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Cécile Gréboval EWL Secretary General EUROPEAN WOMEN’S LOBBY Work Programme 2012 Initial Thoughts EWL General Assembly 18-19 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Cécile Gréboval EWL Secretary General EUROPEAN WOMEN’S LOBBY Work Programme 2012 Initial Thoughts EWL General Assembly 18-19 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cécile Gréboval EWL Secretary General EUROPEAN WOMEN’S LOBBY Work Programme 2012 Initial Thoughts EWL General Assembly 18-19 June 2011

2 FRAMEWORK: EWL STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2015 1.Strategic Objective 1: Contribute to / Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men 2.Strategic Objective 2: Effective alliances, networks and outreach 3.Strategic Objective 3: Strengthen the EWL Membership; develop and harvest the talents and capacities of the membership base and encourage networking among the members 4.Strategic Objective 4: Ensure best practices of governance based on feminist principles 5.Strategic Objective 5: An autonomous and sustainable EWL

3 Strategic Objective 1: Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Continue to advocate for a European Year and Strategy against Violence against Women Pursue the Campaign “For a Europe Free from Prostitution” Insist on the safe treatment of women victims especially in relation to the police and judicial system

4 Strategic Objective 1: Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Push for the ratification and implementation of the Council Convention on Violence against Women Implement the EWL Strategy on sexual health and rights (to be defined in 2012) Support the work of the EWL Observatory on Violence

5 Strategic Objective 1: Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men WOMEN IN DECISION-MAKING Monitor European and national legislation on parity on Boards of Administration Revive the EWL 50/50 Campaign (depending on funding) Develop an EWL project on mentoring (depending on funding) Continue to monitor the situation in relation to women in decision-making in different fora Participate in the European Network of Women in decision-making

6 Strategic Objective 1: Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men GENDER EQUALITY POLICIES AND LEGISLATION Follow up on the adoption of the maternity directive Monitors EC proposals on “carers‘ leave” and on the review of the goods and services directive Continue to work on the EU budget post 2014 Link with the Danish and Cyprus EU Presidencies Link with the European Institute for Gender Equality

7 Strategic Objective 1: Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICIES Develop a position paper on the “Care Economy” Follow up the EU 2020 Strategy (Spring Council, National Reform Programmes) Be involved in the debate on family policies

8 Strategic Objective 1: Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICIES Activities in the context of the European Year on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity (2012): Position paper GA conference on younger/older women?

9 Strategic Objective 1: Influence EU-level policies relating to equality between women and men HORIZONTAL ISSUES Develop activities on women & media / gender stereotypes (depending on funding) Follow up on the family reunification campaign Follow up on the activities with Roma women Follow up on the activities concerning asylum International: explore the possibility for exchanges with women’s organisations from North Africa + Neighbourhood policies

10 Strategic Objective 2: Effective alliances, networks and outreach Continuous links, input, consultations with European decision- makers Continue to cooperate with women’s groups such as the European Network of Migrant Women, Roma Women etc. Be part of the Coalition of NGOs for the European Year on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity 2012 Work in coalitions concerning asylum issues, sexual rights, anti- discrimination and other topics as relevant

11 Strategic Objective 3: Strengthen the EWL Membership Develop activities with member organisations on “The State of Women in Europe”: publication, capacity building tools. Organise a capacity building seminar for new Board members Implement strategies to reach out to members at national level

12 Strategic Objective 3: Strengthen the EWL Membership Capacity building on new ways of measuring progress and well being from a feminist perspective (feminist economics, beyond GDP debate): organise a Board seminar on this topic? Produce two issues of European Women’s Voice

13 Strategic Objective 4: Ensure best practices of governance based on feminist principles Finalise membership review and implement results Pursue reflection on internal governance and structures Prepare for revision of statutes in 2013 External evaluation

14 Strategic Objective 5: An autonomous and sustainable EWL Human resources management Fundraising strategy / seeking co-funding Support members in their fundraising efforts

15 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For more information:

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