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Sam Swenson Rasheda Vereen.  Considerable uncertainty about the future  Uncertainty about effects on ecosystems  Climate Change Impacts (J.A. Harris):

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Presentation on theme: "Sam Swenson Rasheda Vereen.  Considerable uncertainty about the future  Uncertainty about effects on ecosystems  Climate Change Impacts (J.A. Harris):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sam Swenson Rasheda Vereen

2  Considerable uncertainty about the future  Uncertainty about effects on ecosystems  Climate Change Impacts (J.A. Harris): ◦ Increases in mean temperatures ◦ Increases in precipitation ◦ Unpredictable weather patterns

3  Sage bush, Cottonwood, Aspen: ◦ Grows in desert ◦ Abundant along rivers and other wet areas  “Native species become less viable under future climate conditions” B. Bradley, Climate Change and plant invasions, p. 1511  Some native species already threatened by local vegetation

4  Highly efficient in water absorption  Long life span (100+ years)  Ability to tolerate extreme drought stress  Established ecological community dependent on creosote for shelter/protection  Native plants considerably less prepared to tolerate drought (Domino effect)  Bees depend on nectar

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