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Quotation Marks Unit 8. 2 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks  Direct Quotations  Quotations after Independent Clauses  Quotation Marks with Periods, Commas,

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1 Quotation Marks Unit 8

2 2 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks  Direct Quotations  Quotations after Independent Clauses  Quotation Marks with Periods, Commas, Semicolons, and Colons  Quotation Marks with Question Marks and Exclamation Points  Titles of Publications

3 3 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Direct Quotations A direct quotation contains someone else’s exact words and is enclosed with quotation marks. An original thought expressed in different words is an indirect quotation or a paraphrase; quotation marks are not used for indirect quotations. Mr. Fowler said, “I looked at several brands of desktop computers; and I finally decided to purchase the JCB, which was recommended highly.” Mr. Fowler said that he is purchasing a JCB desktop computer.

4 4 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Tryout Sentences 1.The vice president announced I intend to seek reelection. 2.Chairperson Olander angrily shouted that the members were out of order. 3.The teller warned your funds in the account are low. 4.My broker advised his clients that oil stocks were about to rise. 5.Mayumi’s memo stated I regret that I will be unable to keep our appointment.

5 5 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Quotations after Independent Clauses When a quotation follows an independent clause, the quotation is preceded by a colon; the first word of the quotation is capitalized. The period is placed inside the quotation marks. Mr. Weiss made the announcement: “Our esteemed president is retiring on May 1.” The usher informed the couple: “Two seats are available in the last row.”

6 6 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Tryout Sentences 1.My dentist made the statement your teeth are in good shape. 2.Coach Jaquez gave the team her encouragement go out there and win. 3.All of the teachers heard the announcement prepare for a fire drill this afternoon. 4.Myra was thrilled to hear her boyfriend’s plea please marry me. 5.The bus driver advised his passengers move to the back of the bus.

7 7 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Quotation Marks with Periods, Commas, Semicolons, and Colons Periods and commas are placed within closing quotation marks; semicolons and colons are placed outside closing quotation marks. Mr. Han said, “Our firm has agreed to merge with another company.” “Our firm has agreed to merge with another company,” said Mr. Han. Mr. Han said, “Our firm has agreed to merge with another company”; and the staff began to worry. Two events occurred after Mr. Han announced, “Our firm has agreed to merge with another company”: many employees left, and shareholders protested.

8 8 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Tryout Sentences 1.Today’s weather will be fair said the radio announcer. 2.Sonny said I will come to dinner tonight but he forgot. 3.Two people volunteered to do the job after June said please help me Kimsan and Kendra. 4.Calista announced I’m getting married and we all applauded. 5.My father stated one must accept responsibility for one’s mistakes.

9 9 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Quotation Marks with Question Marks and Exclamation Points The placement of the question mark and exclamation point (either outside or inside closing quotation marks) depends on the meaning of the sentence. When both the sentence and the quotation are questions, the question mark is placed inside the quotation marks. Did Kevin announce, “We need volunteers to work overtime tonight”? Kevin asked, “Who will volunteer to work overtime tonight?”

10 10 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Tryout Sentences 1.The question reads in what year were you born? 2.I shouted don’t forget to bring your umbrella! 3.Do you deny saying I am guilty of the crime? 4.Who asked may I please leave now? 5.The accident victim weakly called help!

11 11 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Titles of Publications Titles of books, magazines, newspapers, and booklets are italicized or underscored. The first, last, and principal words are capitalized. Chapters of a book and titles of articles in magazines or newspapers are enclosed in quotation marks; and the first, last, and principal words are capitalized. We read the assigned chapter, “How to Interview Successfully,” in the textbook The Right Career for You. Helga Morley’s column entitled “Helga’s Helpers” appears regularly in The Hampton Sentinel.

12 12 of 12 Unit 8 Quotation Marks Tryout Sentences 1.I submitted an article entitled The Beginning Teacher to the magazine Education Today. 2.The Chicago Tribune is delivered every day to our office. 3.It should not take long to summarize the chapter Events Leading to the War of 1812. 4.Coretta read the book review for Murder on the High Seas in the local newspaper, Island News. 5.My professor assigned the chapter Modern Circuits in the book Making Software Work for You.

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