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6TH Grade Science Notebook
1ST Semester 2015
Science: TOC TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Activity Title pg. # i
[on the inside front cover…] First and Last Name Science Period TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Activity Title pg. # 9/11/15 9/14/15 9/15/15 9/16/15 9/17/15 9/21/15 9/22/15 9/23/15 9/24/15 9/25/15 9/28/15 9/29/15 9/30/15 10/1/15 10/2/15 10/5/15 10/6/15 10/7/15 10/8/15 10/9/15 10/12/15 10/13/15 10/14/15 10/15/15 What teachers should know about me Setting up the INB Science Safety What is science Cotton ball catapult The scientific Process Life of a Raisin Lab Life of a Raisin Lab continued Living vs Nonliving Characteristics of Living things Window to the Sea Life on Earth Vial Observations Intro to Microscopes Microscope Images Field of View FOV continued FOV wrap-up Focal Plane Focal Plane wrap-up NOTEBOOK CHECK INB Catch-up Elodea Observations The Basic Unit of Life Cells 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 i
Science: TOC TABLE OF CONTENTS (New INB) TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Activity Title pg. # Date Activity Title pg. # 10/16/15 10/19/15 10/20/15 10/21/15 10/22/15 10/23/15 10/27/15 10/28/15 10/29/15 10/30/15 11/2/15 11/3/15 11/4/15 11/5/15 11/6/15 11/9/15 11/10/15 11/12/15 11/13/15 11/16/15 11/17/15 11/18/15 11/19/15 11/20/15 Interactive Notebook Quiz Paramecium Observation Paramecia Continued INB Quality Check Microscopic Life Microscopic Life Continued Minipond Safari Minipond continued Minipond Conclusion The ribbon of life Cheek Investigation Taxonomy CBA (guest teacher) CBA continued (guest teacher) Taxonomy Pt 2 (guest teacher) Plant and Animal cells Plant and Animal cells PT 2 Review Unit 2 Quiz Seeds Seeds and Roots (guest teacher) The Plant Kingdom The Plant Kingdom Continued Stems and Leaves 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72-73 74-75 76-77 78-79 80-81 82-83 84-85 86-87 88-89 90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 11/23/15 11/24/15 11/30/15 12/1/15 12/3/15 12/4/15 12/7/15 12/8/15 12/9/15 12/10/15 12/11/15 12/14/15 12/15/15 12/16/15 12/17/15 1/4/16 1/5/16 Stems and Leaves Continued Stems and Leaves Conclusion Seeds of Life Pre-Lab Set Up Celery Lab Chalk Talk Celery Lab Pt. 2 Flowers to Seeds Flowers to Seeds pt. 2 Flower Dissection Flower Dissection Continued Seed Dispersal Unknown Flower Review Unit 3 Quiz Unknown Flower Continued Gliding Through Life 98-99 ii iii
TAPE IN: What teachers should know
Science: TOC 9/11/15 What teachers should… TAPE IN: What teachers should know iv 1
Science – Sept. 14, 2015 9/14/15 4 5 Science Safety
LT: I can review the science safety expectations with my teacher, classmates and caretakers and get my safety contract signed. Do Now: List 3 safety rules that you think are important to follow in the science classroom. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have read through my safety contract and signed it with my caretaker and completed my sponge bob safety rules worksheet REFLECTION 9/14/15 TAPE IN: Sponge Bob Safety Why are science safety rules important to follow in the classroom? Planner: Science safety rules Homework: Science interview and safety contract 4 5
Science – Sept. 15, 2015 9/15/15 6 7 What is science
LT: I can complete my Diversity of Life pre-assessment and design my personal science file. Do Now: In your own words describe what science is and what scientists do. You may also draw a picture to help represent your thinking. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my pre-assessment and my graded work folder REFLECTION 9/15/15 How has your thinking about science changed? What are you looking forward to in science this year? Planner: Science Pre-Assessment Homework: Science interview and safety contract Due: Thursday 9/17/15 6 7
Science – Sept. 16, 2015 9/16/15 8 9 Cotton Ball Catapult
LT: I can design a catapult with the materials provided that will launch a cotton ball the greatest distance. Do Now: What is the scientific process? Success Criteria I will be successful when I constructed a catapult with the materials provided, launched my cotton ball 3 times and recorded my results REFLECTION 9/16/15 TAPE IN: Cotton Ball Catapult Challenge Why is it important to use the scientific process? Planner: Cotton ball catapult Homework: Science interview and safety contract Due: Thursday 9/17/15 8 9
Homework: Science interview and safety contract
Science – Sept. 18, 2015 9/17/15 The scientific process LT: I can organize my notebook and describe and apply the scientific process to a given situation. Do Now: What do you know now about the scientific process? You may look back in your notebook to help you answer the Do Now. Do Now 9/18/15: Give an example of a job where you might have to use the scientific process on a regular basis and explain your thinking. Main Idea/? Notes The scientific process: Identify the problem: a step-by-step method that scientists use to prove (or disprove) an idea or theory. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have taken notes on the scientific process, made sure my notebook is up to date and current, and turned in my homework for the week. REFLECTION If you were given the problem “what kind of food do dogs like best?” how might you apply the scientific process to solve this problem? Planner: Scientific Process notes Homework: Science interview and safety contract Due: TODAY! Thursday 9/17/15 10 11
Homework: Science expectations and procedures
Science – Sept. 21, 2015 9/21/15 Mysterious Journeys in the Life of a Raisin LT: I can follow the steps of an investigation and make inferences about what I observe. Do Now: What is an observation? Give an example. Main Idea/?s Notes Observation: Inference: A way to learn about the world using your senses. Success Criteria I will be successful when I followed the procedure steps in the life of a raisin investigation and recorded my results. REFLECTION If you were to write a conclusion about this experiment (using the scientific process) what are at least three things you would include? Planner: Life of a Raisin Homework: Science expectations and procedures Due: Thursday 9/24/15 12 13
Homework: Science expectations and procedures
Science – Sept. 22, 2015 9/22/15 The Life of a Raisin continued… LT: I can follow the steps of an investigation and make inferences about what I observe. Do Now: Take out your packet from yesterday. With your elbow partner work to complete the packet. You DO NOT need to do PART 5. You will have 20 min. Please remain at VOLUME 1 (whisper/library voices). Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my packet, gone over the lab with my teacher and classmates, and turned it in to the Turn-in Tray. REFLECTION Compare and Contrast an observation and an inference. You may use a diagram to help explain your thinking. Observation Inference Planner: Life of a Raisin continued Homework: Science expectations and procedures Due: Thursday 9/24/15 14 15
Homework: Science expectations and procedures
Science – Sept. 23, 2015 9/23/15 Living vs. Nonliving Card sorting: LT: I can classify objects into living or nonliving categories. Do Now: How do you know if something is alive? Explain your thinking and give an example. *We will be discussing the reflection from yesterday as well so make sure you have it completed. Petri Dish Demo: Living Not Sure Nonliving Observation (5) Inference (3) Pops and goes in circles Red slowly dissolves Pulsing the water Spinning in circles going crazy Clear little dots Looked like they were connecting Could be alive Don’t like the water Babies Blood Dying mosquitoes Sea horse Could be dead Plankton shrimp Success Criteria I will be successful when I have made at least 5 observations and 3 inferences about the demonstration, and organized my 24 cards with a partner into LIVING and NONLIVING categories. REFLECTION Planner: living vs nonliving Homework: Science expectations and procedures Due: Thursday 9/24/15 What was in the Petri Dish? Was it alive? How do you know? What is your evidence? 16 17
