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FY2AP Facts Existing WM F1 trainees allocated to F2 posts according to rotation preference and portfolio score. Trust appointed F1 trainees who commenced.

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Presentation on theme: "FY2AP Facts Existing WM F1 trainees allocated to F2 posts according to rotation preference and portfolio score. Trust appointed F1 trainees who commenced."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY2AP Facts Existing WM F1 trainees allocated to F2 posts according to rotation preference and portfolio score. Trust appointed F1 trainees who commenced in August 2011 and approved special circumstances applicants will be included in this phase. Then : Approved Inter-Foundation School Transfers from other deaneries and Trust appointed F1 trainees who commenced after August 2011 allocated to any unfilled posts.

2 ARCP / Validation; middle of the FY (interim) and at the end of the academic year (final) for both FY1 and FY2 doctors. In previous years process for FY2ap was separate process although shared much in common with the FY1 Interim ARCP Both two processes merged Single process applicable to 2011/2012 FY2ap

3 Not the same In ARCP, process scored separately from outcome. In ARCP, outcome scoring is non-linear. Standard attainment accrues a score of four. Higher attainment attracts higher scores particularly in domains of reflective practice, evidence based practice, audit, global assessment by trainers. FY2ap scores are based on outcomes only. Not all ARCP domains are FY2 application domains. In certain FY2ap total attainment is taken as the score (appraisal, mini-cex, cbd and dops) The descriptors for process and outcome standards are in e-portfolio in self Validation Forms

4 WMD F_ARCP FY2 appProcessOutcome InductionN0, 10,1,4 AppraisalY0, 10,1,4 TABY0, 10,4 Mini CexY0, 10,1,4 CBDY0, 10,1,4 DOPSY0, 10,1,4 ALSN0, 10,1,4 TeachingY0, 10,1,2,4 AuditY0, 10,1,4,8 EBMY0, 10,1,4,8,16 Refl DiaryY0, 10,1,4,8 Careers AdvN0, 10,1,4 Prog AssN0, 10,1,4 CurriculumN0, 10,1,4 Tr’s GlobalY0, 10,1,4,8,16 Max Score1592

5 Key points 1) The marking scheme is not always linear; in some areas it is exponential, so a bit more effort gets you LOTS more points. 2) If I can’t see it in your portfolio I can not award you a score e.g. no ALS certificate clearly confirmed/ uploaded means ‘nil point’ – even if you scored 100% when you took it. 3 ) you can easily see the areas we need to look at within ‘self validation’ – we also ask for a ‘global score’ from your current and preceding educational supervisors

6 2012 FY2 Application process dates 9am Wednesday 29th February: All info from trainees is on e-portfolio for scoring. Any data entered after this date will not be included in scoring 29 Feb – 14 Mar – Scoring 21 Mar – Deadline for entering scores

7 Keep up with appraisals NB Rd sup can’t complete your validation. Ask for confirmation of certificates - especially your ALS. You must have ALS by the end of FY1 – if you don’t yet have it, or a course booked up, please highlight that to Ruth or Alison Any audits marked according the audit criteria by your supervisor & loaded to library – 2 gets you more points than one! Don’t forget SCRIPT modules/ BML learninf, e-lfh etc –certificates must be on display in the eportfolio please under ‘certificates’ or in your personal library Case presenation teaching presenataion, poster/ paers all count as ‘added value’ for EBM Reflecting – quality not just quantity Career planning validation not FY2 score Evidence mapped out against curriculum, and scored where you have sufficient evidence- it is important that some of this is completed in every post so that the last educational supervisor does not have it all to do! It follows that you need to do the mapping before asking your supervisor to look at it! Not for FY2ap score. Log any ‘absences’ e.g. sick or compassionate leave or declare that there are none if that is the case. This will be important at the end for GMC registration academic FY1s must pass FY1 final validation to take up FY2 post,


9 5% 33% 66% 95%




13 P<0.001

14 WMD F_ARCP F ARCP scores vary with centre This may relate to intra assessor differences Calibration and guidance may mitigate against this We will commit to testing that.

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