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Bob Slater CFE Coordinator Warwickshire & Worcestershire 14 th May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Bob Slater CFE Coordinator Warwickshire & Worcestershire 14 th May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bob Slater CFE Coordinator Warwickshire & Worcestershire 14 th May 2014

2 Partnership Working NFU -National Farmers Union CLA – Country Land and Business Association LEAF – Linking Environment And Farming AIC – Agricultural Industries Confederation GWCT – Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust AICC – Association of Independent Crop Consultants DEFRA - Dept of Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs NE – Natural England EA – Environment Agency RSPB – Royal Society for Protection of Birds CAAV – Central Association of Agricultural Valuers AHDB – Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board WLT – The Wildlife Trusts

3 Core Targets + Messages Target Area CodeDescription Land Management LM1 To retain the area of land managed by farmers for the environment over the period of CAP transition LM2 During 2014 encourage farms with expiring schemes to retain their options - LM3 To maintain the area of land managed voluntarily by farmers to provide watercourse protection with an ambition to increase the area over the life of CFE2 LM4 To maintain the area of land managed voluntarily by farmers to support farmland biodiversity with an ambition to increase the area over the life of CFE2

4 Sign posting best practice in soil management, crop nutrition and pesticide use. Helps farmers support the natural environment, whilst farming productively. Opportunity to demonstrate ‘green credentials’ to the rest of the industry & general public Show leadership & ownership of environmental challenges in planning for the future helping businesses meet the environmental challenges. What Does CFE Do?

5 What does this mean? Retain what you have & make it work better –ELS expiries Also expiring CSS,ESA agreements and Voluntary Measures Recognise the importance of the industry initiatives Work contributes to Water Framework Directive and Pollinator Strategy Part for all to play – farmers and advisers

6 How does it work? County Liaison Groups farmer chaired Joint Events with Partners – access to a wider audience Wider range of topics covered Demonstrates links between organisations Facilitates other initiatives – VI, CSF, Tried & Tested

7 Partnership Working

8 Messaging “In addition to making Ecological Focus Areas deliver benefits for pollinators, my Department will work closely with farming and environmental organisations on how the Campaign for the Farmed Environment will deliver targets at local level for protecting watercourses, providing habitat for farmland birds, wildlife and pollinators. We will review the success of this at the end of 2015.” WRITTEN PARLIAMENTARY STATEMENT (The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs); Implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy in England

9 Be open minded with regard to CFE – it is an industry led ally not a threat There is a need for a coordinating body across the whole country to provide a platform for consistent and non- contradictory messages to all farmers promoting voluntary, incentivised & regulatory measures. Aim to help ease the transition post CAP reforms to help farmers make the most of final agenda.

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