Science – Sept. 24, 2015 9/24/15 Close Read Notes: 18 19
Characteristics of living things Close Read Notes: Identify and define the characteristics that all living things have in common in the notes below. LT: I can identify the characteristics of a living thing. Do Now: Look back at your card sort list from yesterday. Come up with at least 3 characteristics that all your living things have in common. Main Idea/?s Notes Dead: Nonliving: Gas exchange: Water: Use Energy: Eliminate waste: Respond to the Environment: Grow: Reproduce: Cells: Was once alive Was never alive Exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide (breathing) Water is essential to all living things Eating food to stay alive, plants use sunlight Using the restroom Reaction, when its cold you shiver, when its hot you sweat. Get bigger, cells divide Make more of your own kind ALL LIVING THINGS ARE MADE OF CELLS! Success Criteria I will be successful when I have highlighted and marked my article for important information, updated my glossary with important vocabulary, and identified and defined what all living things have in common. REFLECTION Now that you know what all living things have in common, look back at your card sorting activity from yesterday. Are there any you would move? Why? Planner: characteristics of living things Homework: Science expectations and procedures Due: TODAY! Thursday 9/24/15 18 19
Science – Sept. 25, 2015 9/25/15 Video Notes: 20 21 Window to the sea
LT: I can practice the AVID skill of taking Cornell Notes by watching the video and answering the questions provided. Do Now: *You will be sharing the Window to the Sea video note sheet with your elbow partner. Follow along with the video and answer the questions on the right hand side of your notebook. Main Idea/?s Notes Shedd Aquarium: New England Aquarium: Monterey Bay Aquarium: Waikiki Aquarium: Success Criteria I will be successful when I have set up my Cornell notes on the right hand side of my notebook, answered the questions provided on the worksheet in my notes section, and remained at a volume zero during the film. REFLECTION What are three purposes that aquariums serve? What was your favorite marine animal mentioned in the video and why? Which of the featured aquariums would you most like to visit and why? Planner: Window to the Sea Video Homework: None… Happy Friday! 20 21
Science – Sept. 28, 2015 9/28/15 Close Read Notes: 22 23 Life on Earth
Answer the questions at the end of the article “Life on Earth”. LT: I can identify the characteristics of living things and apply them to an object to determine if it is alive. Do Now: Look back at the article “Life on Earth”. What characteristics does an organism have to have to be considered alive? Main Idea/?s Notes What is an organism? What are the basic needs of all living things? What functions are performed by all living things? What is the difference between living, nonliving, and dead? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have updated my glossary with important vocabulary, and identified and defined what all living things have in common. REFLECTION Using the characteristics of living things, take a look at the following list of objects and apply the characteristics of living things to determine if each one is alive or not. Explain your thinking. - the sun - a mushroom - an egg TAPE IN: “Life on Earth” article Planner: Life on Earth Homework: Living vs nonliving Due: Thursday 10/1/15 22 23
Science – Sept. 29, 2015 9/29/15 24 25 Vial Observations
LT: I can make observations and apply the characteristics of living things to determine if an object is alive. Do Now: In your own words, why are making observations important in science? Why do scientists make observations? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have observed 5 materials for evidence of life when they are placed in suitable environments. REFLECTION Make a prediction. What do you think will happen in the vials in the next 24 hours? Explain your thinking. TAPE IN: “Five Materials Observation” Planner: Vial Observations Homework: Living vs nonliving Due: Thursday 10/1/15 24 25
Science – Sept. 30, 2015 9/30/15 Vial Observations and Intro to Microscopes Microscope Notes LT: I can make observations and apply the characteristics of living things to determine if an object is alive and I can diagram the structures radiant microscope Do Now: Take out your “Five Materials observations” Sheet. Get with your group and send your equipment manager to get your vials. Update your observation sheet paying special attention to any changes over the last 24 hours. (15 min) Main Idea/?s Notes Microscope Eyepiece Lenses Arm/neck Coarse focus Fine focus Base Light Source Diaphragm Stage Objective lenses Convex and Concave Success Criteria I will be successful when I have updated my materials observation sheet and identified the parts of a microscope REFLECTION Was your hypothesis from yesterday correct? Explain why or why not. What surprised you about the vials when you observed them again today? TAPE IN: “Microscope Care and Use” Planner: Intro to Microscopes Homework: Living vs nonliving Due: Thursday 10/1/15 26 27
Science – Oct. 1, 2015 10/1/15 28 29 Microscope Images
LT: I can use my knowledge of the microscope to view and record what I see through the eyepiece of the microscope. Do Now: Look at your five materials observations sheet from yesterday. What can you add to it to improve how specific your observations are? Take ten minutes to add detail to your observations. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have followed microscope care and use procedures to correctly view images under the microscope and record what I see. REFLECTION Is the image seen through the microscope oriented the same way as the object on the stage of the microscope? If you want to move the image to the right, which way should you move the slide? If you want to move the image up, which way should you move the slide? TAPE IN: “Microscope Images” Planner: Intro to Microscopes Homework: Living vs nonliving Due: TODAY, Thursday 10/1/15 28 29
Science – Oct. 2, 2015 10/2/15 30 31 Microscopes: Field of View
LT: I can determine the size of the Field of View (FOV) using the objective lenses on the microscope and a millimeter ruler. Do Now: Take out your “Five Materials observations” Sheet. Get with your group and send your equipment manager to get your vials. Update your observation sheet paying special attention to any changes over the last 72 hours. (15 min) Success Criteria I will be successful when I have determined total magnification and the diameter (in tenths of a mm) of the FOV for all three objective lenses. REFLECTION Was anything in your vials alive? How do you know? Planner: Field of view Homework: None HAPPY Friday! 30 31
Science – Oct. 5, 2015 10/5/15 32 33 Field of View Continued
LT: I can determine the size of the Field of View (FOV) using the objective lenses on the microscope and a millimeter ruler. Do Now: Thinking about the vial observation, what inference can you make about the importance of an organism’s environment. Give an example to help explain your thinking. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have determined total magnification and the diameter (in tenths of a mm) of the FOV for all three objective lenses. REFLECTION What happens to the size (diameter) of the FOV when you zoom in (increase magnification) using the objective lenses? Explain your thinking. You may also draw a diagram (picture with labels) to support your explanation. TAPE IN: “Field of View and Magnification” Planner: Field of view continued Homework: Microscope parts Due: Thursday 10/8/15 32 33
