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Mbombela Climate Change Workshop 2 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela.

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Presentation on theme: "Mbombela Climate Change Workshop 2 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mbombela Climate Change Workshop 2 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela

2 Workshop Agenda ITEMTIME Chair 1) Welcome and introductions 9:00-9:15Deputy MM & Warrick Stewart 2) Workshop objectives & project overview 9:15-9:25 Warrick Stewart 3) Summary of Phase 1 Policy Workshop 9:25-9:40 Victoria Braham 4) Brief overview of Draft Policy Document 9:40-10:00 Paul Jorgensen 5) Case studies of local climate change responses 10:00-11:00 Various 6) Tea 11:00-11:15 All participants 7) MLM “Vulnerability Framework” 11:15-11:30 Paul Jorgensen 8) Strategy development 11:30-13:30 All participants 9) Way forward13:30-14:00 Warrick Stewart 10) Close and Lunch14:00-15:00All participants

3 Overview of draft Policy Mbombela Local Municipality – Climate Change Strategy Workshop 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela

4 Purpose of this Presentation  Provide a high level overview of the contents of the draft MLM Climate Change Response Policy  Provide information on the commenting process and next steps for the policy

5 Contents overview  Purpose, background, rationale and scope  Policy, legal and governance framework  Vision  Principles  Objectives  Roles and responsibilities  Way forward

6 Contents overview  The policy will assist the municipality in aligning its activities to meet international commitments, and national and provincial climate change related policies and legal requirements  not intended to be in conflict with National and Provincial climate change related policies and strategies, but instead is meant to compliment and provide the appropriate local response

7 Contents overview  Not intended to be in conflict with National and Provincial climate change related policies and strategies, but instead is meant to compliment and provide the appropriate local response  not intended to be in conflict with National and Provincial climate change related policies and strategies, but instead is meant to compliment and provide the appropriate local response

8 Contents overview  Therefore the purpose of this policy:  Sets out the Municipality’s responsibilities regarding both climate change adaption and mitigation  Clearly defines the Municipality’s mandated responsibilities in this regard;  Provide guidance to the Municipality when implementing such functions;  Serve as a framework and precursor to the development of an associated strategy (The strategy will specify actions by the Municipality and other stakeholders).

9 Contents overview  This policy relates to the entire MLM area as demarcated by the Municipal Demarcation Board  Legal mandates presented in the policy only address the mandates of the MLM and no other organs of state or role players  These will be determined in the Strategy and Implementation document

10 Contents overview

11 Policy, legal and governance overview  Policy and legislative framework (lists not exhaustive) National Development Plan 2030 National Climate Change Response White Paper New Growth Path: Accord 4 – Green Economy Accord National commitment to GHG reductions National renewable energy programme The Constitution of South Africa National Environmental Management Act Local Government: Municipal Structures Act Local Government: Municipal Systems Act Infrastructure Development Act Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act Disaster Management Act Amendment Bill

12 Policy, legal and governance overview  Governance framework (lists not exhaustive) Durban Adaptation Charter for Local Governments ICLEI Seoul Declaration and Plan Municipal powers and functions legislative competence over the areas listed in Schedules 4B and 5B of the Constitution Various MLM Directorates and their link climate change MLM Integrated Development Plan MLM Local Economic Development Strategy

13 Vision, principles and objectives Objective 7 Objective 6 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 5 Objective 3 Objective 4 Vision Principles

14 Vision Vision: “Realistic, credible, attractive future for an organization, community or area” “Inspiring picture of a preferred future” The vision is the end goal that informs what objectives are required to meet that goal

15 Vision “A municipality resilient to climate change, committed to sustainable development and greening principles and solutions to drive future economic and community development in both the rural and urban sectors of the Mbombela Local Municipality.”

16 Principles Principles: “A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning” “A fundamental quality or attribute determining the nature of something” Provides the basis (or foundations) for the objectives and their associated actions

17 Principles Equity Special needs and circumstances Uplifting the poor and vulnerable Intra- and Inter-generational sustainability The Precautionary Principle The Polluter Pays Principle Informed participation Economic, social and ecological pillars of sustainable development Legal and voluntary mandates Integration Practically implementable Focus on priorities Science driven Alignment Local, inclusive and long-term Ecological Infrastructure Partnerships Monitoring and Evaluation

18 Objectives Objectives: “A thing aimed at or sought” “Something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish” Sets out the way to achieve the vision and determines actions, roles and responsibilities Objective 7 Objective 6 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 5 Objective 3 Objective 4

19 Vision, objectives and principles Objective 7 Objective 6 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 5 Objective 3 Objective 4 Meet regulatory and commitments made as a signatory to relevant charters, declarations and protocols Integration into municipal IDP process and sector plans Transition toward a more resilient and low-carbon local economy and community Implementation of innovative financing mechanisms Training and capacity building of relevant MLM staff Co-operative governance and partnerships Knowledge generation, sharing and transparency

20 Roles and Responsibilities  High level respective roles and responsibilities of the various MLM Directorates and Sub-Directorates  Detailed actions required by all parties will be specified in the strategy document

21 Way forward  Policy serves as a framework to guide:  The development of the MLM Climate Change Strategy and Implementation Plan; and  Assist in planning and decision-making  Policy will be made available for stakeholder comment from early December 2015 – end January 2016  Comments to be incorporated in the final policy to be presented to MLM Council in February 2016  Strategy and Implementation Plan to be developed in early to mid 2016 – Stakeholder comment period after the local elections

22 Stakeholder liaison Victoria Braham 011 441 1111 Questions or comments? Contact information

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