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Published byAlvin Lawson Modified over 9 years ago
1 The Bohr-Einstein Debate
2 In May 1935, Einstein published a paper in the journal Physical Review co-authored with Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. This paper is entitled: Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? The Third Challenge
3 In a complete theory there is an element corresponding to each element of reality. A sufficient condition for the reality of a physical quantity is the possibility of predicting it with certainty, without disturbing the system. In quantum mechanics in the case of two physical quantities described by non-commuting operators, the knowledge of one precludes the knowledge of the other. Then, either (1) the description of reality given by the wave function in quantum mechanics is not complete or (2) these two quantities cannot have simultaneous reality. Consideration of the problem of making predictions concerning a system on the basis of measurements made on another system that had previously interacted with it leads to the result that if (1) is false then (2) is also false. One is thus led to conclude that the description of reality as given by a wave function is not complete. Abstract
4 The EPR thought experiment involves measurements made of one of the two quantum particles that have somehow interacted and moved apart. We will denote these as particle A and particle B. The position and momentum of particle A are complementary observables and we cannot measure one without introducing an uncertainty in the other in accordance with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Similar arguments can be made for the properties and of particle B. Now consider the quantities and, where and. The commutator is given by:
5 Here: and, since these operators refer to different quantum particles. Since operators and commute, there is no restriction on the precision with which we can measure the difference between the positions of the particles A and B and the sum of their momenta.
6 Suppose we allow the two particles to interact and move a long distance apart. We perform an experiment on particle A to measure its position with certainty. We know that must be a physically real quantity and so we in principle deduce the position of particle B also with certainty. We therefore conclude that must be an element of physical reality according to the EPR definition. However, suppose instead that we choose to measure the momentum of particle A with certainty. We know that must be physically real, and so we can in principle deduce the momentum of particle B with certainty. We conclude that it too must be an element of physical reality. Thus, although we have not performed any measurement on particle B following its separation from A, we can, in principle, establish the reality of either position or its momentum from measurement we choose to perform on A which, by definition, do not disturb B.
7 The Copenhagen interpretation denies that we can do this. We are forced to accept that if this interpretation of quantum theory is correct, the physical reality of either the position or momentum of particle B is determined by the nature of the measurement we choose to make on a completely different particle an arbitrarily long distance away. EPR argued that ‘no reasonable definition of reality could be expected to permit this.’
8 Spooky action at a distance The EPR thought experiment strikes right at the heart of the Copenhagen interpretation. If the uncertainty principle applies to an individual quantum particle, then it appears that we must invoke some kind of action at a distance if the reality of the position or momentum of particle B is to be determined by measurements we choose to perform on A. Whether it involves a change in the physical state of the system or merely some kind of communication, the fact that this action at a distance must be exerted instantaneously on a particle an arbitrarily long distance away from our measuring device suggests that it violets the postulates of special relativity, which restricts any signal to be communicated no faster than the speed of light. EPR did not believe that such action at a distance is necessary: the position and momentum of particle B are defined all along and, as there is nothing in the wave function which tells us how these quantities are defined, quantum theory is incomplete.
9 The Three Fastest Ways of Communication in the World: 3) Tele-phone 2) Tele-vision 1) Tell-a-woman You still want faster?... Tell her not to tell anyone!
10 Bohr’s reply Bohr rejects the argument that the EPR thought experiment creates serious difficulties for the Copenhagen interpretation and stresses once again the importance of taking into account the necessary interactions between the objects of study and the measuring devices. His emphasis is once again on the important role of the measuring instrument in defining the elements of reality that we can observe. Thus, setting up an apparatus to measure the position of particle A with certainty, from which we can infer the position of particle B, excludes the possibility of measuring the momentum of A and hence inferring the momentum of B.
11 One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer which shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi- function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts. Schrödinger’s cat: Schrödinger writes: An illustration of both states, a dead and living cat. According to quantum theory, after an hour the cat is in a quantum superposition of coexisting alive and dead states. Yet when we look in the box we expect to only see one of the states, not a mixture of them.