Science – Oct. 6, 2015 10/6/15 34 35 Field of View Wrap up
LT: I can explain the importance of understanding Field of View when observing objects under the microscope. Do Now: You will have 20 minutes to finish the lab and answer the reflection question from yesterday. Get with your partner and go to your microscope station if you are not done with either “Microscope Images” or “Field of View and Magnification”. When you are finished, return to your seat and work on the reflection from yesterday. Main Idea/?s Notes Update your Glossary and define (in your own words) the following Vocab: Microscope Eyepiece Lenses Convex/Concave Arm/neck Coarse focus Fine focus Base Light Source Diaphragm Stage Objective lenses Field of View Manipulated Variable Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my microscope images and FOV labs and taped them into my notebook, and updated my Glossary and defined the vocabulary. REFLECTION Why is it important to understand Field of view when observing things under the microscope? How could this help you understand what you are observing? Planner: FOV wrap up Homework: Microscope parts Due: Thursday 10/8/15 34 35
Science – Oct. 7, 2015 10/7/15 36 37 Microscopes: Focal Plane
LT: I can use the microscope to focus on three different focal planes. Do Now: These organisms are being viewed with the 40x objective lens. How big are these organisms? How do you know? You may draw what you see to help you explain. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have used the microscope to focus on three different focal planes and record exactly what I see. REFLECTION Compare and contrast Focal Plane and Field of View (FOV). You may draw a Venn diagram to help you explain your thinking. TAPE IN: “Focal Plane” Planner: Focal Plane Homework: Microscope parts Due: Thursday 10/8/15 QUIZ ON FRIDAY!!! 36 37
Science – Oct. 8, 2015 10/8/15 38 39 Focal Plane wrap-up
LT: I can use the microscope to determine the order of layers of ribbon on a slide using my knowledge of focal planes. Do Now: Imagine this organism is being viewed with the 10x objective lens. How big is this organism? How do you know? You may draw what you see to help you explain. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have used the microscope to focus on three different focal planes and determine the order of ribbon in each focal plane. REFLECTION What is the relationship between the objective lens and the Field of View? Hint: Think in terms of magnification and millimeters. Planner: Focal Plane Homework: Microscope parts Due: Today, Thursday 10/8/15 QUIZ TOMORROW!!! 38 39
Science – Oct. 9, 2015 10/9/15 Quiz and Notebook Check Notebook Check: Table of Contents: _______ Glossary: _______ Complete learning Cycles: Characteristics of Living things on pgs _________ Microscopes: Field of View Continued on pgs _______ *For a complete learning cycle you must include: Date and Title Page #s LT Do Now Success Criteria Refection Response Any notes Any tape-ins LT: I can use my knowledge of microscopes and living/nonliving things to score a meeting or higher on the quiz. Do Now: Take out your notebook. Take 5 minutes to study and highlight important information. Write down any questions you still have. We will do a quick review in 5 minutes. *Copy down the Notebook Check Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my summative assessment and my Interactive Notebook Self-Assessment. REFLECTION Do you think the test was fair? Why or why not? Be thoughtful. The expectation is 3-5 sentences. Planner: Quiz and Notebook Check Homework: None HAPPY FRIDAY!!! 40 41
Science – Oct. 12, 2015 10/12/15 Interactive Notebook Catch Up Notebook Check: Table of Contents: _______ Glossary: _______ Complete learning Cycles: Characteristics of Living things on pgs _________ Microscopes: Field of View Continued on pgs _______ *For a complete learning cycle you must include: Date and Title Page #s LT Do Now Success Criteria Refection Response Any notes Any tape-ins LT: I can update my notebook this week to get a meeting or exceeding on the notebook check Do Now: What do you need to be successful on the notebook check? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my Interactive Notebook Self-Assessment and I have checked off all four requirements to get a meeting or higher. REFLECTION Why are we working on the INB? Why is it important? Planner: INB Check Homework: Update INB INB Summative on Friday!!! 42 43
Science – Oct. 13, 2015 10/13/15 44 45 Elodea Observation
LT: I can investigate and diagram the basic unit of life. Do Now: Where have you heard the word aquatic? In what context was it? What does it mean? *When you finish setting up your INB, get your folder from the back and return to your seat quietly. You will be receiving some graded work back in a few minutes. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have investigated the elodea under the microscope and described and diagrammed what I observed at 100x and 400x magnification. REFLECTION What do you think “the basic unit of life” means? TAPE IN: “Looking at Elodea” Planner: Elodea Observation Homework: Update INB INB Summative on Friday!!! 44 45
Science – Oct. 14, 2015 10/14/15 46 47 The Basic Unit of Life
LT: I can investigate and diagram the basic unit of life. Do Now: What did you see under the microscope yesterday? What were the “bricks”? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have finished my elodea observation and read and marked the text for important information. REFLECTION What is the connection between the Elodea observation and the article? Planner: Finish Elodea Lab Homework: Update INB INB Summative on Friday!!! 46 47
Science – Oct. 15, 2015 10/15/15 48 49 Cells: The Basic Unit of Life
LT: I will refine my understanding of cells by reading and marking the text in the article “Cell: The Basic Unit of Life”. Do Now: What are the two basic types of cells? Draw their shape to show the difference. Main Idea/?s Notes Answer the four “Think Questions” at the end of the article Success Criteria I will be successful when I have read the text, marked each paragraph for important information with my highlighter, circled important vocabulary and added them to my Glossary, and answered the think questions at the end of the article. REFLECTION What are five things that you learned by reading and re-reading this article? TAPE IN: “The Basic Unit of Life” Planner: Basic Unit of life reading Homework: Update INB INB Summative on TOMORROW! 48 49
Science – Oct. 16, 2015 10/16/15 50 51 Interactive Notebook Quiz
LT: I will demonstrate my understanding of my interactive notebook to score a meeting or higher on the quiz and get a “yes” in the gradebook on my notebook check. Do Now: *Take 5 minutes to study your notebook. Take a sticky tab to mark you taped in Notebook check on pages Make sure your other two pages are still marked with sticky tabs as well. We will begin in 5 minutes. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have used my notebook as a tool to score a meeting or higher on the quiz and received a “yes” in the gradebook for a completed notebook check. REFLECTION Was the test fair? Why or why not? Use examples (evidence) to support your thinking. (3-5 sentences) Planner: INB QUIZ & INB check Homework: Update INB Due: TODAY INB Summative TODAY! 50 51
Science – Oct. 19, 2015 10/19/15 52 53 Paramecium Observation
