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G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 1 Goal: Build a Test Stand that can test and characterize 10 PMTs. Assumptions about MINERvA Electronics:

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Presentation on theme: "G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 1 Goal: Build a Test Stand that can test and characterize 10 PMTs. Assumptions about MINERvA Electronics:"— Presentation transcript:

1 G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 1 Goal: Build a Test Stand that can test and characterize 10 PMTs. Assumptions about MINERvA Electronics:  PMT Test Stand can be supported with 704 (=11 x 64) channels of ADCs  DAQ rate 500 Hz  Integration Time = 12  s George S. Tzanakos Physics Department, University of Athens, Greece

2 G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 2 MINERvA Electronics (ADCs) Multiplexer 11 PMTs Stages-Filter Wheel Trigger Unit LED pulser Stage Controller HV controller TCP/IP SCSI bus signal cables HV cables special protocol VME bus

3 G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 3 Diffuser from LED Top view of multiplexer 8x8 positions The same pixel in each PMT x,y,z stages 11 PMTs per batch 64 bundles of 11 fibers

4 G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 4 DARK COUNTS: 1 sec  500 windows of 12  s  0.006 s of live time 1hr  21.6 s live time, For a DC rate of 250Hz  5400 DC total Assume a 0.5 hr collection  2700 counts total  42 counts/channel OPERATING HV 5 HV settings (-750, -800, -850, -900, -950 ), 64 positions, 5000 pulses/ position, 5 sec movement time, HV Settling  64pos x (5+5HVs x(5+5000/500)) = 1.42 hr  1.5 hrs (Oxford: 5 hrs)

5 G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 5 Single pe Response, Gain uniformity, Linearity, Xtalk V0. 12 filters, 64 positions, 10000 light pulses per setting  64x(5+12x(5+10000/500)) = 5.4  5.5 hrs V1. 3 HVs, 12 filters, 64 positions, 10000 light pulses per setting  64x(5+3x(5+12x(5+10000/500))) = 16.4  16.5 hrs V2. 5 HVs, 12 filters, 64 positions, 5000 light pulses per setting  64x(5+5x(5+12x(5+5000/500))) = 16.5  16.5 hrs V3. 5 HVs, 8 filters, 64 positions, 5000 light pulses per setting  64x(5+5x(5+8x(5+5000/500))) = 11.2  11 hrs (Linearity) 64x(5+10000/500) = 0.44  0.5 hrs (Xtalk). Total = 11.5 hrs V4. 3 HVs, 8 filters, 64 positions, 5000 light pulses per setting  64x(5+3x(5+8x(5+5000/500))) = 6.8  7 hrs 64x(5+10000/500) = 0.44  0.5 hrs (Xtalk). Total = 7.5 hrs (Assumed: Settling time = 5 s for each: a)x-y-z pos b) filter c) HV )

6 G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 6 ConditionLinearity Gain, SPE (hrs) Xtalk (N=10000) HV Setup (hrs) DARK Counts (hrs) Total (hrs) Grand Total NposNHVNFiltN 64112100005.5Included1.50.57.517 643121000016.5Included1.50.518.528 64512500016.5Included1.50.518.528 6458500011. 643850007. Assume:  4 hrs preparation of new batch and processing of previous batch  4 hrs for PMT settling  1 cycle of testing (21 hrs)  1.5 hrs to repeat HV setup and verify gain stability Additional time = 4+4+ 1.5 = 9.5 hrs  GRAND TOTAL =

7 G. Tzanakos, MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, Jan 14, 2006 7 Justification  HV: Setup HV for fixed gain  Dark Counts: verify smooth behaviour, see DC single pe pulse  Gain: Stability, pixel-to-pixel uniformity  Xtalk: Measure to use later in MC simulation of each PMT  Linearity vs HV: correct data for non-linearities

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