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May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions 4 th block, year 2005/2006, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen K.

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Presentation on theme: "May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions 4 th block, year 2005/2006, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen K."— Presentation transcript:

1 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions 4 th block, year 2005/2006, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen K. Jungmann, C.J.G. Onderwater, R.G.E. Timmermans, L. Willmann, H.W. Wilschut Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Zernikelaan 25, NL 9747 Groningen (phone 050 363 3600) Acquaint you with the role of modern symmetry concepts Goal: Acquaint you with the role of modern symmetry concepts in physics and their connection to forces in nature and their connection to forces in nature

2 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Structure of Course 15 dates with 2 hours each -- 1 May to 26 June 2006 Introduction to a subject area by lecturer Important contributions from students –Typically 20-40 min short presentations on a topic –Preparation together with one of the docents –Contents important – not outer form (rather good presentation with chalk than glossy powerpoint with errors!) –Discussion of implications among all participants stands central Evaluation based on presentation and participation

3 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Expected result Understanding of Role of –Symmetries –Interactions Understand final talk on forefront of such research

4 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions

5 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Topics - Time Schedule (1) DateLecture ALecture B TopicbyTopicby 11 MayOverview/structure of Course KJDifferent Types of Symmetry RT 25 MayNoether Theorems (continuous symmetries) info info Ummakan th D. Experimental tests of Continuous symmetries GO 38 MayDiscrete Symmetries: Overview info LWConserved Symmetries: Parity Schlebusch 412 MayConserved Symmetries: Charge Conjugation, Time Reversal DarenConserved Symmetries: CPT info info HWW 515 May1956: Papers of Lee and Yang info info KJSymmetry Breaking: (Parity/ Charge conj.), Wu et al. Klaas 619 MayConservation of combined Symmetries: CP Subhadee p CP violation infonfo S 722 MayT-violation and EDMs info Aran M.CPT breaking and Lorentz Invariance info info Marlene 826 MayThe Standard Model info RachidSymmetry Groups info RT

6 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Topics - Time Schedule (2) DateLecture ALecture B TopicbyTopicby 929 MayDetermination of Fundamental Constants: QED info LWConstancy of Constants info Aran 92 JuneNO Lecture 108 JuneStrong Interaction: QCD EndrodiWeak Interaction: QFD / beta- decay Moslem 1112 JuneNon-Standard Model: Gravity info info SExtensions to Standard Model RT 1216 JuneTests of SM Extensions g-2, Muonium info info SLepton Flavour, Lepton Number, Baryon Number info info S 1319 JuneNeutrinoless Double Beta- Decay info info Klaas Brantjes P,T,C violation and new forces in beta decay info info S 1423 JuneSummary of actual Research in this fieldGO 1526 JuneReserved

7 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Noether Theorems Emmy Noether 1915 –energy is conserved, if their form does not depend on time –the momentum is conserved if the laws do not depend on the position –the angular momentum if the laws do not care about the orientation Relates to Continuous symmetries back

8 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Parity, Charge Conjugation, Time Reversal Discrete Symmetries back

9 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions The World according to Escher mirror image time   time matter anti-matter anti-particle particle e + e - PCT from H.W. Wilschut start end back

10 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions 1956: Lee and Yang Despite all higher theoretical insigths before: –Parity may not be conserved Global Symmetries -> Conservation Laws Local Symmetries -> Forces back

11 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions CP violation Fitch and Cronin discover CP violation in Kaon decay back

12 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions EDM violates: Parity Time reversal CP- conservation CPT ( if CPT conservation assumed) Standard Model values are tiny, hence: An observed EDM An observed EDM would be Sign of New Physics beyond Standard Theory Permanent Electric Dipole Moments Violate Discrete Fundamental Symmetries H= -(d E+µ B) J/J d - electric dipole moment µ - magnetic dipole mom J - Spin

13 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions EDM Limits as of summer 2005 back

14 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions CPT and Lorentz invariance Relates to particle-antiparticle properties Spin and statistics Preferred reference frame in the universe back

15 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Standard Model back

16 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions

17 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions back

18 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Groups and Symmetries "Group theory is the abstract study of symmetry" back

19 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Fundamental constants back

20 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Time Variation of  Idea (Webb, Flambaum et al.): Relativistic Corrections to atomic level energies  E rel  Z  2 [(j+1/2) -1 -C(j,l)] i.e. > 0 or < 0, depending on atom and state  Need best possible 187 Re lifetime to exploit Re/Os ratio on meteorites back

21 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Very Recent Paper back

22 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Standing Waves of Ultra Cold Neutrons in a gravitational field )1()( / 21  r e r mm GrV     back

23 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Extensions to the Standard Model Observations well explained in SM Deeper understanding lacking –Number of particle generations –Fermion masses –One unit of electric charge –One force only ? Supersymmetry, LeftRight Symmetry, Technicolor back

24 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Tests of Standard Model Extensions Direct Searches –LHC, Linear collider,… Precision Experiments back Muon g-2

25 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Lepton (Flavor) Numbers A Conservation global symmetry without associated symmetry has no status in physics. back from Y. Kuno Viable Future : 10 11 – 10 12  /sec pulsed  < 10 -18

26 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions CUORICINO confirmation of Heidelberg-Moscow confirmation of Heidelberg-Moscow needed needed independent experiment(s) with different independent experiment(s) with different technologies required need nuclear matrix elements need nuclear matrix elements Neutrinoless Double  -Decay (A,Z)  (A,Z+2) + 2e - T 1/2 m 1/T 1/2 = G 0 (E 0,Z) | M GT + (g V /g A ) 2 ·M F | 2 2 back

27 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions New interactions in Beta Decay Weak interaction in the SM is V-A Other interactions (T,P,S) can be excluded or found only by experiment In Groningen TRI  P to investigate this back

28 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions Vector [Tensor] ++ e Scalar [Axial vector] ++ e New Interactions in Nuclear and Muon  -Decay In Standard Model: Weak Interaction is V-A In general  -decay could be also S, P, T  nuclear  -decays, Experiments in Traps  muon decays, Michel parameters back

29 May-June 2006 Fundamental Symmetries & Interactions back The FINAL

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