LT: I can draw and describe a single celled organism by applying my knowledge of how to use the microscope Do Now: What are two of the kingdoms of life that we’ve read about so far? Describe them by picking one characteristic for each. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have located a paramecium under the microscope using 100x and 400x (total magnification) objective lenses, drawn it and described its behavior. REFLECTION Compare and contrast the paramecium and the elodea. How are they similar? How are they different? TAPE IN: “Paramecia” Planner: Paramecium Observation Homework: none due to conferences 52 53
Science – Oct. 20, 2015 10/20/15 54 55 Paramecia Continued
Diagram the Paramecium: LT: I can draw and describe a single celled organism by applying my knowledge of how to use the microscope. Do Now: What kingdom were the organisms that you observed yesterday a part of? What are the three kingdoms we’ve learned about so far? Use the picture on page 8 of the DOL book or the picture in the article to help you. Label your drawing and use the space to the fullest: Label: -Nucleus -ER -Mitochondria -Cytoplasm -Food Vacuole -Water expelling vacuole -Cell Membrane -Oral groove -Cilia Success Criteria I will be successful when I have located a protist under the microscope using 100x and 400x (total magnification) objective lenses, drawn it and described its behavior. REFLECTION What do all the organisms that we have observed so far have in common? (Hint: look at the internal structures) Planner: Protist Observation Homework: none due to conferences 54 55
Science – Oct. 21, 2015 10/21/15 56 57 INB Quality check Check list:
LT: I can demonstrate my understanding of “Cells: The Basic Unit of Life” by using the AVID strategy of marking the text, answering the questions at the end of the article, and diagraming a cell. Do Now: What are the 6 kingdoms of Life? Why are living things divided into these groups? Finish reading the article and marking the text (read as a class). Answer the four questions at the end of the article on page 49. Finish diagraming your paramecium on page 55 (make sure it is in color and each part is color coded). Nucleus ER Mitochondria Cytoplasm Food Vacuole Water expelling vacuole Cell Membrane Oral groove Cilia Add the vocabulary above to the Glossary Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my checklist and treated my guest teacher with respect by following instructions the first time they are given. REFLECTION Referring back to the article you just read, what had to happen for living things to move from an aquatic environment to dry land? (Hint: think about what they needed at a cellular level). Planner: Quality Check Homework: none due to conferences 56 57
Science – Oct. 22, 2015 10/22/15 58 59 Microscopic Life
LT: I can apply my knowledge of microscopic life to a new situation. Do Now: Take a look at your progress report. What can you do to improve your grade in science? What is your plan (SMART Goal)? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my response sheet on microscopic life and answered with a minimum of 2 paragraphs. You have 25 min. REFLECTION Compare and contrast an animal cell and a plant cell. How are they similar, how are they different? (Hint: refer back to the article “Cell: The Basic Unit of Life) TAPE IN: “Response Sheet – Microscopic Life” and your progress report Planner: Microscopic life Homework: none due to conferences 58 59
Science – Oct. 23, 2015 10/23/15 60 61 Microscopic Life continued
Lateral Thinking… LT: I can apply my knowledge of microscopic life to a new situation. Do Now: *You have 10 minutes to finish your response from yesterday. You will be turning it in to me in ten minutes. Remember: It needs to be a minimum of 2 paragraphs, citing evidence from the articles we’ve read and the interactive notebook. Please be working at volume 0. Listen carefully… You will hear a story… You will be working in teams of 2-3 to solve the puzzle in the story… The rules: You may only ask Yes or No questions. Ms. Guiler will only answer your question if it is in writing. (you will need a scratch piece of paper) Keep your discussions quiet! This is a competition! Ms. Guiler will only answer Yes, No, or Irrelevant. The first team to solve the puzzle earns a prize! Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed my response sheet on microscopic life and answered with a minimum of 2 paragraphs. REFLECTION Why is it important to be able to apply knowledge to a new situation? How could that help you in life? Planner: Microscopic life cont. Homework: none due to conferences 60 61
Science – Oct. 27, 2015 10/27/15 62 63 Minipond Safari Cell Notes…
LT: I can describe the difference between living cells that are organism and living cells that are not. Do Now: What does a paramecium and a human have in common? What is different about them? Come up with 2 similarities and 2 differences. Main Idea/?s Notes Success Criteria I will be successful when I have taken a minimum of ten notes on cells and redefined an organism. REFLECTION How would you redefine the word organism? Is there anything you would change about our current definition? Why or why not? TAPE IN: “Minipond Safari” Planner: Minipond safari Homework: Cells Due: 10/29/15 62 63
Science – Oct. 28, 2015 10/28/15 64 65 Minipond Safari Continued
LT: I can describe the difference between living cells that are organism and living cells that are not. Do Now: Is a paramecium cell an organism? Is a cell from an elodea plant an organism? Why or why not? Explain your thinking. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have drawn and described a minimum of 6 organisms I find in the microscope to scale using field of view and focal plane. I will also review my definition of an organism. Response Sheet: PER 2: 3/15 (20%) PER 3: 2/12 (17%) PER 4: 3/15 (20%) PER 5: 3/12 (25%) REFLECTION What is your understanding of a living cell that is an organism and a living cell that is not an organism? Planner: Minipond safari cont. Homework: Cells Due: 10/29/15 64 65
Science – Oct. 29, 2015 10/29/15 66 67 Minipond Safari Conclusion
LT: I can describe the difference between living cells that are organism and living cells that are not. Do Now: Why is a cell from an elodea plant not an organism? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have drawn and described a minimum of 6 organisms I find in the microscope to scale using field of view and focal plane. I will also redefine my definition of an organism. Response Sheet: PER 2: 3/15 (20%) PER 3: 2/12 (17%) PER 4: 3/15 (20%) PER 5: 3/12 (25%) Take a stand 10/28: PER 2: 9/18 (50%) PER 3: 8/11 (72%) PER 4: 17/19 (89%) PER 5: 15/19 (79%) REFLECTION After participating in “take a stand” yesterday, How would you define an organism? Explain why your definition has changed or not changed. Planner: Minipond safari cont. Homework: Cells Due: TODAY! 10/29/15 66 67
Science – Oct. 30, 2015 10/30/15 Draw the ribbon of life: 68 69
LT: I can identify the elements that make up a cell and the structures that cells combine to form. Do Now: Put the following in order from least complex to most complex: molecules, organelles, tissues, organs, cells, atoms, organ systems, organisms Success Criteria I will be successful when I have investigated the ribbon of life and determined the order of the structures that make the ribbon. I will complete the worksheet and draw the ribbon on the Cornell notes side of the notebook. REFLECTION Explain why the cell is referred to as the “Basic Unit of Life”? TAPE IN: “Ribbon of Life” Planner: Ribbon of Life Homework: none HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 68 69
Science – Nov. 2, 2015 11/2/15 70 71 Cheek Investigation
