform – PBL – “As Good or Better”)  “Not in Competition”  Next Steps  KISA Retreat – Direction  Data Review – Where are we today and where are we going to be tomorrow?

3  KIH


5  KIH – 2 Year Data


7  Secondary Redesign revisited

8  Project-based learning environment  Focus on technology  Focus on community connections  Students will engage in their own learning  Students will collaborate with other students to solve problems with real world applications  Learning of respect, belonging, and trust  The student we feel will most benefit from such an environment will display the following attributes:

9  The bright kid who is just turned off  Students who want more challenge, not more work  The student who usually asks “why”?  Students who are inquisitive, inclusive, and collaborative, they would work well in a team  Students who have a hard time sitting still in a traditional class  Students who demonstrate their knowledge by showing what they know, not reciting it on a traditional assessment  Kinesthetic learners  Students who are open-minded and willing to try new things  Students who are rigid thinkers and need complete control over their school work would probably not be a good fit

10  Rigorous and Engaging Teaching  Collaborative Culture That Empowers  Technology That Is Fully Applied

11  Collaborative initiative of the Superintendents’ Secondary Redesign Committee  The Kent ISD/KISA New Tech High School opens Fall 2011  100 freshman expected; building to 400 total grades 9-12 by 2014  Located in a re-designed wing of Kent Career Tech Center  Students will attend for 2/3 of a day and return to their home high school for athletics and other offerings  Student body will reflect socio- demographic makeup of our region  As in the Tech Center, most of per pupil membership is retained by sending school districts

12  KIH senior year discussion  Current State  2 Core Cores Currently  GRCC or PBL Core (ELA & Math)  Internship Experience  Changing Landscape for Seniors Resulting in Lower Enrollments  Serving as a STEM Pipeline (1/3 students in STEM Related CTE – 82% ID STEM as Career Field)  Modeling Early College Credit Opportunities  Connecting to Authentic Environments (Project Evaluations to Career Internship Placements)  Is a PBL STEM Early College Opportunity the Next “Innovation”?






18 9 th Exposure Collaborative KIH/KCTC STEM projects *Core Content *Begin Industry related Career Portfolio-STEM projects *Continuation of EDP *Career Counseling Triage *Industry Tours *College Prep Exams 10 th Exploration *Include previous year Design Lab-KCTC College Courses- Science & Math *Begin STEM Middle College *Job Shadows 11 th Engagement *Include previous years KCTC IT & Mechatronics College Level IT/Mechatronics -Internships 12 th Immersion *Include previous years Core Content- All College Sites: Kent ISD, WMU/GRCC Industry Partners 13 th Apprenticeship/Middle College IT & Mechatronics Core Content Work-Based Learning- Long Term Internship/Apprenticeships Sites: Kent ISD, WMU/GRCC Industry Partners College Partners GRCC Baker (All online) WMU Industry Partners West Michigan Works Discover Manufacturing West Michigan Tech Talent Talent 2025 The Right Place KIH STEM MIDDLE COLLEGE

19  Thoughts?  Next Steps?  KISA Retreat…  Unknowns As of Yet  Cost of Middle College STEM Program  Partners for Middle College STEM Program October 14 th, 2015

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