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ELearning 2007 Day 1 Julie Collareda. TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute.

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1 eLearning 2007 Day 1 Julie Collareda

2 TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute



5 Program Day 1-Introduction Day - Personalised learning environments and Web 2.0 Day 3-Web 2.0 continues Day 4-Developing resources and learning objects Day 5-mLearning

6 Workshop outcomes Background to eLearning Creating innovative teaching and learning resources  Planning  Developing  Delivery

7 Day one Using technology in teaching and learning  21 Century Learning  Life based learning  Personalised Learning Environments  What is eLearning?  Impact of technology  Teaching and learning practice  Blended delivery models  Learning management systems  Skills and knowledge  Web 2.0

8 21 Century Learning Impact technology Knowledge era Life based learning Life long learning

9 Life based learning capability development is the new emphasis for working and learning in VET life based learning is a contemporary framework for capability development a strength based orientation to capability development is most effective for change.




13 eLearning? “As a component of flexible learning, e- learning involves the application of electronic media in the delivery of flexible vocational education and training (VET) programs. It can include the use of web, CD-ROM or computer-based learning resources in the classroom, workplace or home, as well as online access to course activities such as group discussions and online assessment activities” (Australian Flexible delivery framework 2005)


15 Issues Lack of skill and knowledge Time and funding Infrastructure Models for delivery E-business case

16 Why is it important ? Social, cultural and economic impact of technology Need for flexibility Life long learning Multiple career paths ‘Just in time’ learning Work based learning Quality educational experiences

17 Impact of technology Many waves in learning Writing Printing Broadcast media Consumer storage media-audio, videocassette and CD, DVD PC and CD/DVD Internet technology

18 Why change? Improve the quality of delivery More personalised programs Increased flexibility Cost savings

19 Using technology effectively Concentrate on the pedagogy not the technology Skills and experience of lecturers Target audience Access to technology Support systems Engaging the learner Stimulating learning Examples

20 Teaching and learning practice Self directed Collaborative Networked Facilitation Pedagogy

21 Blended delivery Combination of delivery components to best meet the needs of students Needs to be simple for learners to follow Carefully planned Can use the best of all methods of delivery-online and offline Different models

22 Reference Blended delivery Blended delivery 11 Clark, D. (2004) Blended delivery.

23 Components of blended delivery Offline: Workplace learning e.g. on the job, projects, site visits etc Face-to-face e.g. tutoring etc Classroom e.g. Lecture, conferences, workshops etc Printed material Electronic media e.g. video, CD, DVD Broadcast media e.g. TV, radio, interactive TV

24 Components of blended delivery Online Online content E-tutoring, e-coaching, e-mentoring Collaborative learning e.g. email, chat, forum, bulletin boards, interactive whiteboards, video and audio conferencing Online knowledge management e.g. searching knowledge bases, document and file retrieval, ask an expert The web Mobile learning

25 Models Component Integrated Collaborative Extended

26 + + COMPONENT Component 1Component 2Component 3

27 INTEGRATE Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

28 COLLARORATIVE ENVIRONMENT Creates a learning community

29 EXTENDED Extends beyond traditional techniques

30 Approach Content analysis Target audience analysis Organisational requirements and constraints Testing the blend e.g. cost effectiveness, quality issues

31 Examples Senior first aid Communicating with new technologies Compliance training  OH&S  Child Protection  Cultural awareness Aged care Wiki

32 Skills and knowledge Beginner Application of technology to teaching and learning. Basic computer skills ICT in teaching and learning Facilitation

33 Skills and knowledge Intermediate Using a Learning Management Systems (LMS) Web 2.0 technologies Developing activities for learning objects Learning objects Facilitation

34 Skills and knowledge Advanced Skills Software packages such as Dreamweaver and Flash, Photoshop, Captivate Video editing Project management mLearning and using a PDA Facilitation Managing a LMS

35 Day one-summary Using technology in teaching and learning  21 Century Learning  Life based learning  Personalised Learning Environments  What is eLearning?  Web 2.0  Impact of technology  Teaching and learning practice  Blended delivery models  Learning management systems  Skills and knowledge

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