LT: I can use my prior learning to form a hypothesis about what I am made of based on microscopic observations. Do Now: In the ribbon of life, what are you? (What part of the ribbon do you fit into?) What do you think you’ll find today when we look at a cheek scraping under the microscope? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have followed the instructions for the investigation, recorded my observations with descriptions and labeled drawings, and made an inference about what I observed. Response Sheet: PER 2: 3/15 (20%) PER 3: 2/12 (17%) PER 4: 3/15 (20%) PER 5: 3/12 (25%) Take a stand 10/28: PER 2: 9/18 (50%) PER 3: 8/11 (72%) PER 4: 17/19 (89%) PER 5: 15/19 (79%) Exit Slip 11/2: PER 2: 6/18 (33%) PER 3: 1/7 (14%) PER 4: 11/15 (73%) PER 5: 16/19 (32%) REFLECTION Were the cells you saw under the microscope today organisms? How do you know? Explain your reasoning with 2 pieces of evidence. (Please use the Exit Slip) TAPE IN: “Cheek Investigation” Planner: Cheek Investigation Homework: none 70 71
Science – Nov. 3, 2015 11/3/15 72 73 Taxonomy 6 Kingdoms Notes
LT: I can explain how scientists organize living organisms and identify characteristics that group organisms together. Do Now: What is the misconception about all cells being organisms? How would you explain this to another student so they could determine what is an organism and what isn’t? Animal Plant Fungi Protist Bacteria Archaea Success Criteria I will be successful when I have read and marked the text for important information, taken at least 3 notes for each kingdom, and collaborated with my elbow partner to answer the reflection questions. REFLECTION What is taxonomy and why is it important? How are individual organisms identified using taxonomy? How can you tell how closely organisms are related to one another? How closely related are humans and dogs? TAPE IN: “Taxonomy” Planner: Taxonomy Reading Homework: update notebook for INB check next week 72 73
Science – Nov. 9, 2015 11/9/15 80 81 Plant and Animal Cells
Plant and Animal Cell Notes LT: I can diagram plant and animal cells and identify their similarities and differences Do Now: What are two major differences between plant and animal cells? Main Idea/?s Notes pages in sciencesaurus Cell Membrane Cell Wall Chloroplasts Cytoplasm Nucleus Vacuoles Mitochondria Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Bodies Success Criteria I will be successful when I have diagramed a plant and animal cell using color and a key, defined new vocabulary, and updated my glossary REFLECTION Draw a Venn Diagram and compare and contrast plant and animal cells. How are they similar and how are they different? TAPE IN: “Plant and Animal Cell Diagram” Planner: Plant and Animal Cells Homework: update notebook for INB check #2 Due: Friday 11/13/15 80 81
Science – Nov. 10, 2015 11/10/15 82 83 Plant and Animal Cells pt. 2
Plant and Animal Cell Notes LT: I can diagram plant and animal cells and identify their similarities and differences Do Now: From your reading yesterday what are two things that you learned about cells? *We will be taking a quiz on Friday. Compile a list of a minimum of three question that you have about the Ribbon of Life, Taxonomy (Kingdoms), multi-cellular and single celled organisms, and prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells. Main Idea/?s Notes 1. 2. 3. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have diagramed a plant and animal cell using color and a key, defined new vocabulary, and updated my glossary REFLECTION Looking back at your Venn Diagram from yesterday, what part should be bigger – similarities or differences? Explain your reasoning. Planner: Plant and Animal Cells Homework: update notebook for INB check #2 Due: Friday 11/13/15 82 83
Science – Nov. 12, 2015 11/12/15 84 85 Review Quiz Questions
Main Idea/?s Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LT: I can design thoughtful questions that I still have about the unit in preparation of the quiz on Friday. Do Now: Why is it important to review our learning? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have compiled 5 questions I have about the quiz tomorrow and worked with a partner to answer those questions. REFLECTION How will you prepare for the quiz tomorrow so that your grade improves in the class overall? *We will be taking a quiz TOMORROW! Planner: Review for quiz tomorrow Homework: update notebook for INB check #2 Due: Friday 11/13/15 84 85
Science – Nov. 13, 2015 11/13/15 Unit 2 Quiz Notebook Check #2: Table of Contents: _______ Glossary: _______ Cell Diagram: __________ Complete learning Cycles: Plant and Animal Cells on pgs _________ Taxonomy on pgs _________ *For a complete learning cycle you must include: LT: I can use my interactive notebook to score a meeting or higher on my quiz. Do Now: * Take out your notebook and copy down the NOTEBOOK CHECK and highlight any important information that you think will be important on the quiz. Write down any questions you still have. Success Criteria Date and Title Page #s LT Do Now Success Criteria Refection Response Any notes Any tape-ins I will be successful when I have marked my notebook for important information, used it as a tool to access my learning, and to ask questions that I still have about the unit. BEG = NO APP = NO MET = YES EXD = YES Missing more than 1 item Missing one item All 5 items included All 5 items plus additional notes/ diagrams REFLECTION Was this Quiz fair? Why or why not? Please answer thoughtfully with a minimum of 4 sentences. Use evidence to support your thinking. Planner: QUIZ Homework: update notebook for INB check #2 Due: TODAY, Friday 11/13/15 86 87
Science – Nov. 16, 2015 11/16/15 Seeds LT: I can explore the interior structures of the seed to gather evidence about whether the seed is a living organism. Do Now: *Finish the reflection from Friday - Was this Quiz fair? Why or why not? Please answer thoughtfully with a minimum of 4 sentences. Use evidence to support your thinking. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have dissected a lima bean, identified the 3 main parts of the seed, and explained how they work together to produce a new plant. Response Sheet: PER 2: 3/15 (20%) PER 3: 2/12 (17%) PER 4: 3/15 (20%) PER 5: 3/12 (25%) Take a stand 10/28: PER 2: 9/18 (50%) PER 3: 8/11 (72%) PER 4: 17/19 (89%) PER 5: 15/19 (79%) Exit Slip 11/2: PER 2: 6/18 (33%) PER 3: 1/7 (14%) PER 4: 11/15 (73%) PER 5: 6/19 (32%) REFLECTION QUIZ 11/13: PER 2: 17/18 (94%) PER 4: 14/19 (74%) PER 3: /7 (57%) PER 5: 12/16 (75%) The average for your second notebook check was 69%. The average for the Quiz on Friday was 73%. What inference can you make about the importance of your interactive notebook to your summative grade? TAPE IN: “Seed Dissection” Planner: Seeds Homework: Organelle Scramble Due: Thursday, 11/19/15 88 89
Science – Nov. 17, 2015 11/17/15 90 91 Seeds and roots
Diagram the following using the article as a reference. Please use detail and include labels. You will need to add any new vocabulary to the glossary as well. 11/17/15 Seeds and roots LT: I can demonstrate my understanding of “Seeds and Roots” by using the AVID strategy of marking the text, answering the questions at the end of the article, and diagraming roots and seeds. Do Now: What did you discover about seeds from yesterday’s seed dissection? Outside of seed Inside of seed Fibrous Roots Taproot Success Criteria I will be successful when I have read and marked the text for important information, diagrammed a seed and the 2 different kinds of roots, collaborated with my elbow partner to answer the reflection questions, and treated my guest teacher with respect by following instructions the first time they are given. REFLECTION (min of 5 sentences each!) Describe the process of germination from the time a seed is planted to the time it is an established new plant. Describe the role played by roots in the lives of plants. TAPE IN: “Seed and Roots” Article Planner: Seeds and Roots Homework: Organelle Scramble Due: Thursday, 11/19/15 90 91
