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Presentation on theme: "National Security BY: ALEXIE BURNETTE ZSAYKARYZMH HARRIS LEILANI HICIANO GENESY SENCION ROBIN WILLIAMS."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is National Security? National security is a concept that a government, along with its parliaments, should protect the state and its citizens against all kind of "national" crises through a variety of power projections, such as political power, diplomacy, economic power, military might, and so on. The Iran Deal came to be when Obama made a deal with Iran permitting them to study and develop nuclear power as an alternative energy source. Terrorism is the use of violence to intimidate or pressure people or countries for political reasons.

3 Marco Rubio Believes we should stop the Iran deal to prevent the consequences that American Security might suffer from. It is in the best interest of America that we defend ourselves against the potential threat that Iran might present. We should protect and support Israel because of the promise made after the Holocaust. Plans to strengthen the alliance and revoke actions President Obama has taken. Plans to destroy ISIS.

4 As President Marco Rubio will… Build a multinational coalition of countries willing to send troops into Iraq and Syria with American Intelligence. Develop a plan to overthrow Bashar al-Assad, leader of the Syrian Army, from power, train Syrian rebels to fight both Assad and ISIS and to establish safe zones within Syria for civilians. Broadcasting U.S. victories against ISIS. Try to deflect Iranian influence on Iraqis to prevent more conflict. Plan with regional allies to plan for the fall of the Syrian Army. Support and protect ethnic and religious minorities throughout the region. Stop the Spread of ISIS

5 Ben Carson on Terrorism Problem The navy is too small. The marine corps are not ready to be deployed. The air force is incapable of doing what it use to do in years. Solution Build up the military. Use any means necessary, financial resources, covert operations, Special Forces, and ground troops.

6 Ben Carson on the Iran Deal Problem A nuclear Iran would be a threat to the entire free world. Iran may be more dangerous than Islamic State militant group. Iran would be too powerful. Solution Want to react politically/intellectually rather than through war. Wants to stand by Israel because it is the United States’ only democratic ally in the Middle East. Believes that the international community must keep the pressure on Iran with harsh sanctions and demands that its nuclear program be completely dismantled. Because Israel is a democracy, Carson wants to bring the people together.

7 Donald Trump Donald Trump wants to fight terrorism by killing the families of those who were involved in the Paris attacks. A lottery was proposed called the Power bomb to counter Jihad. In his book, The America We Deserve, Trump said that he can predict when terrorists are coming to attack right before 9/11, and it did happen shortly after his speech. Donald Trump also wants to bomb the oil fields in Syria. During a recent speaking on the USS Iowa, he vowed that if he is elected, he would overthrow the Syrian government. Donald Trump opposes the Iran deal because he feels that the Iranians might once again attack using our nuclear power.

8 Bernie Sanders Bernie believes in peace for our country War should be the last resort not the first He supports the Iran Deal We should attempt to prevent international conflict Believes we must remain vigilant to protect us from terrorist attacks at home Believes we should do everything in our power to make sure Iran does not get a nuclear weapon Make sure that Iran does not threaten Israel with nuclear weapons Prevent a nuclear arms race

9 As President Bernie Will.. Bernie wants to focus on working things out between countries, and negotiating with countries before we go to war.. War should be the last option If we do go to war, there should be a specific goal that we plan to meet and there should be a set time of how long we will be there.. Start goal and end goal Basically Bernie wants to close Guantanamo Bay because that is where we are holding people who we think are terriorist captive and torturing them. We should focus on who we are and our values Bernie also wants to help out countries and help out the less fortunate because that way people won’t have reasons to retaliate.

10 Hillary Clinton Defending America and our core values is one of the cornerstones of Hillary’s campaign. As a initiative she wants to never allow for Iran to acquire a weapon. Clinton wants to defeat ISIS and the foreign terrorist fighters who recruit and pose a serious threat to America and our allies. According to Clinton America must strengthen our current partnerships, and work to build new ones. As a result she wants to strengthen alliances.

11 As President Hillary Will….. There has been much controversy about what to do about Iran. Clinton wants to sign a agreement with Iran that states they will use a strategy to solve the issues instead of increasing Nuclear Proliferation. Clinton will confront and defeat them in a way that builds greater stability across the region, without miring our troops in another misguided ground war. Clinton is keeping in mind our commitment to Afghanistan’s democracy and security, and by supporting efforts to restore stability to Libya and Yemen.


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