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International conference on a new strategy for the management of water resources “Access to Water as One of the Core Drivers Behind the Conflict in the.

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Presentation on theme: "International conference on a new strategy for the management of water resources “Access to Water as One of the Core Drivers Behind the Conflict in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 International conference on a new strategy for the management of water resources “Access to Water as One of the Core Drivers Behind the Conflict in the Middle East” Athens 1 April 2005 By: ABDEL RAHMAN TAMIMI PhD Director of Palestinian Hydrology Group for water and environmental resources development Palestinian National Water Council Palestine


3 Water and Peace in the Region Introduction Water is one of the most complicated and conflict-causing issues between Palestinians and Israelis. Water is one of the most complicated and conflict-causing issues between Palestinians and Israelis. In Oslo II Negotiations it was decided that the water issue - amongst others - will be delayed to the final status negotiations. While 90% of the total recharge of the mountain aquifer originates in the WB, Israel is utilizing 83% of this recharge.

4 Background During the past 37 years of Israeli occupation to the WB & GS, Israel has: Totally controlled the surface and groundwater resources Totally controlled the surface and groundwater resources Severely restricted the development of Palestinian water resources Severely restricted the development of Palestinian water resources Continued to utilize and exploit the shared water resources in the WB for the use of Israeli settlements Continued to utilize and exploit the shared water resources in the WB for the use of Israeli settlements Caused severe damage in quantity and quality to Palestinian water resources Caused severe damage in quantity and quality to Palestinian water resources Created serious environmental and socio - economic problems Created serious environmental and socio - economic problems

5 Basin Water Shares (Eastern, Northeastern and Western ) Israeli Water Control Inside the West Bank 18% Palestinian Water Control 15% Israeli Water Control Outside the West Bank 67% Source:SUSMAQ

6 Utilization of the Jordan River (in %) (7% is the outlet to the Dead Sea) = Remaining ) Source:SUSMAQ

7 Article 40 Article 40 of Oslo II agreement, September 95, is the base for Water Sector Planning and development in the WB during the interim period until final agreement is reached. The agreement recognized Palestinian water rights, future water needs and laid the base for mutual cooperation. On the other hand the agreement has many flaws: it does not define Palestinian water rights and it contains restrictions to the development of Palestinian water sources in the West Bank.

8 Facts and Figures / 1 Served and Non-served Communities in the West Bank 142 Partially Served Partially Served 214 Mostly 214 Mostly Served 281 Un-Served Number of Communities in the West Bank 637 Served 356 non--served 281 (60%)Mostly Served 356 (40%)Partially Served 356 281 Non-Served

9 Facts and Figures / 2 Water Shortage  Average consumption per capita is 60 liters: < WHO standards of 150 l/c/d  In some areas < 20 l/c/d  68% of the Population consume < 60 l/c/d.  High percentage of losses in water supply systems (up to 46%)

10 Facts and Figures / 3 lack of Water Supply Facilities  40% of Palestinian communities lack proper services related to water supply.  25% of West Bank population lack networks and have no access to clean and safe water.  People are obliged to buy water from tankers at more than 4 times the average cost.  Most of the communities that lack clean water are located near springs which dried up due to over pumping by the Israelis.  Infrastructure is needed to supply these communities with water.

11 Forms of Israeli Violations Building the “Israeli Security Wall” hinders Palestinians from operating and utilizing wells and land west of the wall Building the “Israeli Security Wall” hinders Palestinians from operating and utilizing wells and land west of the wall Drilling hundreds of wells in Israel adjacent to the border line Drilling hundreds of wells in Israel adjacent to the border line Intercepting Wadi Gaza which originates in the WB Intercepting Wadi Gaza which originates in the WB Diversion of water from River Jordan Diversion of water from River Jordan Denying Palestinians access to two main aquifers Denying Palestinians access to two main aquifers


13 Effects of the Wall on Water Resources Consequences of the wall on Palestinian water resources: Maintaining Israel’s continuous abstraction of more than 400 Mcm/y Maintaining Israel’s continuous abstraction of more than 400 Mcm/y Deporting Palestinians from the most important basin areas. More than 326000 people are affected by this Deporting Palestinians from the most important basin areas. More than 326000 people are affected by this Controlling more than 40 Palestinian productive wells Controlling more than 40 Palestinian productive wells Controlling the development / drilling of wells Controlling the development / drilling of wells Creating a new de facto situation Creating a new de facto situation Maintaining Palestinian water needs subject to Israeli decisions Maintaining Palestinian water needs subject to Israeli decisions Confiscating more land. The wall will eat up 15% of WB land. Confiscating more land. The wall will eat up 15% of WB land.


15 Over-pumping will cause a decline in water levels, which will cause wells and springs to go dry. Over-pumping will cause a decline in water levels, which will cause wells and springs to go dry. The Israeli network of wells around the Palestinian borders is causing severe quantity and quality problems to water resources. The Israeli network of wells around the Palestinian borders is causing severe quantity and quality problems to water resources. Milking the water of West Bank aquifers Source:SUSMAQ

16 The Israeli National Water Carrier conveys about 440 Mcm/yr. A total of 80 to 170 Mcm/yr is used to recharge the Coastal and Western aquifers. The Jordan River has become a dumping site. The low flow of the River caused the Dead Sea to shrink. Source:SUSMAQ ISRAELI NATIONAL WATER CARRIER

17 The very low flow of the Jordan River caused the shrinking of the Dead Sea. This created a serious ecological, environmental and economic problem Source:SUSMAQ Shrinking of the Dead Sea

18 WHO drinking water standard for chloride is 250 mg/l Source:SUSMAQ Chloride levels in Gaza Strip Wells

19 For Nitrate, only a few scattered wells meet the WHO drinking water standard of 50 mg/l. Source:SUSMAQ Nitrate levels in Gaza Strip Wells

20 Forms of Cooperation in the Water Sector Before and After Oslo II: Provision of water supplies from one party to the other In crisis conditions, Palestinian communities shared their limited water supplies with Israeli settlements in the WB Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian companies were invited to participate in large tenders Information exchange and sharing Participation in research and studies as part of Bilateral and / or Multilateral activities Cooperation in activities leading to pollution prevention Participation in JWC meetings and implementing the decisions hereof.

21 Is there a need for further cooperation in the future? Yes, cooperation between both parties was and still is a necessity for: Building strong walls of confidence Implementing Article 40 agreement Maintaining adequate water services Protecting water resources Effectively Managing shared water resources Preparing for the final status negotiations Identifying mutual opportunities for development and investment including socio- economic ones.

22 The Role of Media and international community IC provides wide coverage of the political and military aspects relating to the Middle East Conflict. However, not much attention was given to the water issue that affects the life and existence of the Palestinian people. Conflict over water resources may cause wars. cooperation in this sphere will no doubt lead to peace and prosperity for the two peoples.

23 Questions that need to be answered In the context of the water conflict over the shared water resources in the area, the following three questions are raised: Have IC given the human and social complications resulting from the ongoing conflict the importance they deserve? Can the IC in alleviating the hardships Palestinians undergo day after day? Little was achieved by using the traditional political tools in solving the water conflict. How can IC playS a role in building confidence between the parties?

24 Conclusion This distinguished forum is requested to envisage new avenues for narrowing the gap between the two parties through thorough investigations, building on successful experiences and taking advantage of available opportunities in order to overcome challenges and barriers. Succeeding to do so will make the political solution more attainable. It will also improve the life conditions of the Palestinian people until a final negotiated solution is reached.

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