Science – Nov. 18, 2015 11/18/15 92 93 The Plant Kingdom
Main Idea/?s Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. LT: I can demonstrate my understanding of the plant kingdom by using the AVID strategy of Cornell note taking based on the video Do Now: What are two things you learned from the article “Seeds and Roots” yesterday? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have set up my seed for germination in my petri dish, taken at least ten notes on “Plants” the video, and updated my glossary with any vocab I think is important. REFLECTION What are 3 major characteristics of a plant? TAPE IN: “Roots and Shoots” lab Planner: The plant kingdom Homework: Organelle Scramble Due: Thursday, 11/19/15 92 93
Science – Nov. 19, 2015 11/19/15 94 95 The Plant Kingdom continued
Main Idea/?s Notes Continue notes… LT: I can demonstrate my understanding of the plant kingdom by using the AVID strategy of Cornell note taking based on the video. Do Now: what characteristics or strategies did you notice from yesterday’s video that plants have to survive? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have finished taking notes on the “Plants” the video, answered the reflection questions using my reading and my notes, checked on my seeds and recorded my observations, and updated my glossary with any vocab I think is important. REFLECTION (IQIA) How are plants similar to animals? How are they different? How do animals and plants help each other survive? What is a pollinator? Why are they important to the survival of plants? Why do seeds need to get as far away from their parent plant as possible? What are some strategies plants use to get seeds away from the parent plant? Planner: The plant kingdom cont. Homework: Organelle Scramble Due: Thursday, 11/19/15 94 95
Science – Nov. 20, 2015 11/20/15 96 97 Stems and Leaves
Define the following vocabulary in your own words using the article as a reference. LT: I can demonstrate my understanding of “Stems and Leaves” by using the AVID strategy of marking the text, and working with my elbow partner to answer the questions at the end of the article. Do Now: Why are the roots the first thing that comes out of the seed when it germinates? (Hint: roots serve 2 functions for the plant) Main Idea/?s Notes Stems Leaves Cellulose Chlorophyll Photosynthesis Xylem Phloem Stomates Transpiration Adaptations Success Criteria I will be successful when I have recorded and diagrammed my seed observations, read and marked my text, taken notes on new vocabulary and collaborated with my elbow partner to answer the reflection. REFLECTION (IQIA) What is the main purpose of leaves? List 5 different adaptations plants have to keep from losing water. Explain how humans live on energy from the Sun. Why is coastal fog so important to the plants and animals that live there? TAPE IN: “Stems and Leaves” Article Planner: Stems and Leaves Homework: Organelle Scramble Due: Thursday, 11/19/15 NEW NOTEBOOKS ON MONDAY 96 97
Science – Nov. 23, 2015 11/23/15 Stems and Leaves Continued LT: I can demonstrate my understanding of “Stems and Leaves” by using the AVID strategy of marking the text, and working with my elbow partner to answer the questions at the end of the article. Do Now: *Get a new notebook from the boxes under the whiteboard and a ruler and start setting up your FOUR Table of Contents pages. Draw and label your Radish seeds (Day 6) Success Criteria I will be successful when I have set up my new interactive notebook, recorded and diagrammed my seed observations, read and marked my text, taken notes on new vocabulary and collaborated with my elbow partner to answer the reflection from Friday. REFLECTION (IQIA) *Answer reflection questions at the end of the article. If half the plants on Earth were wiped out, what do you think might happen to the atmosphere and the animals on Earth? TAPE IN: “Stems and Leaves” Article Planner: Stems and Leaves Continued Homework: Progress Report (bring back signed) Due: Tuesday 11/24 NEW NOTEBOOKS TODAY 98 99
Science – Nov. 24, 2015 11/24/15 Stems and Leaves Conclusion LT: I can demonstrate my understanding of “Stems and Leaves” by using the AVID strategy of marking the text, and working with my elbow partner to answer the questions at the end of the article. Do Now: What structures of your radish plant do you recognize from the articles “seeds and roots” and “stems and leaves”? Draw and label your Radish seeds (Day 7) *plant your seed and draw it Magnification 100x After you plant it Success Criteria I will be successful when I have recorded and diagrammed my seed observations, read and marked my text, taken notes on new vocabulary and collaborated with my elbow partner to answer the reflection from Friday. REFLECTION (IQIA) *Answer reflection questions at the end of the article and the question from yesterday. Planner: Stems and Leaves Conclusion Homework: Progress Report (bring back signed) Due: TODAY, Tuesday 11/24 100 101
Science – Nov. 30, 2015 11/30/15 Seeds of Life Draw and label your Radish seeds (Day 13) Observe your radish seeds. How have they changed? Did they germinate? Why or why not? What are some factors that contributed to this? How does your radish plant compare to other groups plants? What is your hypothesis for why there are differences? Draw your radish here (include labels): LT: I can make a hypothesis about my radish based on evidence and identifying the variables in the radish observation. Do Now: How was your Thanksgiving break? What did you do? What was your favorite thanksgiving food? Who was there? Please use details and a minimum of 4 sentences. Success Criteria I will be successful when I have recorded and diagrammed my seed observations, responded to the prompt with a minimum of 5 complete sentences, and answered the observation questions by discussing them with my partner. REFLECTION (IQIA) What are the reasons some plants take root and others don’t? Give at least 2 reasons. If you were to start over, what would you do differently? Why? TAPE IN: “Seeds of Life” Response Sheet Planner: Seeds of Life Homework: None… you’re welcome. 102 103
Science – Dec. 1, 2015 12/1/15 104 105 Pre-Lab Set Up
LT: I can identify and explain the function of a responding and manipulated variable in a given experiment. Do Now: How are roots important to the survival of plants? Main Idea/?s Notes Testable Question Manipulated Variable Responding Variable Controlled Variable Success Criteria I will be successful when I have taken notes on the three types of variables, explaining what they do in an experiment, and identify these variables in the celery lab. REFLECTION (IQIA) What is the manipulated variable in the celery experiment? How do you know? What is the responding variable in the celery experiment? How do you know? What are the controlled variables in the celery experiment? How do you know? Planner: Pre-Lab Set Up Homework: None… you’re welcome. 104 105
Science – Dec. 3, 2015 12/3/15 Updated Diagram: Hypothesis: Variables:
Celery Lab LT: I can create a hypothesis based on the investigative question. Do Now: If I wanted to get a Christmas tree for the classroom, what should I know about how stems function to keep my Christmas tree alive? Updated Diagram: Hypothesis: Variables: Success Criteria I will be successful when I have set up my lab, updated my diagram, made a hypothesis, and identified the variables in the experiment. REFLECTION (IQIA) How is this lab connected with what we have been learning? What are 2 or more things that make sense to you and what are you still curious about? TAPE IN: “Celery Lab” worksheet Planner: Celery Lab Homework: None… you’re welcome. 106 107
