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Week 9: October 26-30 Important Reminders: Dessert labs Tuesday-Thursday Advisory this Friday Butter Quiz this Friday Quarter Ends Next Thursday (Nov.

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1 Week 9: October 26-30 Important Reminders: Dessert labs Tuesday-Thursday Advisory this Friday Butter Quiz this Friday Quarter Ends Next Thursday (Nov. 5) Current Events & Late Work Due Nov. 3

2 Objective: Students will identify proper kitchen equivalents. Warm-up: Draw and label the four measuring spoons from smallest to largest. Activities: Introduce Cookie Competition Copy 3 Recipes Day 36: October 26

3 Chocolate Chip Cookie Competition This is the time to show your skills! Your group is to submit a Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe to Ms. Khastoo (1 for me- 2 for your group…someone might be absent so don’t depend on others, failure to have recipe will result in automatic loss of points!!!)

4 Recipe must be chocolate chip only- no nuts, cocoa powder, etc. You are required to submit 12 cookies for evaluation. Make sure your recipe does not make more than 2 dozen because we will not have enough time to bake and I will not buy that many ingredients!!!

5 Recipe is Due Friday, October 30 Team Planning will be on Tuesday, November 3 Competition will be on Wednesday, November 4 Tasting and Evaluation will be on Thursday November 5 This completion is worth over 100 points, so participation is key on every single component.

6 Labs Tuesday :Glazed Lemon CakesGlazed Lemon Cakes Wednesday/Thursday: Apple Strudel Thursday: Pine Bark

7 Day 37: October 27 Objective: Students will apply baking dessert principles into a recipe. Warm-up: 1 stick butter=___ tbsp. Activities: Lemon Muffins 2- Head Chef 3-Assistant Chef 4-Runner 5-Cleaner 1- All of the above 2- Head Chef 3-Assistant Chef 4-Runner 1-Cleaner

8 Day 38: October 28 Objective: Students will be able to apply intermediate baking techniques into a recipe. Warm-up: 1 egg=____ C Activities: Apple Strudel-Day 1 3- Head Chef 4-Assistant Chef 5-Runner 1-Cleaner 2- All of the above 3- Head Chef 4-Assistant Chef 1-Runner 2-Cleaner Cookie Recipes due FRIDAY

9 Apple Strudel Tips 1.No nuts. Apples- wash, peel, core and thinly sliced 2.Lemon-Share with kitchen across. Wash, cut in half, share, juice then zest/grate. 3.Cookies-Crumble with pastry blender 4.10 sheets of phyllo (5 per strudel) 1.Keep moist 2.Use flat surface 3.Be gentle 5.Granulated sugar: Sprinkle on top

10 Day 39: October 29 Objective: Students will apply baking techniques into a recipe. Warm-up: 9 Tbsp. = _____ tsp. Activities: Apple Strudel-Day 2 Pine Bark Cookie Recipes Due TOMORROW & Butter Quiz 3- Head Chef 4-Assistant Chef 5-Runner 1-Cleaner 2- All of the above 3- Head Chef 4-Assistant Chef 1-Runner 2-Cleaner

11 Lab Directions-Part 1 1.Label Lab Sheets : Apple Strudel Day 2 & Pine Bark 2.Begin Baking Strudel on Parchment lined baking sheet for 20-25 minutes 3.Grab all mis en place for Pine Bark & Strudel but do not begin

12 Pine Bark Work Quickly! Whisk butter and sugar until caramel color/texture Use small baking sheet and foil good! Crackers should be touching when placed After melting chocolate, remove bark immediately and place on WAXPAPER, then plate Freeze immediately after placing on plated, wax paper

13 Objective: Students will be able to reflect on techniques learned in the dessert unit. Warm-up: ¼ stick of butter =_____ T Activities: Cookie Recipes Due TODAY Butter Quiz Lab Reflections/Vocabulary

14 Glazed Lemon Cake Reflection Use Your Vocabulary Sheets 1.What modifications or changes did you make to this recipe or will you need to make next time? 2.How did the lemon juice/zest affect the taste? 3.When it comes to desserts, do you prefer chocolate or fruity desserts? Explain.

15 Apple Strudel Reflection 1.What steps can you do beforehand to make this recipe more convenient? 2.Was this your first time working with phyllo dough? What other variations could you stuff in the dough? 3.What modifications would you make to this recipe next time? List three.

16 Pine Bark Reflection 1.What modifications/flavors would you make to this recipe? 2.Is this a recipe you would use again? For what type of occasion? 3.What strengths and weakness’ did your group have this past week?

17 Baking Vocabulary Blending Method- a mixing method that involves using oil or liquid fat to blend ingredients. Creaming Method- a mixing method in which ingredients like softened fat and sugar are combined first until light and fluffy. Sponge/Foam Method- leavening is formed from air that is trapped in the beaten eggs. Scald- to heat a liquid to just below the boiling point

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