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R. Aleksan EuCARD Kickoff meeting CERN, December 5, 2008 From CARE to EuCARD and more… 1.Historical background 2.General CARE objectives 3.EuCARD birth.

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Presentation on theme: "R. Aleksan EuCARD Kickoff meeting CERN, December 5, 2008 From CARE to EuCARD and more… 1.Historical background 2.General CARE objectives 3.EuCARD birth."— Presentation transcript:

1 R. Aleksan EuCARD Kickoff meeting CERN, December 5, 2008 From CARE to EuCARD and more… 1.Historical background 2.General CARE objectives 3.EuCARD birth 4.Conclusion

2 Unraveling the fundamental mysteries of the universe requires These infrastructures and technology can be useful (vital) to other field, as well as for industrial developments  able to reach higher energy  able to produce higher Luminosity  able to accelerate different probes State of the art accelerators State of the art accelerator technology, instrumentation and test facilities  to “recreate” the initial conditions of the “Big Bang”,  to search for rare events,

3 The LHC is the most recent illustration of a state of the art accelerator

4 Atoms/cm² Energy (KeV) Accelerator use The development of state of the art accelerators for HEP has lead to  Research accelerators for other field of science (light source, spallation neutron sources…)  Industrial accelerators (cancer therapy, ion implant., electron cutting&welding...) SOLEIL ISIS Ion Implatation accelerators FLASH

5 Application Total systems (2007) approx. System sold/yr Sales/yr ($M) System price ($M) Cancer Therapy910050018002.0 - 5.0 Ion Implantation950050014001.5 - 2.5 Electron cutting and welding45001001500.5 - 2.5 Electron beam and X-ray irradiators2000751300.2 - 8.0 Radioisotope production (incl. PET)55050701.0 - 30 Non-destructive testing (incl. security)650100700.3 - 2.0 Ion beam analysis (incl. AMS)20025300.4 - 1.5 Neutron generators (incl. sealed tubes)100050300.1 - 3.0 Total2750014003680 Total accelerators sales increasing more than 10% per year Industrial market for accelerators

6 History and Organization “an improved educational programme in the field of accelerator physics and increased support for accelerator R&D activity in European universities, national facilities and CERN” 1) ECFA 2001 Report “The Future of Accelerator-based Particle Physics in Europe” 2) Absence of HEP in the FP of the EU in 2002 The ESGARD should develop a proposal to optimize and enhance the outcome of the Research and Technical Development in the field of accelerator physics in Europe byto optimize and enhance the outcome of the Research and Technical Development in the field of accelerator physics in Europe  promoting mutual coordination and facilitating the pooling of European resources  promoting a coherent and coordinated utilization and development of infrastructures  promoting inter-disciplinary collaboration including industry This proposal is aimed at preparing and conducting a coherent set of bids to apply for EU funding in the 6 th Framework Programme. R. Aleksan (Chair), M. Cerrada (CIEMAT) R. Edgecock (CCLRC), S. Guiducci (LNF), J.-P. Koutchouk (CERN), D. Proch (DESY) F. Richard (IN2P3/Orsay), L. Rivkin (PSI)

7 ESGARD Strategy:  Carry accelerator R&D in a collaborative way  Develop a general multipurpose program some of the high priority issues  From which specific projects would emerge 3 Networks 4 Joint Research Activities First step CARE main objectives

8 Electron Linear accel. and coll. HI/HE proton accelerators Neutrino Beams exist. (in cons.) Projects TTF/ TESLA CTF/ CLIC LHC, HERA SLHC/VLHC CNGS SuperBeam  Beam ISIS,PSI  beam SRFXX Photo InjectorXX High Intensity proton Injector XXXX High Field magnets XXXX Main themes of the 3 Networking Activities 4 Joint Research Activities Reminder: The main scope of the project is to cover as best as possible the priority R&D themes as stressed by ECFA in its report (ECFA/01/213) CARE Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe

9 SRF Systematic study of Electropolishing New methods for cavity construction New methods for surface preparation (dry ice cleaning) Development and industrialization of material analysis tech. Development of new couplers Development of new tuners New Low Level RF systems New Beam Position Monitors Application for FEL (FLASH, XFEL…), Triumph e-injector, ILC… back

