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Orbits sun A sphere that moves around the sun. Planet Sun Burst An explosion on the surface of the Sun. Solar Flare 1 1 2 34 2 34.

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Presentation on theme: "Orbits sun A sphere that moves around the sun. Planet Sun Burst An explosion on the surface of the Sun. Solar Flare 1 1 2 34 2 34."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orbits sun A sphere that moves around the sun. Planet Sun Burst An explosion on the surface of the Sun. Solar Flare 1 1 2 34 2 34

2 Orbit, year To travel in a closed path around an object such as Earth does as it moves around the Sun. Revolve/revolution Seasons (summer, winter, fall, spring) The slant of the Earth’s orbit Tilt of Earth 12 34 12 34

3 Always available A resource that cannot be used up. Examples include wind, waves and sunlight. Inexhaustible Resource Cool An area on the Sun that is cooler than the rest and darker in color. Sunspot 12 34 12 34

4 Use less To keep and use wisely in small amount. We need to conserve our resources. Conserve Things with a life cycle. Ex: Plants, animals A resource that we are able to replace within our lifetime. Ex: trees Renewable Resource 12 34 12 34

5 U-shaped valley Large sheets of moving ice that can cause erosion as they creep down a mountainside. Glacier Spin/day The spinning of the Earth on its axis. One rotation of the Earth takes one day. Rotation 12 34 12 34

6 Evaporation, condensation, precipitation The path the water takes as it is cycled through the atmosphere. Water cycle Not replaceable A resource that cannot be replaced once they are used up. Ex: fossil fuels Nonrenewable resource 12 34 12 34

7 To move The moving of materials which slowly changes the shape of the land. Erosion To drop off The process of rocks, soil or sediment being dropped off or deposited into another location due to erosion. Deposition 2 1 2 3 3 4 1 4

8 Destructive force A sudden release of energy inside the Earth that send out waves, shaking the ground. Earthquake To breakdown Chemical and physical changes in rocks that cause them to break down into smaller pieces. Weathering 1 2 34 12 34

9 Lava To move or come forth freely. Many substances have the ability to flow. Flow To build up. Ex: mountains, deltas, volcanoes Forces that construct or create features on the Earth’s surface. Constructive force 1 2 34 12 3 4

10 Coal, oil, and natural gas A source of energy formed from the remains of plants and animals buried deep in the Earth over many years. Fossil fuel 1 2 34

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