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Kelly Cunningham Economist, Senior Fellow 2015 Economic Outlook Post-recession economic recovery January 21, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Kelly Cunningham Economist, Senior Fellow 2015 Economic Outlook Post-recession economic recovery January 21, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kelly Cunningham Economist, Senior Fellow 2015 Economic Outlook Post-recession economic recovery January 21, 2015

2 Months Until Full Recovery of U.S. Jobs


4 Labor Participation Rate



7 Change in U.S. Employment by Age 55+ year olds: 34% of workers in 2014 55+ year olds: 25% of workers in 2007

8 Unemployment Rates

9 Alternative measures of labor underutilization 2014 Annual Average U-1: Persons unemployed 15 weeks or longer, as a percent of the civilian labor force. U-2: Job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs, as a percent of the civilian labor force. U-3: Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (this is the definition used for the official unemployment rate). U-4: Total unemployed plus discouraged workers. U-5: Includes U-4 plus all other marginally attached workers. U-6: Includes U-5 plus total employed part time for economic reasons.

10 San Diego, California, U.S. Jobs Nonfarm payroll employment seasonally adjusted

11 San Diego Gross Domestic Product

12 Comparison of Annual Change in GDP

13 Indicators of County Economic Recovery, 2014

14 Metropolitan GDP Comparisons

15 San Diego Industries by GDP

16 San Diego Industries by GDP, 2013

17 Other San Diego GDP Industries

18 San Diego Recession and Recovery

19 San Diego Industry Employment by Quarter

20 San Diego Occupations by Average Annual Wage and Number of Jobs, 2014 Higher Wage Jobs: 340,270 26% of Total Middle Wage Jobs: 576,770 45% of Total Lower Wage Jobs: 373,570 29% of Total

21 Net Change in San Diego Employment 2007-11 and 2011-13

22 Net Change by Occupation, San Diego Higher-Wage Occupations Mid -Wage Occupations Low er-Wage Occupations

23 San Diego Median Household Income

24 San Diego Annual Population Change

25 Change in San Diego Population by Age 2009-13

26 San Diego Birth and Death Rates

27 San Diego Population by Race/ Ethnicity and Age 2013

28 Proportion of median housing price to household income

29 Nation’s Least Affordable Housing Markets, 3 rd Quarter 2014

30 S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices Seasonally Adjusted

31 Our Mission The Institute is a non-partisan organization that formulates and promotes high quality economic, policy, and public-opinion research.

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