10 PHIN CTF3 Drive beam photo-injector Superconducting photo-injector for ELBE-Rossendorf Plasma photo-injector Application for CLIC, FEL (SPARC, TEUFEL, ELBE...) PHIL (Orsay)… back

11 Developments of Normal Conducting RF Structures (DTL, CC-DTL, CH-DTL, SCL) Superconducting RF Structure tests (Spoke and elliptic) Development of new Choppers Beam Dynamics (Code development, diagnostic and collimation) Application for LHC, SLHC, CNGS, ISOLDE (LINAC4, SPL) ISIS (RAL), UNILAC, FAIR (GSI) back

12 Thermal Studies and Quench Protection Development of high performance Nb3Sn conductor Development on Insulation and Implementation Development of mechanical simulation tools Application for SLHC, ILC GSI FRESCA back

13 BENE Networking Activities All networks have been very active and successful fostering collaborations for R&D EuroTEV (DS), EuroLEAP(NEST), EuCARD (IA) EURISOL-  beam (DS), EuroNu (DS), EuCARD (IA) SLHC (PP), EuCARD (IA) Also initiating, carrying and/or supporting very innovative studies, as well as R&D SPL and PS2 studies, Crab cavities for LHC, Pulsed SC Magnet for FAIR, Crystal coll. Code benchmarking, SC database… Comparative studies for SuperBeam,  beam, Fact. MICE, MERIT, FFAG studies ILC studies, CLIC/CTF3 studies New acceleration tech. back

14 CARE Papers + 16 Thesis + many internal documents CARETotalTotal per yearN1N2N3R1R2R3R4joint Papers 0405060708 Note 131 3928321913605141942900 Pub 84 42629151008930174151 Report 143 8283533398119372830155 conf 262 54558936284464901475101 Sum/y 10513718210690 Total 620 73289617663138407 back

15 CARE 20022003200420052006200720082009201020112012 Accelerator R&D CARE 3 Networks (e,, p) CARE SRF CARE PHIN CARE HIPPI CARE NED EUROTEV DS: ILC+CLIC EURISOL DS: Neutrino  -beam DS Fact Scoping study EUROLEAP e in plasma Total cost of approved accelerator R&D projects: >121 M€ (~90 M€) Total EC contribution: 35.4 M€ (~27M€ excluding Nuclear Phys.)

16 ProjectTypeBeam Type Start date Duration Years Total Cost EU contribution CAREI3All1/1/04555 M € 15.2 M € EUROTEVDSe +,e - (LC)1/1/05329 M € 9 M € EURISOLDSIon, p  beam) 1/1/05433 M € (3.3 M €) 9.16 M € (1 M €) EUROLEAP NEST e Plasma acceleration 1/9/0634.1 M € 2 M € Total>121 M € 35.4 M € Summary of Accelerator R&D projects co-financed by the EC These projects are well structured, with clear objectives, deliverables and milestones. They represent a fantastic asset and strength for the HEP European community in order to play a leadership role  In the improvement of present accelerators  In the development of new accelerators back

17 CERN Council, as the HEP European Strategy Body, had included accelerator R&D as a high priority item in its Strategy Document. In order to be in the position to push the energy and luminosity frontier even further it is vital to strengthen the advanced accelerator R&D programme; a coordinated programme should be intensified, to develop the CLIC technology and highperformance magnets for future accelerators, and to play a significant role in the study and development of a high-intensity neutrino facility. In the meantime FP7 calls were used to implement the strategy The LHC will be the energy frontier machine for the foreseeable future, maintaining European leadership in the field; the highest priority is to fully exploit the physics potential of the LHC, resources for completion of the initial programme have to be secured such that machine and experiments can operate optimally at their design performance. A subsequent major luminosity upgrade (SLHC), motivated by physics results and operation experience, will be enabled by focussed R&D; to this end, R&D for machine and detectors has to be vigorously pursued now and centrally organized towards a luminosity upgrade by around 2015.

