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Effective INTERVIEW SKILLS Alan Smith Careers Adviser SR 1.08

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Presentation on theme: "Effective INTERVIEW SKILLS Alan Smith Careers Adviser SR 1.08"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective INTERVIEW SKILLS Alan Smith Careers Adviser SR 1.08

2 It’s all in the preparation!

3 Checklist Confirm attendanceArrange interview practice with mePrepare for typical questionsCheck your wardrobePlan your journey

4 90 seconds is all you have! Crucial first impressions

5 Only 5 Question Types! MotivationKnowledgeSelf-AwarenessCompetenciesBusiness Aware

6 Motivation What made you study MSAS?Why Heriot-Watt? Why do you want to be a business analyst? Why work for us?etc…

7 Answer Highlight 3 important criteriaDescribe research processIdentify possibilitiesWhat was the clincher?

8 How did you choose breakfast? Highlight 3 important criteria Describe research process Identify options What was the clincher?

9 Industry Knowledge What do you know about us?What are our main products/services?Who are our main competitors?What challenges are we facing?What do you think you will be doing?

10 Be Prepared Company strengths and weaknessesMarket positionMain business servicesCompany USPJob role insight

11 Your Self Awareness

12 Know your value How have I challenged myself? What are my strengths? What is my best team role? What are my development needs? What have I got out of university/work?

13 Strengths and Weaknesses Your strengths are what the role demands! Your weaknesses are your training needs!

14 Competencies

15 Tell me about a time when…

16 Evidence

17 Prepare your evidence AcitivityProblems SolvedInitiative Shown UniversityStory 1; Story 2Story 10 VolunteeringStory 3Story 11; Story 12 WorkStory 4; Story 5etc Societiesetc Traveletc Otheretc

18 Link stories to skills StorySkills Used 1Communication; Teamwork; Creativity 2Leadership; Persuassion 3IT; Initiative; Creativity 4Organising; Planning; Communication 5etc

19 Select the best story to use

20 Tell your story Choose one source of activity and provide a SPECIFIC example Describe that you understood the issues within the TASK Describe your plan to resolve the issues and the ACTIONS you took Demonstrate your impact and how you measured your RESULT

21 Commercial Awareness

22 Keep up! What’s in the news?What’s the market like?Challenges facing the sector?What are your views on…….?

23 They ask you if you have any questions…?

24 Example Question Topics MentoringTrainingPrioritiesI was reading recently that……..

25 Not Question Topics

26 5 Reasons Checklist Why they should hire youWhy you want to work for themWhy you want the job

27 Anything still not clear?

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