12 At t = 0 At time t : State vector of the live cat : State vector of the dead cat : State vector of the non-decayed atom : State vector of the decayed atom
13 According to Gell-Mann the problem with the Schrödinger’s cat example is that of decoherence. A cat is a large, macroscopic system, not an element of the microscopic quantum world. As such, the cat interacts with its environment very extensively: it breathes air, it absorbs and emits heat radiation, it eats and drinks. Therefore, it is impossible for the cat to behave “both dead and live,” as an electron in a superposition of more than one state.
14 The argument would seem to suggest that we should express the state vector of the system-plus-cat as a linear superposition of the products of the state vectors describing a disintegrated atom and a dead cat and of the state vectors describing an intact atom and a live cat. Prior to measurement, the cat is neither alive nor dead but some peculiar combination of both states. We can perform measurement on the cat by opening the chamber and ascertaining its physical state. The Copenhagen interpretation says that elements of an empirical reality are defined by the nature of the experimental apparatus we construct to perform measurements on a quantum system. It insists that we resist the temptation to ask what physical state a particle (or a cat) was actually in prior to measurement as such a question is quite without meaning. Arguments such as EPR thought experiment and Schrödinger’s cat led some scientists to set about searching for an alternative theory. A hidden variable theory can be a good one.
15 Hidden Variables A completely deterministic, locally real version of quantum theory demands that the physical states of the particles are ‘set’ at the moment of their interaction, and that the particles separate as individually real entities in those physical states (separability). Quantum theory in the form taught to undergraduate students of chemistry and physics tells us nothing about such physical states. This is either because they have no basis in reality (Copenhagen interpretation) or because the theory is incomplete (EPR argument). One way in which quantum theory can be made ‘complete’ in this sense is to introduce a new set of variables. These variables determine which physical states will be preferred as a result of a quantum process. As these variables are not revealed in laboratory experiments, they are necessarily ‘hidden’ from us.
16 However, John von Neumann (1903 -1957) derived a theorem, using some assumptions about the physical world, which proved that there are no “hidden variables,” whose inclusion could reduce the uncertainty in quantum systems. While posterity would agree with conclusion, John Bell (1928 -1990) successfully challenged von Neumann’s assumptions in his daring papers of the 1960s. Von Neumann assumed in his work on quantum theory that the expectation value of the sum of several observables quantities was equal to the sum of the expected values of the separate observable quantities, that is, E(A+B+C+…)=E(A)+E(B)+… John Bell knew that this innocuous-looking assumption was not physically defensible when the observables A, B, C, … are represented by operators that do not necessarily commute with one another.
17 Although Bell, in a paper submitted to the journal Reviews of Modern Physics in 1964, rejected von Neumann’s ‘impossibility proof’ and similar arguments that had been used to deny the possibility of hidden variables, in a subsequent paper, he demonstrated that under certain conditions, quantum theory and local hidden variable theories predict different results for the same experiments on pairs of correlated particles. This difference, which is intrinsic to all local hidden variable theories and is independent of the exact nature of the theory, is summarized in Bell’s theorem. Questions about local hidden variables immediately changed character. From being rather academic questions about philosophy they became practical questions of profound importance for quantum theory. The choice between quantum theory and local hidden variable theories was no longer a matter of taste, it was a matter of correctness.
19 In 1981 and 1982, Alain Aspect et al specifically designed the best, most comprehensive experiments to date to test general form of Bell’s inequality. The results confirmed the prediction of quantum mechanics. The majority of physicists, including those like David Bohm and John Bell who have rejected the Copenhagen view, have accepted that the Aspect experiments create great difficulties for theories which feature a local reality. Either we give up reality or we accept that, there can be some kind of ‘spooky action at a distance,’ involving communication between distant parts of the world at speeds faster than that of light. This appears to conflict with the postulates of special relativity.
20 Delayed-Choice Experiments In 1978, the physicist John Wheeler (1911- ) showed in a cogent and elegant way that within a variant of Young double-slit experiment, with the mere act of measurement, an experimenter can change history. By deciding whether we want to measure something one way, or another, the experimenter, a human being, can determine what “shall have happened in the past.” Detector A Detector B
21 Wheeler’s ‘Great Smokey Dragon’ Detector A Detector B
22 Galaxy Quasar Earth A quasar (contraction of QUASi-stellAR radio source) is an extremely bright and distant active nucleus of a young galaxy.
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