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Power Point for Life Amber Goins. Baby Nursery Crib Cost 199.99 from Target.

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Presentation on theme: "Power Point for Life Amber Goins. Baby Nursery Crib Cost 199.99 from Target."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Point for Life Amber Goins

2 Baby Nursery

3 Crib Cost 199.99 from Target

4 Carseat Cost is $195.99 from Target

5 Cost is 99.99 from Target

6 Burping a Baby

7 Burping A Baby A baby should lay on the chest with the chin sitting on the shoulder as the parent supports the baby with one hand. A towel should be thrown over the shoulder just in case there is a wet- burp. Then parent should gently pat the baby’s back

8 Bottle & Breast Feeding

9 Breast Feeding Placing your nipple between your baby's upper lip and nose then encourage her to open wide by gently brushing her upper lip with your nipple. Another option is to brush your baby's cheek with your nipple, which will cause her to turn toward it with her mouth open. When your baby is "rooting" (looking for the breast with her mouth open), pull her to your breast. As your baby latches on, you want her to get a big mouthful of breast tissue. The best way to do this is with an "asymmetric latch," which means that she gets more breast tissue on the underside of the areola, rather than an equal amount all around. Your baby's lips should be opened wide around the breast. The best latch is one in which you don't feel any pain and your baby is getting milk. (Listen for the sound of your baby swallowing.) If latch-on hurts, break the suction – by inserting your little finger between your baby's gums and your breast – and try again. As your baby nurses contentedly, hold her close. You may also want to support your breast, especially if your breasts are large.

10 Bottle Feeding When their cues indicate hunger, rather than on a schedule. Held in an upright position; it is especially important to avoid letting the baby drink from a bottle when lying down. Such a position is associated with bottle caries and an increased frequency of ear infections. Note also that babies should be held often at times when they are not being fed, to avoid the baby being trained to eat in order to be held. With a switch from one side to the other side midway through a feed; this provides for eye stimulation and development, and thwarts the development of a side preference which could impact the breastfeeding mother. For 10-20 minutes at a time, to mimic the usual breastfeeding experience. Care providers should be encouraged to make appropriate quantities last the average length of a feeding, rather than trying to feed as much as they can in as short a time as possible. This time element is significant because the infant’s system needs time to recognize satiety, long before the stomach has a chance to get over- filled.

11 Bottle Feeding Gently, allowing the infant to draw nipple into mouth rather than pushing the nipple into the infant’s mouth, so that baby controls when the feed begins. Stroke baby’s lips from top to bottom with the nipple to illicit a rooting response of a wide open mouth, and then allow the baby to “accept” the nipple rather than poking it in. Consistent with a breastfed rhythm; the caregiver should encourage frequent pauses while the baby drinks from the bottle to mimic the breastfeeding mother’s let-down patterns. This discourages the baby from guzzling the bottle and can mitigate nipple confusion or preference. To satiation, so that baby is not aggressively encouraged to finish the last bit of milk in the bottle by such measures as forcing the nipple into the mouth, massaging the infant’s jaw or throat, or rattling the nipple around in the infant’s mouth. If baby is drowsing off and releasing the bottle nipple before the bottle is empty that means baby is done; don’t reawaken the baby to “finish.”

12 Diaper a baby

13 How to diaper a baby boy One big difference for boys: Don't leave the penis exposed -- keep it covered with a diaper or you may get sprayed. Clean under the testicles, gently pushing them out of the way. Wipe under the penis and over the testicles, toward the rectum. If he's uncircumcised, do not attempt to pull back the foreskin. Dry the area with a soft cloth. Apply ointment around the genitals and on the buttocks to prevent diaper rash.

14 How to diaper a baby boy If you had your baby circumcised, a light dressing of gauze and petroleum jelly was placed over the head of the penis. The penis will take about one week to heal. The tip will look red, and a yellow scab may appear, or you may notice a yellow secretion. For a few days, apply petroleum jelly over the tip of the penis every time you change your baby's diaper. Circumcision sites rarely become infected, but if the redness persists beyond a week, or you see swelling or crusted yellow sores that contain fluid, call your baby's doctor.

15 How to diaper a baby girl First, lift her legs with one hand and remove any poop with a wet washcloth. (Many new moms use baby wipes on their newborns with no problem. If your child's skin reacts to the chemicals in wipes, you can use a washcloth or cotton balls and plain water when cleaning baby's derriere during the first few weeks.) Using one area of the cloth at a time, clean inside all the creases, wiping downward. To clean the genital area, wipe from the vagina toward the rectum. Do not pull the labia back to clean inside. Dry the area with a soft cloth. Apply ointment around the genitals and on the buttocks to prevent diaper rash.

16 Reflexes A reflected action or movement; the sum total of any particular automatic response mediated by the nervous system.

17 Rooting The face toward the stimulus and make sucking (rooting) motions with the mouth when the cheek or lip is touched. The rooting reflex helps to ensure successful breastfeeding.


19 Moro Flexion of an infant's thighs and knees, fanning and then clenching of fingers, with arms first thrown outward and then brought together as though embracing something; produced by a sudden stimulus and seen normally in the newborn.

20 Babinski Occurs when the big toe moves toward the top surface of the foot and the other toes fan out after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked.

21 Stepping Movements of progression elicited when the infant is held upright and inclined forward with the soles of the feet touching a flat surface.

22 FTT Faliure To Thrive (FTT) is insufficient weight gain or inappropriate weight loss.

23 SIDS The sudden death of an infant that is not predicted by medical history and remains unexplained after a thorough forensic autopsy and detailed death scene investigation.

24 Gross Motor Standing up, walking with or without assistants, walking up and going down stairs… etc.

25 Fine Motor The coordination of small muscle movements which occur in body parts such as the fingers and the eyes.

26 Self Aware

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