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Hypnosis Is it really a different state of consciousness?

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Presentation on theme: "Hypnosis Is it really a different state of consciousness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hypnosis Is it really a different state of consciousness?

2 What is Hypnosis Hypnosis is an induced state of consciousness where a person responds to suggestions – perception, thinking, behavior. A state of consciousness where someone is highly suggestable.

3 How are people hypnotized? Create a relaxed, passive, but highly focused state of mind in the person. Example: Have an individual focus their eyes on something. Then suggest that the hypnotized person gradually relax into that state. Hypnosis very much depends on the person – cannot be hypnotized if you don’t want to be. Generally people with a stronger imagination can be more easily hypnotized.

4 What happens? Altered perceptions – not feel pain (pain impulses from nerves blocked); believe things they see, smell, etc. are different from what they actually are.

5 What else? Altered behaviors – can do things normal people would not – not necessarily superhuman.

6 Suppressed Memories? People can recall their memory better under hypnosis. –Ex. People with “suppressed” or “repressed” memories can recall things they thought they had forgotten. However, it is possible people are creating memories under suggestion.

7 Dissociation Theory vs. Heightened Normal Consciousness Mind is split in two – hypnotized mind and hidden observer Just normal waking consciousness – just more suggestable

8 So is this real?

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