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Traffic Records Assessment Assessor Training October 2015.

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1 Traffic Records Assessment Assessor Training October 2015

2 What & Where are the Criteria? The Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory: Provides guidance on the necessary contents, capabilities, and data quality measurements for a comprehensive traffic records system, Describes an ideal traffic records system, one that supports high-quality decisions that enable cost-effective improvements to highway and traffic safety, 2 Poses a uniform set of questions that reveals the performance of the State traffic records system relative to the ideal.

3 Scope of the Assessment TRCC Management Strategic Planning Data Use & Integration Six Core Data Systems: 3 CRASHDRIVERROADWAYVEHICLECITATION/ ADJUDICATON INJURY SURVEILLANCE

4 Assessment Questions TRCC Management19 Strategic Planning16 Crash44 Driver45 Vehicle39 Roadway38 Citation / Adjudication54 Injury Surveillance123* Data Use & Integration13 Total391 * Injury Surveillance now includes sub-sections on EMS, Emergency Room, Hospital Discharge, Trauma Registry, and Vital Records 4

5 Standards of Evidence The Advisory supplies a standard of evidence for each question. Describes the information needed to support State assertions that a traffic records system possesses the specific capability referred to in the question Determined by subject matter expert panels with State, Federal, academic, and other representation. 5

6 Assessment Ratings Upon review, assessors will make a determination for each question that reflects how the State’s traffic records systems are performing relative to the ideal detailed in the Advisory. MEETS the description of the ideal traffic records system PARTIALLY MEETS the description of the ideal traffic records system 6 DOES NOT MEET the description of the ideal traffic records system

7 Assessment Schedule Finalized ScheduleHoliday SunMonTueWedThuFriSat November2627282930311 2345678STRAP Training 9101112131415 Kickoff Meeting 16171819202122 Round 1: Data Collection 23242526272829 December30123456Round 1: Analysis 78910111213 14151617181920Round 2: Data Collection 12222324252627 January28293031123 45678910 11121314151617Round 2: Analysis 18192021222324 25262728293031 Round 3: Final Data Collection February1234567 891011121314Round 3: Final Analysis 15161718192021 22232425262728 Facilitator Finalizes Report March1234567 Final Report Submitted 891011121314 15161718192021 Report Out

8 Time and Knowledge Needed Expect to spend no more than 40 hours working over the course of an assessment for an average module. (40-50 questions) What qualifies someone as an expert? “Expertise is a broad knowledge of how a system or process works; skill, training and experience can give a person a level of expertise, but the ability to analyze various aspects of a program, solve problems and offer solutions is central to being a subject matter expert. This doesn't mean you have to know all there is to know about a subject, more that you are aware of the broader issues such as management principles that foster improvement and excellence.” 8

9 Average Assessor Time in STRAP 9

10 Average Hours Per Phase 10

11 STRAP Process Flow State GR submits written request to NHTSA Region State Respondents answer assigned questions & supply evidence NHTSA Region forwards written request to NHTSA TR Team Assessors review answers & evidence; provide findings & ratings NHTSA TR Team confirms State request & schedules calls NHTSA TRA team hosts initial call (~4 months prior to kickoff) Facilitator leads ASSESSMENT KICKOFF MEETING State Coordinator sends Respondent info & assigns questions STRAP Tech Support hosts State Coordinator training webinar STRAP Tech Support Sends State Coordinator STRAP tokens STRAP Tech Support Launches Data Collection & Analysis Phases Facilitator hosts call (1 month prior to kickoff) STRAP Tech Support Sends Respondent STRAP tokens STRAP Tech Support sends Assessor STRAP tokens Facilitator review; forwards to NHTSA TR Team NHTSA TR Team generates Final Report; sends to State Facilitator leads ASSESSMENT REPORT OUT WEBINAR Assessors confirm final findings, ratings and summaries x3 Answers that meet the ideal are not returned to respondents in subsequent rounds NHTSA TR Team Facilitator State Leadership State Respondents NHTSA Region Assessors STRAP Support

12 State Traffic Records Assessment Process (STRAP) STRAP Overview

13 13

14 STRAP Overview

15 15

16 STRAP Overview 16

17 STRAP Overview – Module Leader 17

18 STRAP Overview – Respondent View 18

19 Sample Q & A Module: TRCC 1. Does the State have both an executive and a technical TRCC? Evidence Requirement: Provide a charter and/or MOU. Also provide a roster with all members' names, affiliations, and titles for both the executive and technical TRCC. State Response: Yes the State's TRCC, is organized as a 3-level tier. The top tier is the Executive level, the second tier is the technical level and the third are the working groups created to address current projects or challenges on a working level. See the attached TRCC charter and executive level roster. Rating: Meets the Advisory Ideal - Both an executive TRCC and a technical TRCC are in place, and detailed rosters illustrating the structure at each level have been provided. 19

20 Advice DO communicate with your co-assessor and/or Module Leader. (Printouts) DON’T use outside information for Ratings/Findings. Use only information provided by respondents. DO use outside information for clarification requests. Ask the respondent to confirm/corroborate potential outside information. DO use outside information for Module Summaries. When applicable, note what was provided in-system did not match external knowledge, but ratings had to be made based on what was actually submitted. 20

21 Advice DON’T restate the question or evidence requirement in the ballot and/or finding. DO Provide enough information so someone reading the report at a later date will understand how and why you reached your conclusion. DON’T write “State says no.” Instead write: "The State's crash and driver systems are not linked." 21

22 Final Report The result of the assessment is a report with the final question ratings and findings. Each Module leader also creates a Module Summary similar to the previous assessment that lays out the opportunities and strengths for each module. 22

23 Final Report 23 Recommendations are now automatically generated based on the score each module receives. Scores are calculated using a combination of the question importance and rating.

24 National Ratings 24

25 Becoming an Assessor If you would like to be considered as an assessor for future assessments of other States’ traffic records systems, please fill out the form provided at the back of the room. The form and other information is also available at: All names are sent to NHTSA for vetting and then put into the Subject Matter Expert Pool for selection. 25

26 Questions?

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