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The developments in Milan’s sustainable transport initiatives to reduce air and noise pollution Maria Berrini - CEO, Milan Mobility Environment and Territory.

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Presentation on theme: "The developments in Milan’s sustainable transport initiatives to reduce air and noise pollution Maria Berrini - CEO, Milan Mobility Environment and Territory."— Presentation transcript:

1 The developments in Milan’s sustainable transport initiatives to reduce air and noise pollution Maria Berrini - CEO, Milan Mobility Environment and Territory Agency (AMAT) THE PEP 2015 Symposium Reducing transport-related emissions for a better environment and human health Geneva, 17 and 18 November 2015

2 Sustainable Mobility Urban Plan of Milan – Goals and strategies Sustainable Mobility Equity, security, social cohesion Environmental quality Innovation and economic efficiency Ensure high accessibility, reduce dependancy on private vehicles and redistribute space in favor of active mobility Reduce road accidents and barriers in access to mobility services, reduce the exposure to noise and air pollutants Reduce air pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions Ensure economic balance to mobility system and internalise environmental, social and health costs

3 PUMS - Main strategies STRATEGIES FOR THE METROPOLITAN AREA – MEDIUM DISTANCE MOBILITY: Regional Rail Service, Underground and Tram extensions, Bus Rapid Transit, Integrated fares. FULL ACCESSIBILITY INTO THE CITY BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Strengthening and innovation of the existing Public Transport services and network (with dedicated right-of-way not shared with other traffic, increased speed), no barriers for disabled people. URBAN PUBLIC SPACE AS COMMON GOOD. VISION ZERO AS MAIN PRIORITY : Street safety, 30/km speed Zones, focus on Walk/Cycle. TRANSPORT DEMAND MANAGEMENT FOR PEOPLE AND GOODS : Access and parking regulations, Charging schemes, Sharing mobility and Low emission vehicles. STRATEGIES FOR THE METROPOLITAN AREA – MEDIUM DISTANCE MOBILITY: Regional Rail Service, Underground and Tram extensions, Bus Rapid Transit, Integrated fares. FULL ACCESSIBILITY INTO THE CITY BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Strengthening and innovation of the existing Public Transport services and network (with dedicated right-of-way not shared with other traffic, increased speed), no barriers for disabled people. URBAN PUBLIC SPACE AS COMMON GOOD. VISION ZERO AS MAIN PRIORITY : Street safety, 30/km speed Zones, focus on Walk/Cycle. TRANSPORT DEMAND MANAGEMENT FOR PEOPLE AND GOODS : Access and parking regulations, Charging schemes, Sharing mobility and Low emission vehicles.

4 Reduction of the exposure to noise and air pollutants – expected results Population esposed to the different ranges of traffic noise Range (db) 38,7% Δ ≥ -0,5 -0,5 < Δ < 0,5 16,3% Δ ≥ 0,5 Reference Vs Current scenario Plan Vs Current scenario 45,0% 12,3% 11,2% 76,5% 38,7% of population exposed to noise reduction

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