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Taming of the Shrew Act I.

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1 Taming of the Shrew Act I

2 Why are Lucentio and his servant Tranio in Padua
Why are Lucentio and his servant Tranio in Padua? What do we learn about Lucentio’s father Vincentio? They are in Padua so Lucentio can study philosophy. Vincentio is a wealthy merchant.

3 What advice does Tranio give Lucentio regarding his studies?
Tranio reminds lucentio that he is also moved by music and poetry, not by logic and mathematics. How does Shakespeare help his audience recognize Tranio’s intelligence and education, even though he is clearly Lucentio’s servant? Tranio reminds Lucentio that he is also moved by music and poetry, not by logic and mathematics. Tranio states that it is best to study what one enjoys.

4 How does Katherine’s father, in one short speech, upset his daughters and Gremio and Hortensio?
He states that Kate must be married before he will let Gremio or Hortensio court Bianca. Kate is upset because her father clearly wants to get rid of her. Bianca wants to be courted. Gremio and Hortensio want to be suitors to Bianca, but want nothing to do with Kate.

5 Kath I pray you, sir, is it your will
Find an example of a pun in the conversation between Katherine and Hortensio right after he announces Kate must marry first.  Kath I pray you, sir, is it your will To make a stale of me amongst these mates? Hort Mates, maid! How mean you that? No mates for you, Unless you were of gentler, milder mould. The pun is on “mates”; it refers to both rude men, husbands, and also to sex. The added pun on “salemate” is also apparent and would have been to Shakespeare’s audience.

6 Tranio thinks Kate is either mad or very bold.
Tranio and Lucentio eavesdrop on the conversations between Baptista and his daughters. What does Tranio think of Kate? Tranio thinks Kate is either mad or very bold. What qualities does Lucentio find appealing in Bianca? Lucentio prefers Bianca because she is mild, calm, and beautiful.

7 How does Lucentio intend to woo Bianca. Who thinks of the plan
How does Lucentio intend to woo Bianca? Who thinks of the plan? What problem does Tranio see in the plan? How is it overcome? Lucentio plans to dress himself as a schoolmaster in order to be introduced into Bianca’s presence, where he intends to make covert overtures for her affection. Lucentio thinks of the plan, but Tranio guesses his intention. Tranio is worried because if Lucentio is the schoolmaster, how will they explain Lucentio’s absence from Padua? Lucentio suggests that Tranio pretend to be Lucentio.

8 Support or refute the following statement: Lucentio falls in love with Bianca’s beauty, but he does not really know her. Lucentio has never spoken to Bianca. He only sees her briefly while eavesdropping on Baptista’s conversation with Gremio and Hortensio. When Tranio asks him why he loves her, Lucentio answers that he loves her beautiful face and sweet coral lips.

9 Why do you think Lucentio says “Tranio, let’s go: one thing more rests, that thyself execute, to make one among these wooers”? He wants Tranio, disguised as Lucentio, to join Gremio and Hortensio in trying to win Bianca’s hand, because that way, Lucentio, the schoolmaster, can become part of Baptista’s household and get close to Bianca.

10 Find an example of a pun in the conversation between Petruchio and his servant Grumio at the beginning of this scene. Petruchio Here, sirrah Grumio; knock, I say Grumio Knock, sir! Whom should I knock? Petruchio wants Grumio to knock at the gate of Hortensio’s house, but Grumio understands it to mean to hit someone.

11 Why is Petruchio in Padua?
He has come to get married and make money.

12 What qualities does Petruchio want in his wife
What qualities does Petruchio want in his wife? What does his servant Grumio think about the idea of Petruchio marrying a shrewish wife? Petruchio wants a wealthy wife. Grumio thinks Petruchio will win any battle with Kate.

13 Why does Hortensio want to accompany Petruchio to Kate’s house?
He wants to disguise himself as a music teacher and wants Petruchio to introduce him to Baptista as a good tutor for his daughters.

14 What does Gremio mean when he says that Petruchio will disfigure Kate so that she will not be able to see? Grumio seems to have picked up Petruchio’s knack for figurative language here. He means that Kate will be so blinded by Petruchio’s rhetoric that she will readily give her hand in marriage and submit to his every whim.

15 Why does Tranio appear at Hortensio’s home?
Tranio comes dressed as Lucentio to ask directions to Baptista’s home.

16 What is Lucentio doing in the meantime?
Lucentio, who has just agreed to woo Bianca on Gremio’s behalf, keeps out of the way and listens to the conversation.

17 Why does Tranio go along with the men’s scheme?
Tranio has nothing at stake here. He must simply help his master to marry Bianca, and Tranio realized that Kate must be wedded first.

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