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LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Scott Davidson Technical Manager, Smarter Choices.

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Presentation on theme: "LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Scott Davidson Technical Manager, Smarter Choices."— Presentation transcript:

1 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Scott Davidson Technical Manager, Smarter Choices. 24 th November 2015. The Gamification of Modal Shift.

2 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity, typically as an online marketing technique to encourage engagement with a product or service. gamification Line Breaks: gami¦fi|ca¦tion Pronunciation: ɡ e ɪ m ɪ f ɪˈ ke ɪʃ (ə)n

3 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area 1)Action & Progress Loops Encouraging people to take actions, with feedback that motivates repetition. 2) VIP Goals Valuable, Interesting, and Possible, are one of the main elements of progress loops. 3) Good Reward Systems Real or virtual, extrinsic or intrinsic, positive or negative. Reinforcing or discouraging the player’s behaviour. 4) Start Solo; Evolve into Social MMO & Social features.

4 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Google Ingress TME Start 50 seconds game-that-reveals-googles-secret-war-to-control-london

5 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area







12 45% of 1791 respondents were new, returning or occasional cyclists 55% had increased the amount of cycling they do 45% had increased the amount of walking they do 72% had reduced their daily travel by car (12% by 11 miles or more) 49% were women Over 17,000 SOV journeys removed in first 6 weeks of The Big Commuting Challenge

13 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area 18433 cycling 48% 8340 walking 22% 3608 car sharing (9%) 2990 Bus (8%) 2,410 Overland Train (6%) 1,200 Work at home (3%) 856 motorbike/ scooter 332 Running 153 Park & Ride. 11 Ferry 5 Scooting/ Skating

14 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area “I'm restricted in terms of options for my commute because I live in Glasgow. But talking about this challenge with colleagues motivated me to get my bike repaired - looking forward to collecting it today.” “Staying over in Bristol 1 night per week rather than driving 70 miles home and 70 miles back the next morning has the same carbon saving in travel as working from home for 1 day… and I can walk to work in the morning.” Mark. H. 700 Miles on the bike in a month....... might even keep this bike thing going saved just under £300.” Paul H, Southampton.

15 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Thoroughly enjoying cycling to work, and will probably continue after the challenge. Jackie H, Kirkcaldy. Change that to will definitely cycle to work (weather permitting). Getting stuck at all the traffic lights almost makes my journey longer (and more stressful) by car. Jackie H, Kircaldy. Ditched Gloucester Road Route yesterday for Concorde Way cycle path, it's a much nicer ride with so much wildlife, green space and allotments! Try it if you haven't already.

16 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area “This was the first time I had to use the bus as I had to pick up my grandson I normally use the car as he lives in Arnold and I live in The Meadows. I walked into town and then found where I had to catch the bus from, to go to Arnold it was a dull day but it was pleasant. As I normally pick him up in the car I never realised how much i missed the scenery I finally arrived at Arnold and had to walk about half a mile to his house. I was a little tired but ok. On the way back was so enjoyable as my Grandson never stopped talking and telling me all the things we saw the time went so quickly and never realised that we were nearly home, as this was the first time I used the public transport I got there a little quicker than if I had used the car. My grandson and I are doing the journey again this Friday as we enjoyed and it has made me feel a little younger. J Byard”

17 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area


19 Proportion reporting meeting WHO recommendations for physical activity

20 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Reading Beat the Street – May/June 2015 Days in the past week of 30 minutes or more of physical activity

21 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Why Use Gamification? The most effective employee engagement tool? The most effective child engagement tool? Relatively low cost. Data, Data, Data – demonstrating impact.

22 LLEP TRS2 - Transport Access & its Relationship with Employment in the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Area Scott Davidson Technical Manager, Smarter Choices. 07500 989270 Veronica Reynolds Client Services Director 07979 970558

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