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2 Title of Action Plan: Designing Intervention for capacity
building Work responsibilities: To lead, manage and develop staff in the team. Lead in updating/ designing training and other OD services interventions; and the delivery of those services and manage the work/programme in a team. Important Idea, Skill or Attitude I want to use in my job: Using case study to stimulate participants thinking in order to increase participation and change the old habit of participants that want to be told rather than being self committed on learning . Doing this also lead to practical based learning.

3 ACTION PLAN Problem being solved: Lack of using case study to stimulate participants thinking critically. Most of the time I use action methods(e.g. exercise/game), and give questions to participants to work in group. That did not lead them to develop accurate picture in their thinking in the real situation.

4 Objectives: To apply new strategies/methods to facilitate learning.
To demonstrate my ability to update/develop training curriculum in order to respond to the different levels of participants in flexible way. To increase my confident in developing training curriculum with participatory approach by using case study.

5 Expected Outputs: By the end of the training course I conduct:
The participants will have ability to think critically (present their ideas in accurate pictures of any situation and make decision based on their well reasoning analysis). The participants will see themselves as learning communities rather than seeing the trainers/facilitators as the expert and participants as passive recipients.

6 ACTION PLAN Expected Outputs Progress Indicators Activities Time Table
Materials needed Budget Responsible Persons At the end of the training course, The participants will have ability to think critically (present their ideas in accurate pictures of any situation and make decision based on their well reasoning analysis). The participants will see themselves as learning communities rather than seeing the trainers/facilitators as the expert and participants as passive recipients. At least one case study included in a session plan I design for the training. Documentation of session plan updated . Case study applied in the course I conduct. Example given by participants about their interesting discussion (when using case study) Study participants background/clients . Develop case study based on the project that participants is working on. During training, have participant to work in small group and give case study to them to discuss. Conduct wrap up session at the end of each session Apply the idea of Facilitator philosophy and facilitation in small group at the beginning of the training 1st week of June, 2011 (while I design training for CARE organisation) participants’ profile Flip charts, Markers No additional budget Needed Myself and facilitating team

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