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Applying Addition and Subtraction Strategies Building Fluency with Addition and Subtraction: Global Concept Guide: 2 of 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Applying Addition and Subtraction Strategies Building Fluency with Addition and Subtraction: Global Concept Guide: 2 of 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying Addition and Subtraction Strategies Building Fluency with Addition and Subtraction: Global Concept Guide: 2 of 2

2 Content Development  Students will build fact fluency and automaticity through building their understanding of strategies. Through repeated practice using efficient methods students will eventually develop fluency.  Students should NOT be given timed tests to quickly computate addition and subtraction sentences. The focus should be on practice of efficient strategies to build fluency.  A KWPR Chart has been provided in the manipulatives section to be used by students to help them determine what the word problems are asking them to do.

3 Day 1  This day is focusing on solving addition and subtraction word problems with the use of a part-part-whole mat. This builds on students knowledge of fact families to help support fluency as well as decoding what the problem is asking.  This day can also be used to encourage students to use an open number line to solve problems.  Under the lesson ideas section on the GCG there is a link to part-part-whole questions that could be used on instruction for this day.

4 Day 2  The purpose of this day is to give the students ample opportunities to use their knowledge of place value to solve addition and subtraction word problems.  In the lesson ideas section of the GCG there is a link to word problems. These word problems may be used on this day where the focus should be heavy on the use of place value to solve problems.

5 Day 3/4  Days 3 and 4 should be spent exposing the students to real world word problems where the students must select an efficient strategy to solve.  Students may combined strategies to solve more efficiently. The emphasis should be on the use of strategies, that will build fact fluency and NOT just on correct answers.

6 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention  Reteach-The word problems could be amended to simpler numbers to build students understanding of how the strategies work to remediate this concept.

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