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Chair - Jeff Hebenstreit - UL 12/4/2013. Background Previous presentation – Evaluation of gases to Method E 12/2/2009 Background Utility contacted UL.

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Presentation on theme: "Chair - Jeff Hebenstreit - UL 12/4/2013. Background Previous presentation – Evaluation of gases to Method E 12/2/2009 Background Utility contacted UL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chair - Jeff Hebenstreit - UL 12/4/2013

2 Background Previous presentation – Evaluation of gases to Method E 12/2/2009 Background Utility contacted UL Concern surrounding contaminants in chlorine Provided a study suggesting a concentration effect of Carbon Tetrachloride.

3 Concerns A product could meet the requirements of the standard, if prepared from a full cylinder, where it truly may be non-compliant. As product is used, compliant products can become non-compliant, depending on the application method.

4 Modified Test Method Gases prepped via method E Prepared sample from full cylinder Vented cylinder to near empty Prepared a second sample Analyzed via EPA method 524.2

5 Results


7 AWWA B301-04 Section 4.3, Impurities – Liquid chlorine: a. Moisture ≤ 150 ppm b. Heavy Metals, sum of all ≤ 30 ppm c. Lead ≤ 10 ppm d. Mercury ≤ 1 ppm e. Arsenic ≤ 3 ppm f. Nonvolatile residue ≤ 50 ppm mfrd rail/tank cars or ≤ 150 ppm cylinders g. Carbon tetrachloride ≤ 100 ppm h. Trihalomethanes ≤ 300 ppm

8 Examples

9 Recommendation Formation of a Task Group Reach out to AWWA

10 Task Group Actions Discussed Sampling Procedures (no change) Issue paper for pre-filling requirements Proposed Modification AWWA B304 Proposed language for AWWA M20 Manual 10

11 Pre-filling Requirements Add 6.3.4 – Chlorine Container and Rail Car Pre-Filling Requirements Requires any remaining liquids to be removed prior to filling Certifiers can audit against these requirements if added to NSF 60 Motion for this to go to ballot 11

12 Proposed Changes to AWWA B301 Ballot proposal submitted to AWWA disinfection committee to revise AWWA B301 for the following: Carbon Tetrachloride: Revise from the current limit of 100 ppm to 16 ppm. Trihalomethanes: Revise from the current limit of 300 ppm to 267 ppm (0.0267 percent). 12

13 AWWA M20 Manual Proposed language to warn about the issue Also indicated that the use of vaporizers do not necessarily remedy the issue Suggested a remedy if issue is present 13

14 Task Group Complete Thanks for all the task group participants Roster members Other participants Recommend closure of this Task Group 14

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