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Searching The Internet And Evaluating Internet Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Searching The Internet And Evaluating Internet Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Searching The Internet And Evaluating Internet Information

2 Search Strategy Generally, the best method to find information includes a stepwise approach moving first through tertiary then secondary and finally primary literature.

3 Search Strategy (Secondary and Primary Literature)

4 Boolean operators

5 Types Of Information Sources Tertiary Sources (textbooks, Guidelines, compendia, Encyclopedia, Dictionaries ……) Secondary Sources (Systematic Reviews, Abstracting and indexing engines) Primary Sources (Original Research Article)

6 Evidence Based Pyramid

7 Choosing the appropriate database The following order of search steps is likely to be successful for most purposes ⁻Try Cochrane Library then other sources for systematic reviews ⁻Use MEDLINE (PubMed) and other primary information sources

8 Cochrane Library The most important secondary source of information and thus it is best to start a search there. An international professional organization that compiles systematic reviews in important fields of medicine. Strict criteria are used in its evaluations and its published reports are characterized by high quality and reliability.

9 Search Strategy (Secondary and Primary Literature) Let’s Go cochrane/cochrane_search_fs.html ?newSearch=true cochrane/cochrane_search_fs.html ?newSearch=true

10 Search Strategy (Secondary and Primary Literature)


12 Clinical Queries in PubMed The second-best source of systematic reviews after Cochrane is MEDLINE/PubMed clinical queries.

13 Evaluating Internet Information Finding the information is only part of the battle. Essentially anyone can put any information on the web, whether that information is valuable, worthless, disgusting, or even dangerous

14 Evaluating Internet Information It is necessary for pharmacists to use the skills discussed in, and. In particular, a web source should be evaluated for believability, the source (author), supporting evidence, logic, timeliness, and other factors.

15 The HON Code of Conduct for medical and health Web sites (HONcode) The Health on the Net Foundation has established HONcode which contains eight principles. These principles, if met, support the quality of the information provided by a particular website.

16 1. Authoritative Indicate the qualifications of the authors 2. Complementarily Information should support, not replace, the doctor-patient relationship 3. Privacy Respect the privacy and confidentiality of personal data submitted to the site by the visitor The HON Code of Conduct for medical and health Web sites (HONcode)

17 4. Attribution Cite the source(s) of published information, date medical and health pages 5. Justifiability Site must back up claims relating to benefits and performance 6. Transparency Accessible presentation, accurate email contact

18 The HON Code of Conduct for medical and health Web sites (HONcode) 7. Financial disclosure Identify funding sources 8. Advertising policy Clearly distinguish advertising from editorial content uct298987

19 Assignment Every Group should select a website and find out if it complies with the HonCode

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