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Constructivism In Science Talking the Talk & Walking the Walk.

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1 Constructivism In Science Talking the Talk & Walking the Walk

2 Montra “The most important, single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows” -David Ausabel 1968

3 What is Constructivism ? A philosophy that suggests that knowledge is actively constructed by the learner, not passively received from the environment Earlier theories suggested that knowledge was external to the learner and thus needed to be transmitted to the learner by a teacher

4 Origins In Constructivism  It is a synthesis of philosophy, cognitive psychology and anthropology.  Embraces ideas from:  Dewey- nature and importance of direct experience  Bruner’s encouragement of inductive leaning  Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and mental processing.  Ausubel’s emphasis on formation of mental structures

5 Important beliefs Knowledge is personally constructed and mediated through social interaction in a cultural context. Involves an interplay of students prior learning with new learning. Knowledge must be mentally acted on to have meaning to the learner.

6 Implications For Teaching  Students enter school with prior experiences and learning  Student observations and interpretations are guided by their current view of the world.  Student views of the world are emotionally attached and resistant to change;  Students must mental act on new ideas to learn; requiring significant time and effort

7 Constructivist Teachers  Seek to help students construct meaning by assisting them to understand the wholes as well as the parts.  Seek to understand students mental models/ideas.  Promote hands-on problem solving, open ended questioning, authentic assessment

8 Constructivist Classrooms Explore concepts in depth over breath Value student engagement in science processes and thinking over finding the “right answer”. Focus on student generated questions and inquiry. Promote open communication about science ideas and experiments.

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