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Prof. David Smith. Why I couldn’t do without technicians.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. David Smith. Why I couldn’t do without technicians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. David Smith. Why I couldn’t do without technicians.

2 Research

3 3 My Research – Laser Spectroscopy

4 4 Blue (430nm) Raman spectroscopy on SWCNT powder deposited on Si/SiO 2 substrate. D band G’ band RBMs Graphene > Semi SWCNT > Metallic SWCNT > G- band G+ band G Band G- bandG+ band Si

5 5 My Research – Laser Spectroscopy Bespoke equipment design and manufacture

6 6 My Research – Laser Spectroscopy General laboratory infrastructure –Liquid Helium –Cooling Water –Electrical Safety Testing –Laboratory Renovation

7 7 My Research - Microfabrication Contacting nanowires using e-beam lithography

8 8 Nanomaterials Rapid Prototyping Facility Training and supervision of researchers Equipment maintenance Process development

9 9 Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition What is a Supercritical Fluid?

10 10 Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition EPSRC Funding Basic Technology Grant £3.4M Translation Grant £1M Program Grant £5.4M

11 11 Reactor Design Finite Element Mechanical Modeling Build of Reactor Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition

12 Teaching and Recruitment

13 13 Third Year Teaching Labs

14 14 Third Year Teaching Labs Supporting development of experiments Maintenance of experiments Problem solving Administering Labs Teaching

15 15 A critical job – dominates the bottom line. Important we give the best impression at all stages Admissions and Recruitment

16 Conclusions Why is Technical Support necessary? –Provide skills which academics don’t have –Specialism and Focus –Long term depository of knowledge and capability –Organise the BBQ, Skittles and Christmas Lunch 16

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