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Transnationality Driving force for change Witold Szwebs Transnational Secretary AOF Nord, Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Transnationality Driving force for change Witold Szwebs Transnational Secretary AOF Nord, Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transnationality Driving force for change Witold Szwebs Transnational Secretary AOF Nord, Denmark

2 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat

3 The added value of transnational co-operation Results and outcomes that cannot be achieved on the national or regional level

4 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Transnational cooperation. Direct benefits Directly stimulating and supporting innovation Validating and passing on learning and experience European dimension European networks Building capacity

5 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Transnational cooperation. Added value Learning from and about the differences Fostering individual and collective empowerment Using European diversity Developing a true European mindset Raising awareness Making change possible ‘An investment in Europe's present and future: The added value of Transnational Co-operation at project level under EQUAL.’ Ruth Santos, ECOTEC, 2005.

6 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat TYPES OF TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION exchange information and experience getting to know each other's ideas, strategies, and activities comparisons and parallel development / testing / validation of innovative approaches to the chosen focus of their work

7 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat TYPES OF TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION Import, export or adoption of new approaches Joint service, product or system development Sharing experience on the ground through exchanging partners, managers, trainees, trainers for longer or shorter time.

8 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat

9 Building Together Across the Borders Explorelearningapproaches Enhance Capacity Share the tools Exploit potential Four Point Strategy

10 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Focus of the work Transferring good practices:  study visits Collective learning at the regional and sectoral level:  transnational seminars Sharing experiences:  training visits Product development:  conciliation guide

11 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Products and deliverables Reports and resumes Model for transnational jobrotation Model for transnational training programme Guide on measures to conciliate work and family life ICT products

12 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Vehicle for added value in the local projects Proecological technologies in the sector Flexible organisation of work and learning (jobrotation) Validation of competences Sectoral Training Fund Equal opportunities

13 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Transnationality as… Catalyst for change and innovation on the organisational and personal level

14 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Fields of change TechnologiesProducts Organisation Human resources

15 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat

16 Thank you for your attention

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