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The U.S. in Latin America Teddy the Hero As a result of SPAM, TR was now a war hero Becomes president in 1901 Wants to build a canal through the isthmus.

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Presentation on theme: "The U.S. in Latin America Teddy the Hero As a result of SPAM, TR was now a war hero Becomes president in 1901 Wants to build a canal through the isthmus."— Presentation transcript:

1 The U.S. in Latin America Teddy the Hero As a result of SPAM, TR was now a war hero Becomes president in 1901 Wants to build a canal through the isthmus of Panama

2 Think “Christmas” without the “chr” Isthmus: narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land – Panama was ideal – Only 50 miles of land separated the Caribbean Sea & Pacific Ocean


4 The Plan A canal would HUGELY benefit U.S. trade – Cutting a path would avoid a long trip around S. America (think NY to SF) – Shorter sailing distance = smaller cost of shipping goods

5 The Plan A canal would HUGELY benefit military capabilities - In the event of war, navy could quickly move ships between Pacific & Atlantic - They could save resources by centralizing their efforts

6 The Problem Columbia owned the isthmus of Panama Panamanians wanted to break free from the rule of Columbia (think Spanish rule) We offer $10 million cash PLUS $250,000 yearly rent for a strip of land across Panama

7 The Canal Zone Columbia refuses, TR is fired up! “I don’t think the lot of jack rabbits should be allowed permanently to bar one for the future highways of civilization”

8 Remember…TR is a fan of African culture African proverb: “Speak softly & carry a big stick, & you will go far” What does this mean?!

9 November- U.S. warship Nashville drops anchor at Panama (the expansionist???)

10 The next day, U.S. troops intervene as Panamanians rebel against Columbian rule – U.S. stops Columbians from crushing revolt – Panama declares itself independent

11 – U.S. recognizes the new nation at once – In effect Panama agrees to let U.S. build a canal on terms similar to those it had offered to Columbia

12 Building the Canal Disease Panama – “mosquito paradise” – tropical heat, heavy rain, thick swamps = hard to build canal – Malaria & yellow fever carried by mosquitos

13 Building the Canal Dig 40,000 workers dug the canal Obstacles – mountains, artificial lakes, gigantic locks 1914 = first steamship traveled through the Panama Canal /howitworks/como-funcion.html /howitworks/como-funcion.html

14 Perks Helped trade for many nations We now nudged our way into intervening in Latin America –..Latin American nations now become angry that a new imperial power was in charge: America

15 THE IMPERIALIST GAME!!!!! You can’t play until this map is totally FINISHED Maps are due Friday so we can play… Winners get a prize – we play Friday Winners get a prize – we play Friday Please do this neatly & clearly You must COMPLETE THE GAME to claim a prize!!!!

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