18 FP7-Planning of calls and indicative budget Total operational budget 1665 M€ Call 1 2007 Call 2 2007 Call 3 2008 Call 4 2008 Call 5 2009 Call 6 2010 Call 7 2012 Integrating activities 277xx e-Infrastructures4250113xx Design studies31x Construction – Support to the Preparatory Phase 147 x Construction – Support to the Implementation Phase RSFF (200 M€) + 130 M€ Policy Development and Programme Implementation 8145xxx Total per call (M€)22864282113 EuroNu EuroCrab SLHC HiGrad EuCARD

19 Birth of EuCARD Score (15 max) Number of projects name 151EuroFleets (Naval ships) 14.55EmmaService (Biomed), EuCARD, ENES(environment), Mesoaqua(water), Synthesis (Museum) 1420… 13.511HP2, … 1312EuroNS, ILIAS, … <1376DevDet (12.5), … EC has trying to finance 37 projects 125 projects above eligibility threshold Substantial EC budget reduction to EuCARD! 10 M€ instead of the requested 15 M€ EuCARD ranked 2 nd BRAVO!

20 EuCARD Number of partners : 37 beneficiaries (12 countries) Total cost ~ 31.7 M€ (EC contribution: 10 M€) 7% 5% 88% WP # WP Typ WP NAME CommentsNEW Total Cost 1NAManag.2.5% 2NADCODissemination, Communication&outreach1% 3NAMEGLIONeutrino Community1% 4NAAccNetLHC Luminosity, RF Technology2.4% 5TATA-CERNHighRadMat1% 6TATA-RALMICE3.6% 7JRAHFMHigh Field Magnet20.4% 8JRAColMatCollimators&Materials for High Beam Power12.4% 9JRANCLinacNormal Conducting Linac Technologies21.5% 10JRASFRSuperconducting RF for e&p accelerators24.2% 11JRAANACAssessment of Novel Accelerator Concepts10% Sum M€M€ 31.7 Coordinator : J.-P. Koutchouk (CERN)

21 2003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142105 Accelerator R&D CARE 3 Networks (e,, p) EuCARD CARE SRF EuCARD (SRF) CARE PHIN EuCARD (SRF, ANAC) CARE HIPPI EuCARD (SRF, ColMat) CARE NED EuCARD (HFM) SLHCPP EUROTEV DS: ILC+CLIC PP EURISOL DS: Neutrino  -beam DS Fact Scoping study DS-EuroNu EUROLEAP e in plasma B-Factory DS-EuroCrab??? EuCARD (ANAC) FP6 FP7 All EC financed projects pioneered by CARE have a continuation in FP7 with a total budget of 67.4 M€ (24.2 M€ from EC)

22 Summary of Accelerator R&D projects proposed in FP7 (call 1-3) Accelerator R&D proposals submitted by our community so far 2 CNI-preparatory Phase (SLHC and ILC) : May 2 nd, 2007 2 DS (EuroNu and EUROCRAB) : May 2 nd, 2007 1 IA (EuCARD) : February 29 th, 2008 ProjectTypeBeam Type Start date Duration Years Total Cost EC contribution SLHC Preparatory CNIproton1/1/08311.3 M € 5.2 M € ILC-HiGrade Preparatory CNIe +,e - (LC)1/1/08310 M € 5.0 M € EuroNuDSneutrino1/9/08414.4 M € 4.0 M € EuCARDIAAll1/4/09431.7 M € 10 M € Total67.4 M € 24.2 M € back

23 ESGARD is already carrying the coordination, which is leading to development of well organized and European wide integrated project (see the high success rate of FP proposals). But, we need to develop a mechanism that ensure the sustainability of accelerator R&D (independently to the EC funding), which would include  The integration of infrastructures and offered services  The launching integrated accelerator R&D projects  A model for financing of accelerator R&D Europe wide Such a mechanism should be approved and monitored by the CERN Council We have to think beyond

24 Conclusions Accelerator R&D is now fully part of the particle physics program in Europe CARE has opened and paved a road for developping Accelerator R&D in a collaborative way EuCARD has been approved and will have to continue the endeavor pioneered by CARE. We have to develop a mechanism ensuring the sustanability of accelerator R&D Welcome to the EuCARD Kickoff… … a new star is born

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