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The idea of forging a strong peaceful relationship between America and Latin America. Created a customs union *Worked on a means to handle disputes peacefully.*

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2 The idea of forging a strong peaceful relationship between America and Latin America. Created a customs union *Worked on a means to handle disputes peacefully.*

3  Who is involved in this event?   What is the cause of the rebellion?   What was the U.S. Response to this event and why is that the case

4  Cuban citizens were displeased with the laws passed by the Spanish government.  Cuban citizens began to revolt under the leadership of Jose Marti.  Spain crushes the revolution, and begins to place Cuban citizens in internment camps.

5 Before the Civil War, the U.S. had plans to buy Cuba from Spain. Many U.S. businesses had invested in Cuba (mostly in agriculture). When citizens of Cuba began to revolt, the American public was confused,because they did not know which side to take.

6  Yellow Journalism: a type of journalism that downplays legitimate news in favor of eye-catching headlines that sell more newspapers.  William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer created this form of journalism because of the attention it generated.  Consider the large amount of press coverage celebrities receive today. Do you think that this news coverage is legitimate information? Do you think that the information is even news worthy?

7 Even with the sensationalized news President McKinley pushed for Neutrality during the ordeal with Cuba.

8  As tension rose between the U.S. and Spain, the U.S. Navy sent ships to escort American citizens out of Cuba  Early in the morning the battleship the USS Maine exploded off the coast of Cuba  Pulitzer and Hearst wrote headlines claiming that the Maine was destroyed by a Spanish mine.  The American public believed that this was the last straw and the U.S. must deal with Spain.  April 20, 1898 McKinley receives approval from Congress to send military forces to fight Spain.  Now that you have good idea of what the role of yellow journalist was, write your own headline to sensationalize the problem that our nation faces today with the swine flu.

9  The War itself only lasted 4 months.  It was a two front war: Cuba and the Philippines.  The U.S. was highly successful; most forces only suffered a few casualties.  Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough riders obtained great fame during the invasion of Cuba.

10  On August 12, 1898, the U.S. and Spanish representatives came together to sign the Treaty of Paris.  The end result left the U.S. in control of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines.  Besides the control of Spanish territory, the United States was able to enhance their image as an emerging world power by defeating one of the great empires of the world.

11  President McKinley felt it was U.S.’s obligation to educate the new territories they acquired, especially the Philippines.  He considered it the burden of all white developed nations to “care for” the less developed.  Take a moment to consider President McKinley's views about working with less developed countries. Do you feel it is right for the U.S. to be involved in the affairs of other countries? How do you think another country would view the actions made by the U.S.?

12 As the U.S. obtains new territories it begins to re write the countries constitutions With Cuba they develop the Platt amendment The basis of the rules in the amendment is that Cuba exclusively trades with America

13 The same idea as the Platt Amendment was brought to the other countries the U.S. Gains control. In the Philippines this a problem for former leader Emilio Aguinaldo. Aguinaldo originally assisted the U.S. in freeing the Philippines Aguinaldo leads an uprising in the Philippines that takes almost 8 years to suppress.

14 Like Cuba and the Philippines the U.S. also abused Puerto Rico. The Foraker act was passed based around creating a governing body for the island The law required a governor and executive councils appointed by the president Puerto Rico would not elect their own government for thirty years.

15 As China opened it’s borders to the world other countries invested in it. Spheres of Influence: Where a country invested in the development of china they would recive some control of that territory Open Door policy: The U.S. was concerned that these spheres of influence might make it hard for the U.S. to trade, the open door policy was passsed giving trade in China to all nations.


17 America received the rights to build the Panama Canal through the Hay- Pauncefote Treaty. Panama was a protectorate under Columbia, Who refused to let America build the Canal Teddy Roosevelt planned a revolution in Panama which allowed America to build the canal.

18 Big stick Diplomacy refers to Roosevelt's idea that one should be diplomatic when dealing with foreign issues, when that fails then for ca be used. (Speak softly but carry a big stick) Roosevelt Corollary: The concept that was the extension of the Monroe doctrine. If America is adequately protecting Latin America, then America can do what ever is necessary to make it’s money back from those countries.

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