Science – Dec. 4, 2015 12/4/15 108 109 Chalk Talk
LT: I can demonstrate my current understanding by bringing together previous learning. Do Now: What are the similarities between the celery and the Christmas tree? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have come up with a big idea that we think we know about life with my group. REFLECTION (IQIA) Is it okay if what we think we know changes over the course of the year? Why or why not. Planner: Chalk Talk Homework: None… you’re welcome. 108 109
Science – Dec. 7, 2015 12/7/15 110 111 Celery Lab part 2
Data Collection: LT: I can make observations and identify changes in an experiment, and make inferences (explanation) based on that data. Do Now: Take a look at your celery set up. What generalization can you make about what is happening inside the closed system? Main Idea/?s Notes Initial Weight of Celery: Weight of Celery today: Difference: Initial Amount of water: Amount of water today: Observation: 200 mL What do you see inside the cup? What has changed if anything? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have observed my celery, collected and recorded my data, and written a conclusion based on my data. REFLECTION (IQIA) – Minimum 4-5 sent. Based on the data that you collected, what conclusions can you make about what was happening inside your closed system? How do you know? Explain your thinking. Use the rubric provided to write your reflection. TAPE IN: scoring rubric for writing a conclusion Planner: Celery Lab Pt Homework: Variable HW Due: Thursday, 12/10/15 110 111
Science – Dec. 7, 2015 12/7/15 110 111 Celery Lab part 2
Data Collection: LT: I can make observations and identify changes in an experiment, and make inferences (explanation) based on that data. Do Now: Take a look at your celery set up. What generalization can you make about what is happening inside the closed system? Main Idea/?s Notes Initial Weight of Celery: Weight of Celery today: Difference: Initial Amount of water: Amount of water today: Observation: 200 mL What do you see inside the cup? What has changed if anything? Success Criteria I will be successful when I have observed my celery, collected and recorded my data, and written a conclusion based on my data. REFLECTION (IQIA) – Minimum 4-5 sent. Based on the data that you collected, what conclusions can you make about what was happening inside your closed system? How do you know? Explain your thinking. Use the rubric provided to write your reflection. TAPE IN: scoring rubric for writing a conclusion Planner: Celery Lab Pt Homework: Variable HW Due: Thursday, 12/10/15 110 111
Science – Dec. 8, 2015 12/8/15 112 113 Flowers to Seeds
LT: I can investigate the reproductive systems in flowers to understand the origin of seeds. Do Now: *Take a vocabulary sheet and use your prior learning and experience to predict definitions for the words on the list. Give a quick sketch to represent the word/definition. You have 15 min to complete this task. ZERO VOLUME please and thank you. Main Idea/?s Notes and Diagrams Success Criteria I will be successful when I have made predictions about the vocabulary, sketched my thinking, read and discussed the article with a partner and created new definitions and drawings based on the reading. REFLECTION (IQIA) What did you learn today that you didn’t know before? What is the main purpose of a flower? TAPE IN: “Flowers” Article & Vocab Sheet Planner: Flowers Homework: Variable HW Due: Thursday, 12/10/15 112 113
Science – Dec. 9, 2015 12/9/15 114 115 Flowers to Seeds pt. 2
LT: I can gain a deeper understanding of flowers, structures and systems. Do Now: Describe where seeds come from. Use the article to support your thinking. Main Idea/?s Notes and Diagrams Success Criteria I will be successful when I have completed the reading, marking the text, and finished my graphic organizer. REFLECTION (IQIA) How did this graphic organizer help you learn plant vocabulary? What could we do to improve it? Planner: Flowers to seeds pt Homework: Variable HW Due: Thursday, 12/10/15 114 115
Science – Dec. 10, 2015 12/10/15 116 117 Flower Dissection
LT: I can dissect an alstroemeria in order to identify structures and systems. Do Now: What is the difference between pollination and fertilization? Use your article to support your thinking. Main Idea/?s Notes and Diagrams Success Criteria I will be successful when I have dissected my alstroemeria, labeled and attached it to my index card, and worked with a partner to sketch and answer the questions on the flower dissection sheet. REFLECTION (IQIA) How can dissecting an organism help you gain a deeper understanding of its structures, functions and systems? TAPE IN: “Flower Dissection” Lab TAPE IN: “Flower Dissection” Card Planner: Flower Dissection Homework: Variable HW Due: TODAY, Thursday, 12/10/15 116 117
Science – Dec. 11, 2015 12/11/15 118 119 Flowers Dissection Cont.
LT: I can identify structures and systems of an alstroemeria. Do Now: *Answer the reflection question from yesterday Main Idea/?s Notes and Diagrams If you are done with your lab you may create a flower art card to take home or to hang in the classroom… Examples below to help you get started: Success Criteria I will be successful when I have dissected my alstroemeria, labeled and attached it to my index card, and worked with a partner to sketch and answer the questions on the flower dissection sheet. REFLECTION (IQIA) How can dissecting an organism help you gain a deeper understanding of its structures, functions and systems? (YESTERDAY) Describe how seeds develop as a result of sexual reproduction after pollination. Planner: Flower Dissection Cont. Homework: None. Happy Friday! 118 119
Science – Dec. 14, 2015 12/14/15 120 121 Seeds on the Move Notes:
Seed Dispersal Seeds on the Move Notes: LT: I will reinforce my understanding of how flowers successfully reproduce by dispersing their seeds. Do Now: *Take a response sheet from the stool and bring it to your desk. Read the directions and the rubric and respond to the prompt. You have 15 min. Zero Volume please and thank you. Main Idea/?s Notes and Diagrams Wind: Water: Animals (2 ways): Ejection: Combination: Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET - Set up INB correctly - Scored a meeting or higher on the response sheet - INB set up correctly with stamp - Reflection complete REFLECTION (IQIA) Self assess using the success criteria rubric. What did you score today? How do you know? How did the rubric on the response sheet help you? Was there anything that could be improved? TAPE IN: “Seeds on the Move” Article Planner: Seed Dispersal Homework: Notebook Check Due: Thursday, 12/17/15 120 121
Science – Dec. 15, 2015 12/15/15 122 123 Unknown Flower
LT: I will reinforce my understanding of flowers and their function by designing my own unknown flower. Do Now: Give an example of how a plant that grows on a mountain top might use a method of seed dispersal. Explain your thinking. Unknown Flower Rough Draft *You will design (diagram) your unknown flower and identify 2 adaptations that it has as well as a seed dispersal mechanism. When you get a stamp, you are approved to start your final draft. What adaptations does your flower have to help it survive in its environment? What seed dispersal mechanism does your flower have that would work well in it’s environment? Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET Set up INB correctly Complete my rough draft and begin my final draft INB set up correctly with stamp Reflection complete REFLECTION (IQIA) What is an adaptation and why are they important to an organisms survival? Self assess using the success criteria rubric. What did you score today? Planner: Unknown Flower Homework: Notebook Check Due: Thursday, 12/17/15 122 123
