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STEM Initiative – Rooted in Collaboration Engineering SOLs Math Science Technology History Civics English Reading Electives: Art, Drama, Music …

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Presentation on theme: "STEM Initiative – Rooted in Collaboration Engineering SOLs Math Science Technology History Civics English Reading Electives: Art, Drama, Music …"— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM Initiative – Rooted in Collaboration Engineering SOLs Math Science Technology History Civics English Reading Electives: Art, Drama, Music …

2 Introductions Brenda Dortch, Math 7 and Pre-Algebra Katherine Ewalt, Life Science 7 Melinda Kelley, Life Science 7 Virginia Russell, English 7 Who are you? Access presentation & article at:

3 Colonial Heights Middle School 7 th Grade STEM Initiative OVERVIEW 2014-15 and 2015-16

4 See Less Sea-less Sea Gulls Colonial Heights, Virginia operated a landfill from 1936 until it was closed in the 1970’s when it could not meet EPA standards. Most land re-purposed as retail and office space. About 70 acres is still owned by the City. New landfill operating across the Appomattox River attracts many sea gulls.

5 See Less Sea-less Sea Gulls: The problem… Using knowledge gained throughout the year: Design a use for the closed landfill area (brownfield) that will: –Encourage native species –Discourage sea gulls –Provide for human use

6 SOL’s ScienceMathEnglish Ecology & Ecosystems Area, volume, nets, scale factor, proportional reasoning, scientific notation Oral presentations, non-fiction reading, writing, research LS 6, 7, 8, 10, & 11 7.1 a,b; 7.4; & 7.5 a, b, c 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 & 7.9

7 See Less Sea-less Sea Gulls: Major Events Kickoff meeting in auditorium Landfill Models STEM Day –Field trip to brownfield –Online research – native species –Human uses – what will fit ? Design project

8 See Less Sea-less Sea Gulls: Major Event Pictures

9 How did we do this? Prior Professional Development Science Teachers completed workshops. One Science Teacher completed a Master’s Degree in STEM at VA Tech. Math Teachers completed STEM Academy at Math and Science Center Two Math Teachers, one Science Teacher and one English Teacher completed Longwood University STEM course. Training and support from Math and Science Center during initial planning.

10 Year 2013-14 Three multi-day STEM lessons developed and delivered by 7 th grade math teachers. Summer of 2014 Collaborative planning of the STEM initiative.

11 Collaboration We started with the SOL’s Flip charts

12 Collaboration Connecting the SOLs AND EnglishConnected Life Science, Math AND English SOLs Brainstorming led to identifying an authentic, local problem

13 Vocabulary

14 Nonfiction Reading

15 Writing and Mechanics

16 Speech Performance and Speech Writing

17 Time to Jump In Divide into groups You will receive SOLs for math, science and English of one grade level (grade 3, 5, 7 or 10) Brainstorm connections between the SOL’s and possible authentic problems. Use flip chart paper to record your best idea(s) and SOL connections. Group will present briefly for discussion

18 Sharing

19 Advice Professional development Start small with one STEM lesson that lasts one, two, or three class periods Remember students are learning 21 st century skills, including critical thinking and teamwork; it will be “messy”. Collaborate, cooperate, communicate, and console each other.

20 2015 - 16 Virtual field trip to brownfield site using student reporters. Require more emphasis on creating a realistic environment to attract and support native species.

21 Collaboration – It’s all about the teamwork!


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