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College Application Essay Good luck.... Essay “Best of....” I made the honor role every semester. I made the horror role every semester.

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Presentation on theme: "College Application Essay Good luck.... Essay “Best of....” I made the honor role every semester. I made the horror role every semester."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Application Essay Good luck...

2 Essay “Best of....” I made the honor role every semester. I made the horror role every semester.

3 Essay “Best of....” Activities: Cook and Serve for the homeless Activities: Cook and Serve the homeless

4 Essay “Best of....” I was inducted into the National Honor Society I was abducted into the National Honor Society...Not creepy at all...

5 Requirements Introduction/Conclusi on Thesis (Focus) Statement Body Paragraphs (at least two) 2 page Min. 3 page Max. First Person Language is ok

6 Drafting: Introduction Avoid overused or cliche introductions such as.... Don’t introduce yourself (“Hello, my name is....”) Don’t ask for permission to talk (“Please permit me to discuss my juggling routine...”) Stay away from term paper intros. Don’t restate the topic or preview points.

7 Drafting Introductions Use a mysterious statement An obscure quotation A thoughtful question a trivial observation Someone else’s opinion/theory A confession A overly obvious statement

8 Essay Endings NOT a conclusion! It just resolves, it does not reach a point... DO provide “closure”- a sense that you have provided the reader with bookends to your essay (full circle) DO use final sentences and end suspense DO use short, forceful sentences to end your essay

9 Essay Endings- (Cont.) DON’T address the admission committee or ask them to admit you DON’T use words like “finally” or “in conclusion” DON’T repeat or sum up in any way DON’T end with a quote

10 Questions? Due Dates: Prewriting: Written Draft: Typed Draft: Final Draft:

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