Science – Dec. 16, 2015 12/16/15 Review LT: I will design questions to drive my understanding of the Plant Kingdom. Do Now: Come up with 3 questions that you believe are important to know about plants for the quiz tomorrow. They should not be yes/no questions. Answer the questions when you are done. Reminder: Continue with rough draft of unknown flower QUIZ TOMORROW NOTEBOOK CHECK TOMORROW What will be on the quiz??? Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET Set up INB correctly Write 3 questions for the quiz tomorrow Complete my rough draft and begin my final draft INB set up correctly with stamp Answered ?s Reflection complete REFLECTION (IQIA) From your perspective what were the most important things you learned about plants in this unit and why? (3-5 sentences minimum) Planner: Review Homework: Notebook Check Due: Thursday, 12/17/15 124 125
Science – Dec. 17, 2015 Notebook Check #3: Table of Contents: _______
Glossary: _______ Conclusion for Celery Lab : __________ Complete learning Cycles: Flower Dissection on pgs _________ Seed Dispersal on pgs _________ *For a complete learning cycle you must include: 12/17/15 Unit 3 Quiz LT: I can use my interactive notebook to score a meeting or higher on my quiz. Do Now: Take out your notebook and TAPE IN the NOTEBOOK CHECK. Highlight any important information that you think will be important on the quiz. Write down any questions you still have. You have 5 minutes. Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET Set up INB correctly Marked notebook for important info Used notebook as a tool on the quiz INB set up correctly with stamp Reflection complete Date and Title Page #s LT Do Now Success Criteria Refection Response Any notes Any tape-ins BEG = NO APP = NO MET = YES EXD = YES Missing more than 1 item Missing one item All 5 items included All 5 items plus additional notes/ diagrams REFLECTION (IQIA) Was this Quiz fair? Why or why not? Please answer thoughtfully with a minimum of 4 sentences. Use evidence to support your thinking. Planner: Quiz and INB Check Homework: Notebook Check Due: TODAY, Thursday, 12/17/15 126 127
Science – Dec. 18, 2015 12/18/15 Unknown Flower Continued
LT: I will reinforce my understanding of flowers and their function by designing my own unknown flower. Do Now: *Take out a scratch piece of paper and continue working on your unknown flower. If you have already gotten a stamp, show me and I will give you your final draft paper. Unknown Flower Rough Draft *You will design (diagram) your unknown flower and identify 2 adaptations that it has as well as a seed dispersal mechanism. When you get a stamp, you are approved to start your final draft. What adaptations does your flower have to help it survive in its environment? What seed dispersal mechanism does your flower have that would work well in it’s environment? Your Flower must have: A specific environment 2 adaptations 1 seed dispersal mechanism (For EXCEEDING diagram the seed as well) Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET Complete my rough draft and begin my final draft Reflection complete REFLECTION (IQIA) What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Planner: Unknown Flower Homework: NONE Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! See you next year!
Science – Jan. 4, 2016 1/4/16 128 129 Unknown Flower Continued
LT: I will reinforce my understanding of flowers and their function by designing my own unknown flower. Do Now: *Take out a scratch piece of paper and continue working on your unknown flower. If you have already gotten a stamp, show me and I will give you your final draft paper. Unknown Flower Rough Draft *You will design (diagram) your unknown flower and identify 2 adaptations that it has as well as a seed dispersal mechanism. When you get a stamp, you are approved to start your final draft. What adaptations does your flower have to help it survive in its environment? What seed dispersal mechanism does your flower have that would work well in it’s environment? Your Flower must have: A specific environment 2 adaptations 1 seed dispersal mechanism (For EXCEEDING diagram the seed as well) Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET Complete my rough draft and begin my final draft Reflection complete REFLECTION (IQIA) How does the environment you chose for your unknown flower affect the adaptations you chose for your flower? Explain your thinking Planner: Unknown Flower Continued Homework: Unknown Flower Poster Project Due: Thursday, 1/7/16 128 129
Science – Jan. 5, 2016 1/5/16 130 131 Gliding through Life
LT: I will be able to identify the characteristics of a mollusk and what makes them unique in the animal kingdom. Do Now: *set up your glossary to include the words on the right with the appropriate page numbers. Main Idea/?s Notes and Diagrams Mollusk: Gastropod: Tentacles: Air Pore: Radula: Ectothermic: Estivation: Hermaphroditic: *Answer questions 1-5 at the end of the article. Please include the question in your answer. Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET Made predictions about the vocabulary Read and discussed the article with a partner and created my own definitions based on the reading. Sketched my thinking Reflection complete REFLECTION (IQIA) What do flowers and snails have in common? TAPE IN: “Gliding Through Life” Article Planner: Gliding Through Life Homework: Unknown Flower Poster Project Due: Thursday, 1/7/16 130 131
Science – Jan. 6, 2016 1/6/16 132 133 Snail Observation
LT: I can make observations about my snail and make inferences about its behavior and physical characteristics. Do Now: What did you learn about mollusks yesterday? Use the article as a reference. Main Idea/?s Notes and Diagrams Success Criteria B A M E Missing major details from MET Missing only minor details from MET Answer the observation questions Make inferences based on your observations Draw my snail and label its parts Reflection complete REFLECTION (IQIA) After observing your snail what are two wonders you have about them? What adaptations do you think they might have that help them survive in their environment? TAPE IN: “Land Snail Anatomy” worksheet Planner: Gliding Through Life Homework: Unknown Flower Poster Project Due: Thursday, 1/7/16 132 133
Science: Glossary Glossary A B C D Arm/neck, 26-27,34-35
[FLIP notebook upside-down so this is the inside BACK cover…] Glossary A Arm/neck, 26-27,34-35 Aquatic, 44-45 Animal, 72-73 Archaea, 72-73 Atoms, 68-69 B Base (microscope), 26-27,34-35 Bacteria, 72-73 C Cells, 22-23, 48-49, 68-69 Convex, 26-27,34-35 Concave, 26-27,34-35 Coarse focus, 26-27,34-35 Cell membrane, 80-81 Cell Wall, 80-81 Chloroplast/chlorophyll, 80-81, 96-97 Cytoplasm, 80-81 Cotyledon, 90-91 Cellulose, 96-97 D Dead, 18-19 Diaphragm, 26-27,34-35 Dormant, 90-91
Science: Glossary Glossary Glossary E F G H I J K L Energy, 22-23
Eliminate waste, 22-23 Eyepiece, 26-27,34-35 Endoplasmic reticulum, 80-81 Embryo, 90-91 F Fine Focus, 26-27,34-35 Field of View, 26-35 Fungi, 72-73 Fibrous root, 90-91 Flower, G Gas Exchange, 22-23 Grow, 22-23 Golgi Bodies, 80-81 Germination, 90-91 H I J K L Lenses, 26-27,34-35 Light source, 26-27,34-35
Science: Glossary Glossary Glossary M N O P Q R S T
Microscope, 26-27,34-35 Manipulated Variable, 10-11, 34-35 Mitochondria, 80-81 Molecules, 68-69 N Nonliving, 18-19 Nucleus, 80-81 O Organism, 18-19, 22-23, 68-69 Objective lenses, 26-27,34-35 Organs, 68-69 Organ systems, 68-69 Organelles, 68-69 P Protist, 72-73 Plant, 72-73, Q R Reproduce, 22-23 Respond to the environment, 22-23 Roots, 90-91 S Stage, 26-27,34-35 Seed coat, 90-91 Seed, 88-91 T Tissues, 68-69 Tap root, 90-91
Science: Glossary Glossary Glossary U V W X Y Z Vacuoles, 80-81
Water, 22-23 X Y Z
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