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Motivation Math Student Edition Revised based on TEKS refinements Allows student need to drive instruction and determine the pages used Allows the teacher.

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2 Motivation Math Student Edition Revised based on TEKS refinements Allows student need to drive instruction and determine the pages used Allows the teacher to follow the scope and sequence of campus/district Offers the same rigor as the TAKS test Encourages students to “chart their success” Provides a glossary of grade level appropriate terms

3 Motivation Math Student Edition Organized numerically by TEKS TAKS formatted 6 pages per tested student expectation Follows lesson cycle Compatible with the 5E approach

4 Motivation Math Student Edition Introduction Use to bridge the gap from concrete to abstract Read, discuss, and work together

5 Motivation Math Student Edition Guided Practice Students practice independently with teacher supervision

6 Motivation Math Student Edition Independent Practice Students work independently

7 Motivation Math Student Edition Assessment May be used as an assessment of the student expectation

8 Motivation Math Student Edition Critical Thinking Provides open-ended practice Addresses higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Incorporates problem-solving strategies

9 Motivation Math Student Edition Homework with Parent Activities Reinforces and extends skills Offers suggestions for parent involvement

10 Motivation Math Student Edition Chart Your Success Students color Motivation Mike or Molly green for correct problems and red for missed problems for each assessment page Students and teachers track student success and progress

11 Motivation Math Teacher Edition Revised based on TEKS refinements Gives strand, TAKS objective, TEKS, and Student Expectation Provides correlations to the student edition pages Organized numerically by TEKS

12 Motivation Math Teacher Edition Suggests manipulatives to be used for concrete experiences Identifies literature selections to help students make connections Offers instructional activities Lists vocabulary words for the lesson

13 Motivation Math Teacher Edition Provides answer pages and answer key

14 Motivation Math Digital Projection CD Expands the instructional applications of Motivation Math Includes all student edition pages in PDF format Allows the teacher to project pages from the computer for whole group instruction and/or informal assessment Available in Spanish Note: Files on this CD are not printable; requires that Adobe Reader be installed on computer

15 Motivation Math Transparency Notebook Use to model strategies and skills Provides a transparency of every student page Available in Spanish

16 Motivation Math Math Skill Builder CD Provides 2-6 open-ended practice pages per tested student expectation for additional practice and skills mastery Click-and-print format allows the teacher to access quality activities for individual or group instruction and/or enrichment Answer keys for all items Includes teacher tools Available in Spanish

17 Motivation Math For more information on upcoming webinars, products, or ordering options visit or call us at 800-585-5258. Email questions, suggestions, or comments to:

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