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How to Discern Spiritual Gifts in Yourself and Others.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Discern Spiritual Gifts in Yourself and Others."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Discern Spiritual Gifts in Yourself and Others

2 What Should Churches Aim For? Numerical church growth is not a NT emphasis (1 Cor. 4:2)

3 Scriptural Marks of a Healthy Church Healthy churches... a)are measured in spiritual rather than numerical terms b)follow biblical rather than cultural patterns of ministry c)are based on theological rather than sociological foundations Kenneth O. Gangel, “Marks of a Healthy Church,” Bibliotheca Sacra 158 (October-December 2001): 467-77

4 Scriptural Marks of a Healthy Church Healthy churches... d)focus on a ministry model rather than a marketing model e)adopt scriptural rather than secular models of leadership Kenneth O. Gangel, “Marks of a Healthy Church,” Bibliotheca Sacra 158 (October-December 2001): 467-77

5 Inventories Can Sometimes Help Us Discern Our Gifts

6 How can you know what gift God gave you?

7 How to Discern Your Spiritual Gifts Spirit-Filling Spirit-Walking Submission Supplication Study Self-Analysis Selection Service Skill Satisfaction See Self-Significance Seek Suggestions Success Stay Strike Out Surrender Switch Self-Correction Salvation65

8 Small Group Discussion Questions 62 1.What did the inventory show as your gift(s)? Did you score higher in speaking or serving gifts? 2.Do you agree with the inventory results? Do the others in your group agree? 3.What commitment will you make to the Lord to develop your gift(s)? Be specific concerning where and how you think it can be used. Share this with your group. 1.What did the inventory show as your gift(s)? Did you score higher in speaking or serving gifts? 2.Do you agree with the inventory results? Do the others in your group agree? 3.What commitment will you make to the Lord to develop your gift(s)? Be specific concerning where and how you think it can be used. Share this with your group.

9 47 Categories of Gifts (1 Peter 4:11) Get words from God Get strength from God

10 Crossroads Spiritual Gifts Results 63 Teach EvanPastorExhortAdminFaithGivingServiceMercy Rick172429568 Susan294586713 Lewis153238758 Barbara314587692 Leland398765142 Linda Calhoun894527613 Andrew585328714 Adrielle594687231 Valentin395528714 Jieun879652314 Bal893617452 Carol641159873 Drew135776249 Linda Fones795613824 Robert641624982 Geeta124788635 Net Scores of 1412120151

11 Crossroads Spiritual Gifts Results 63 Teach EvanPastorExhortAdminFaithGivingServiceMercy Singpu213847596 Kim574598321 Athan135725948 Chanchan498756213 Albina115369873 Désirée132467895 Jonathan542367971 Eva697313327 Deborah383419323 Miriam782315458 Shannah673267731 Tessa761198514 Sean668915242 Arun986572341 Net Scores of 1321140024 First Slide412120151 Total Scores of 1733260175

12 There's a reason they're called “gifts”…

13 Can a Christian receive more than one gift?

14 Two Views on Giftedness Christians Can Have Many Gifts 44 1.“Gift” singular 2.Body part 3.Concentrate 1.“Gift” singular 2.Body part 3.Concentrate 1.“Gift” = “A” 2.Symbols 3.NIV 4.NT examples 1.“Gift” = “A” 2.Symbols 3.NIV 4.NT examples Christians Have Only One Gift

15 Speaking Gifts Contrasted 47 TeachingEvangelismPastor-TeacherExhortation Shares Biblical Learning Faith & Testimony Heart & BibleOptimism Recipient Need Met Scriptural Truth Salvation & Equipping for Evangelism ShepherdingEncouragement Sensitive to Needs Doctrinally For Conversion Spiritually (overall needs) Spiritually (specific needs) Ministers to Those Needing InstructionSaving Faith General Spiritual Direction Urging in Practical Steps General Trait Accuracy in the Word Heart for the Lost Shepherd Heart Uplifts Others

16 Serving Gifts Contrasted Adminis- trations FaithGivingService Showing Mercy Shares Organizing Ability Vision Possession s AbilitiesConcern Recipient Need Met LeadershipBeliefMonetary Assistanc e Understand -ing Sensitive to Needs ManageriallyVisuallyMateriallyPracticallyEmotionally Ministers to Those Needing StructureHope Finances & Material Things Aid in Everyday Tasks Comfort General Trait Orderliness Confi- dence in God GenerosityAvailability Compassio n 54

17 There is no one like you! "If you’re just like someone else, we don’t need you." –– Dr. Howard Hendricks (1924-2013)

18 Black

19 Spiritual Gifts Class Record 63 Teach EvanPastorExhortAdminFaithGivingServiceMercy Rick Griffith162328457 1 Char Ley526478341 2 Cheng Kiat143326785 3 Djenny285317564 4 Chay Giam143243654 5 Roy 30-39121454532 6 Jim492538671 7 Casurine435547621 8 Rene274621453 9 No Htoo213546657 10 Sokheang132574343 11 Tom192687534 12 Vanna287461335 13 Jin Ju641341752 14 Babychen462212543 Totals512022003

20 Spiritual Gifts Class Record - Grads 63 Teach EvanPastorExhortAdminFaithGivingServiceMercy Rick Griffith162328457 Loo, James 125434687 Ong Geok Wah 132333452 Chang, Deborah 274356331 Ho, Ivan 173259864 Lo, Matthew 783516924 Say, Simon 142336375 Chandra, Elisabeth 172456853 Sun, Lora May 137646524 Tran, Thuy 162467853 Low, Penny 584316732 Gombojav, Tumen 146625387 Han, James 155742398 Ling Ing Lung, Eric 175546223 Tan, Kenneth 152473968 Nanghee, Syndang 183647552 Wong, Karsun 182367542 Total Slide 11300020001

21 Spiritual Gifts Class Record - Bachelor 63 Teach EvanPastorExhortAdminFaithGivingServiceMercy Rick Griffith162328457 Chumbeni 464534312 Moe Ka Fat 174338652 Joni Siau 454432416 Joshua Rungsung 124432356 Karl Fritz 144687523 Maya Perera 232112564 Jacob Ang 462357851 Michael Mohgan 176735432 William Siew 275213684 David Ravi 263456612 Total Slide 11300020001 Total Slide 2400120021 Grand Total1700140022

22 Spiritual Gifts Class Record 63 Teach EvanPastorExhortAdminFaithGivingServiceMercy Rick162328457 Total Scores of 1000000000

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