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Elaine Wright Head of Quality Compliance The Princess Alexandra NHS Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Elaine Wright Head of Quality Compliance The Princess Alexandra NHS Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elaine Wright Head of Quality Compliance The Princess Alexandra NHS Trust


3 Reports: Cavendish July 2013, Berwick August 2013, Clywd-Hart October 2013

4  Person centred care  Dignity and respect  Need for consent  Safe care and treatment  Safeguarding  Nutrition and hydration needs  Premises and equipment  Receiving and acting on complaints  Good governance  Staffing  Fit and proper persons employed  Duty of Candour

5  Safe: protecting people from abuse and avoidable harm.  Effective: care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.  Caring: Staff involve and treat people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.  Responsive: Services are organised so that they meet people’s needs.  Well-led: Leadership, management and governance of the organisation assures the delivery of high- quality person-centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture.

6  What is the service track record on safety?  Have we learned when things went wrong?  Have we improved safety from reviewing incidents and complaints?  Are our risks assessed and appropriately managed?  Are people who use the service treated with kindness, dignity, respect and compassion?

7  Care, treatment and support achieve good outcomes  Care is patient-centered and holistically assessed.  National and international evidence-based best practice  Staff are appropriately qualified, competent with good inductions, appraisal and performance management  Multi-disciplinary approach to care and treatment  Discharge, transfers etc. are planned in advance and involve the holistic assessment of peoples needs  Staff practices comply with health legislation for the area

8  Urgent and emergency services  Medical care (including older people’s care)  Surgery  Critical care  Maternity and gynaecology  Services for children and young people ◦ Transition services child to adult  End of life care  Outpatients and diagnostic imaging

9  Checking essential equipment (resus)  Pathway tracking people through their care ◦ Referral to treatment times  Interviewing staff  Reviewing records  Reviewing policies, procedures and PGD’s  Interviewing service users and their carers  Checking prescriptions and talking to the pharmacists  Attending and observing a MDT  Maintenance of equipment  Local rules IR(ME)R 2000  Waiting times  Acute kidney injury, Contrast Induced Nephropathy  WHO checklist  NatSSIPs Local Safety Standards for invasive procedures

10  Managing the inspection process  Communication, information, support and engagement  CEO sets the scene  Be prepared for visits in and out of hours (do staff know what to do?  Gathering evidence  Focus groups  Initial feedback  Draft report  Final report  Ratings advertised  Future inspection process yearly

11  National and Local Safety Standards for invasive procedures (7 th Sept 2015) ◦ Making a cut or a hole to gain access to the inside of the patients body.  Standardise procedural care and patient pathway  Ownership of local standards  Patient user involvement  Documentation  Audit & review


13  What’s happening locally?  MDT, patient user involvement  Steering group  What’s in place, SOP’s  Human factors training by the team  Policies, procedures in place  Staffing/finance implications



16  ssips/ ssips/  safety/never-events/ safety/never-events/  780111117613 780111117613  /default/files/report/Executive%20summary. pdf /default/files/report/Executive%20summary. pdf  do/our-programmes/nice-guidance/nice- interventional-procedures-guidance do/our-programmes/nice-guidance/nice- interventional-procedures-guidance

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