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Beating mercury heart Balázs Végh Jurisich Miklós High School KŐSZEG.

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1 Beating mercury heart Balázs Végh Jurisich Miklós High School KŐSZEG

2 A szív képét javasoljuk ide 70 times a minute 100,000 times a day 3 billion times within 75 years


4 Mercury heart Chemistry Physics Fun

5 Substances sulphuric acid solution (H 2 SO 4 ) potassium-dichromate solution (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ) mercury (Hg) Apparatus a needle or nail watch-glass overhead projector (OHP)

6 Procedure of experiment drop of mercury on the watch-glass just barely reaches the drop it’s taking triangular and spherical shapes by turns drop is at rest

7 Explanation I. The shape of the drop is determined by the surface charge. Increase of surface tension  decrease of surface  drop contracts Large surface charge  small surface tension  drop goes flat


9 Explanation II. mercury atoms are oxidized: 6 Hg+Cr 2 O 7 2- +14 H + =3 Hg 2 2+ +2 Cr 3+ +7 H 2 O H 2 SO 4 oxidizes the iron: Fe+2 H + =Fe 2+ +H 2 or the dichromate ion oxidizes both the iron and iron ions: Cr 2 O 7 2- +2 Fe+14 H + =2 Cr 3+ +2 Fe 3+ +7 H 2 O resp.: 6 Fe 2+ +Cr 2 O 7 2- +14 H + =6 Fe 3+ +2 Cr 3+ +7 H 2 O

10 Explanation III. reactions take place very quickly  needle becomes negatively charged mercury gains electrones from the needle Hg 2 2+ ions are reduced to metallic mercury mercury and iron are reoxidized  the process starts from the beginning periodic increase and decrease of the drop

11 The mercury vibrates Stoppes quickly after one touch – looses energy (damped vibration) Each contact provides energy - periodically f outside = f natural  RESONANCE Within the mercury stationary waves are produced

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