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Commitment Is Tough Ecclesiastes 5:1-7. Commitment Is Lacking Today ■Consider the decline in marriage and the high rate of divorce ■Consider the enormous.

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Presentation on theme: "Commitment Is Tough Ecclesiastes 5:1-7. Commitment Is Lacking Today ■Consider the decline in marriage and the high rate of divorce ■Consider the enormous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commitment Is Tough Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

2 Commitment Is Lacking Today ■Consider the decline in marriage and the high rate of divorce ■Consider the enormous amount of debt, personal and national ■Consider the lack of devotion in our schools and our work ethic on the job

3 Commitment Is Lacking Today ■Consider the lack of dependability in general from those who don’t keep their word ■Consider the lack of commitment among some Christians (atttendance problems, not giving, will not volunteer, etc.)

4 Why Is Commitment Lacking? Society’s loose code ■The liberal media and liberal politicians care nothing for God’s word; they sway public opinion to take a loose view of commitment (divorce, abortion, homosexuality, etc.); America is in a moral meltdown ■Psa. 33:12; Prov. 14:34

5 Why Is Commitment Lacking? Religion’s loose teaching ■Liberal preachers and theologians know how to undot the “i” and uncross the “t” in God’s word; they know how to get you out of your obligations and commitments (women preachers, inst. music, faith only, etc.) ■Mt. 15:1-8

6 Why Is Commitment Lacking? God’s “loose” judgment ■Many think that God will not punish them; others think that God’s “love” and “grace” will overlook all their broken vows ■Eccl. 8:11; 2 Pet. 3:4-9

7 Why Is Commitment Lacking? Brethren’s loose approval ■Some brethren approve of wrong-doing; commitment is sacrificed on the alter of tolerance and a sweet, get-along spirit; “live and let live”; accept anyone into their fellowship; don’t preach against sin (immodesty, drink, dance, divorce, etc.) ■1 Cor. 5:1-13; Rev. 2:20

8 Why Is Commitment Lacking? Parent’s loose control ■Many parents will not discipline (physical and verbal) their children when they are young; their lack of control fosters a lack of commitment ■1 Sam. 3:13; 1 K. 1:6; Prov. 29:15

9 Commitment Is Tough ■Keep your word, otherwise it’s a sin (Rom. 1:31) ■Commit yourself to God’s service today (Psa. 22:8; 37:5; 1 Pet. 2:23; 4:19)!

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