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MakingConnections 5Es. 2 Facilitator/s: Date: 3 Workshop purpose You are here to develop your knowledge and understanding of the PrimaryConnections 5Es.

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Presentation on theme: "MakingConnections 5Es. 2 Facilitator/s: Date: 3 Workshop purpose You are here to develop your knowledge and understanding of the PrimaryConnections 5Es."— Presentation transcript:

1 MakingConnections 5Es

2 2 Facilitator/s: Date:

3 3 Workshop purpose You are here to develop your knowledge and understanding of the PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model and to experience its application in PrimaryConnections curriculum units.

4 4 Workshop outline (90 minutes) INTRO:Purpose, outline, outcomes (5 mins) ENGAGE:Capture interest and elicit prior knowledge (20 mins) EXPLORE:Explore the 5Es phases (20 mins) EXPLAIN:Explain the PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model (20 mins) ELABORATE:Investigate the PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model (20 mins) in a curriculum unit EVALUATE:Summarise, reflect and evaluate (5 mins)

5 5 Outcomes On completion of this module participants will be able to describe: the focuses and behaviours of both teachers and students as they progress through the 5Es phases the ways in which the 5Es links with other principles of PrimaryConnections.

6 6 5Es – what is it? An inquiry-based model of teaching and learning designed to facilitate conceptual change.

7 7 Constructivism – learning as conceptual change There are numerous models of learning based on constructivism which have the following features in common: PrimaryConnections uses the 5Es model orientation elicitation of ideas restructuring of ideas application of ideas review change in ideas.

8 8 PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model ENGAGE EXPLORE EXPLAIN ELABORATE EVALUATE

9 9 PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model PHASEFOCUS ENGAGE Engage students and elicit prior knowledge Diagnostic assessment EXPLORE Provide hands-on experience of the phenomenon Formative assessment EXPLAIN Develop scientific explanations for observations and represent developing conceptual understanding Consider current scientific explanations Formative assessment ELABORATE Extend understanding to a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student-planned investigation Summative assessment of the investigating outcomes EVALUATE Students re-represent their understanding and reflect on their learning journey and teachers collect evidence about the achievement of outcomes Summative assessment of the conceptual outcomes

10 10 EXPLORE before EXPLAIN


12 12 In summary PrimaryConnections contributes to conceptual development and growth in scientific literacy by using the 5Es teaching and learning model which: engages and challenges students’ pre-conceptions includes opportunities for students to explore conceptions supports students to develop scientific explanations for their explorations extends students’ learning through elaboration in new applications and contexts via student investigations provides opportunities for students to reflect on and evaluate their learning.

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