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Head,shoulders, knees and toes. This is my ----. These are my ----.

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Presentation on theme: "Head,shoulders, knees and toes. This is my ----. These are my ----."— Presentation transcript:

1 Head,shoulders, knees and toes

2 This is my ----. These are my ----.

3 This is my body.

4 This is my mouth.

5 This is my nose.

6 These are my arms.

7 These are my legs.

8 These are my eyes.

9 These are my feet.

10 These are my ears.

11 These are my shoulders.

12 These are my knees.

13 These are my toes.

14 face a round face a square face a long face ____has/have a ____ face. People have different face shapes.

15 hair straight 直的 ____has/have ____ ____ hair. curly 卷曲的 long short hair People have different hair styles.

16 Look at ______. He/She has a ______face. He/She has ____ ____ hair. It is ____. (colour) Ben Liu Xiang Lucy Cheng Rong Mike Alice a round face a square face a long face long straight long curly short straight short curly

17 n. 皮肤 skin fair skin People have different skin colours. black skin hair AliceDanny yellow skin Conan

18 I can see Eiffel Tower. 埃菲尔铁塔 Alice is from France. 法国 It is in Europe. 欧洲

19 Europe

20 Alice is from Europe. Most people in Europe have fair skin, golden straight hair, two blue eyes and a big body.

21 I can see some African Elephants. (非洲象) Danny is from Africa. (非洲)

22 Africa

23 Danny is from Africa. Most people in Africa have black skin, black curly hair, two black eyes and a strong body.

24 Conan is from Japan. It is in Asia. (亚洲)

25 Asia

26 Conan is from Asia. Most people in Asia have _______ skin, _____ _______ hair, two _____ eyes and a _____body. yellowblack straight smallblack

27 Most people in Europe have fair skin, golden straight hair, two blue eyes and a big body. Most people in Africa have black skin, black curly hair, two black eyes and a strong body. Most people in Asia have yellow skin, black straight hair, two black eyes and a small body. EuropeAfrica Asia

28 skin hair body Europe Africa Asia

29 skin hair body Europe fairgolden straightbig Africa blackblack curlystrong Asia yellowblack straightsmall

30 Tic-tac-toe ___ has a ___face, ___ skin, ___hair. ___ is from ____. Mike Alice Kitty Lucy Peter Ben Rain

31 天下一家

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