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Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures O.V. Kibis Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia.

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Presentation on theme: "Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures O.V. Kibis Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures O.V. Kibis Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia

2 Effect Rabi Isidor Isaac Rabi Nobel Prize in Physics (1944 ) I. Rabi, Phys. Rev. 51, 562 (1937). O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures

3 Quantum optics of field-dressed nanostructures O.V. Kibis, G.Ya. Slepyan, S.A. Maksimenko, A. Hoffmann “Matter coupling to strong electromagnetic fields in two-level quantum systems with broken inversion symmetry” — Physical Review Letters 102, 023601 (2009). O.V. Kibis “Metal-insulator transition in graphene induced by circularly polarized photons” — Physical Review B 81, 165433 (2010). O.V. Kibis, O. Kyriienko, I.A. Shelykh “Band gap in graphene induced by vacuum fluctuations” — Physical Review B 84, 195413 (2011). O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures


5 The classical-field Hamiltonian of a quantum wire O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures

6 The quantum-field Hamiltonian of a quantum wire O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures

7 A quantum ring dressed by circularly polarized photons

8 O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures

9 The full energy of the electron-photon system O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures The energy spectrum of field-dressed electrons in the quantum ring

10 O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures The energy spectrum of electrons in the quantum ring dressed by the quantized circularly polarized field (heavy lines) and without the field (thin lines). The nondissipative current j corresponds to the filled states (↑↓)

11 O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures A quantum helix subjected to a circularly polarized field The Hamiltonian of the field-dressed helix

12 O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures The energy spectrum of electrons in the quantum helix dressed by the quantized circularly polarized field (heavy lines) and without the field (thin lines). The nondissipative current j correspond to the filled states lying under the Fermi energy μ.

13 The theory of resonant interaction of electromagnetic fields with semiconductors O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures Виктор Михайлович Галицкий (1924-1981) В.М. Галицкий, С.П. Гореславский, В.Ф. Елесин, ЖЭТФ 57, 207 (1969). В.М. Галицкий, В.Ф. Елесин «Резонансное взаимодействие электромагнитных полей с полупроводниками» (М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1986. – 192 с. )

14 O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures

15 The photovoltaic effect in a quantum helix subjected to a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave О.В. Кибис, Д.А. Романов, ФТТ 37, 127 (1995). Л.И. Магарилл, М.В. Энтин, Письма в ЖЭТФ 78, 249 (2003). M.V. Entin, L.I. Magarill, Phys. Rev. B 81, 073305 (2010). The nondissipative electron transport in a quantum helix subjected to a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave O.V. Kibis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 106802 (2011).

16 O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures Model of the laser beam C. Cohen-Tannoudji, J. Dupont-Roc, G. Grynberg “Atom-photon interactions. Basic principles and applications” (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004).

17 O.V. Kibis Nondissipative electron transport in photon-dressed nanostructures Summary It is shown that the electron coupling to photons in field-dressed nanostructures can result in the ground electron-photon state with a nonzero electric current. Since the current is associated with the ground state, it flows without the Joule heating of the nanostructure and is nondissipative. Such a dissipationless electron transport can be realized in strongly coupled electron-photon systems with the broken time-reversal symmetry — particularly, in quantum rings and chiral nanostructures dressed by circularly polarized photons.

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