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PLATE TECTONICS. Lithospheric plates Lithosphere is made up of 12 large plates and about 20 smaller ones Plates are solid and float on the asthenosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "PLATE TECTONICS. Lithospheric plates Lithosphere is made up of 12 large plates and about 20 smaller ones Plates are solid and float on the asthenosphere."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lithospheric plates Lithosphere is made up of 12 large plates and about 20 smaller ones Plates are solid and float on the asthenosphere Convection currents in the asthenosphere make the plates move


4 Continental and Oceanic plates Continental plates are usually less dense Oceanic plates are under the ocean and made of more dense rock

5 Plate Boundaries There are 3 main types of plate boundaries: Divergent ( moving apart) Convergent (moving together) Transform (moving past each other)

6 Divergent Boundaries On land - produce rift valleys Under the ocean - mid- ocean ridges such as in the Atlantic As the plates separate, magma rises into the space and hardens Volcanoes and shallow earthquakes occur




10 Convergent boundaries One plate may move under the other (subduction zone) Deep earthquakes and volcanoes occur Mountains form when one plate is pushed up

11 Types of convergent boundaries Oceanic - oceanic: creates chains of islands (ex. Phillipines)


13 Oceanic - continental: oceanic plate subduct under continental plate; creates deep ocean trenches and coastal mountain ranges



16 Continental - continental: mountain ranges ex. Himalaya


18 Transform boundaries Plates slide past each other causing fault lines and earthquakes Ex. San Andreas Fault



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