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1 Pinnacle Telephone Billing System Upgrade Open Forum I February 27, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pinnacle Telephone Billing System Upgrade Open Forum I February 27, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pinnacle Telephone Billing System Upgrade Open Forum I February 27, 2009

2 2 Agenda ■ What's different between the old and new system ■ What to expect from the new system - processes changing and those staying the same ■ How you will access the system ■ Timeline for rollout ■ Questions and Answers

3 Pinnacle Terminology ■ Subscriber: Staff, Faculty, Auxiliary Staff member or Department “user” (e.g. ITS Service Desk) assigned telephone services ■ Service: Telephone related item tracked and billed through Pinnacle (e.g. telephone line, calling card, cell phone, authorization code) ■ Directory information: Public telephone number, FAX, and location maintained within Pinnacle and fed to Cal Poly Directory 3

4 OLD SystemNEW System Two separate systems: Pinnacle for billing, Telebill (homegrown app) for directory One unified system for billing and directory: Pinnacle Multiple Subscriber records per individual, one per Service Single Subscriber record with Multiple Services Manual entry for all entries in both systems, no synchronization with campus / PeopleSoft data. Example: David Ross, 8057561360,, David D. Ross, 8054719465,, David D. Ross, 8761234321,, Automated Subscriber provisioning for Staff, Faculty and Auxiliary Staff Example: David D. Ross,, 8057561360 – Telephone line 8054719465 – Cell Phone 8761234321 – Calling Card Paper bills distributed each month with Web bills available All bills provided through Web interface, no paper bills 4 What's Different

5 Benefits of Changes ■ Benefits – Greatly Improved Data Consistency through automated provisioning and limited manual data entry – Going “Green” – saving paper by eliminating paper bills – Provides Improved Interface – Integration with Portal, no additional passwords to remember and on and off-campus access – Secure, reliable (vendor supported), future growth path – Possibility of future added Self-Service capabilities (e.g. ability for individual staff and faculty to access the system to review their bill) 5

6 6 What to Expect From The New System ■ Processes Changing: – All Reports via Web – Eliminating Web based PDF directory sorted by name – information available through portal – We will continue to maintain Directory telephone number, FAX and location. All other directory information will now be pulled from its source system (e.g. we will no longer maintain alternate working titles but will use those provided by HR and Academic Personnel) – Each individual will be identified in one primary department as they are in Cal Poly Directory

7 What to Expect From The New System (Continued) ■ Processes Staying the Same: – Personal support via ITS Service Desk – Web based PDFs sorted by Administrative Offices and Campus Offices will still be available – Departmental entries in the portal will still be available through the request form at: – The Add, Move or Change process will remain the same although we will shortly be working to upgrade our online request forms 7

8 8 Accessing the System

9 Demo Screen Shot 9

10 10 Roll Out Strategy ■ Two consecutive months of correct bills – March and April. Goal: bills to Telephone Coordinators in April. ■ Legacy system will be available through the end of the Fiscal Year for historical purposes, after this data will be archived for audit purposes ■ During March and April, due to heavy project and dual entry requirements, we do expect some delays in Telephone request processing so please plan for this and we apologize for any inconvenience

11 Rollout Timeline 11 DateDeliverable Fall 2008 – PresentSystem setup: hardware setup, software installation/configuration, integration with existing university systems (e.g. portal, data warehouse), working with vendor to train on and configure new version of Pinnacle, LOTS of data migration and data cleansing Feb & Mar 2009Telephone Coordinator review of data, Directory and Service information. Production load Directory and Service information sent to Telephone Coordinators for review week of 3/2/2009 Mar 16-18, 2009Pinnacle version 4 and Telebill frozen for any changes to allow for migration of data to new Production Pinnacle version 6 system March 18, 2009All telephone, FAX and location Directory information switches to being pulled into data warehouse and portal online directory from Pinnacle version 6 Mar 18, 2009 – Apr 17, 2009Service Desk staff will process all telephone service requests in both Pinnacle version 4 and version 6 as a final test step April 17, 2009April bill will be run in both systems but will be provided to Telephone Coordinators from version 6 for the first time

12 12 Questions & Answers ■ Open forum questions, answers ■ Web: http://servicedesk.calpoly.edu ■ Contact: – David Ross 756-1360

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