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The basics There is some debate about when Jesus lived The Bible says he was born during the reign of Herod the Great Reigned until 4 BC He died while.

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2 The basics There is some debate about when Jesus lived The Bible says he was born during the reign of Herod the Great Reigned until 4 BC He died while Pontius Pilate was prefect of Judea AD 26-36 Most agree he lived from 3 BC to 33 AD

3 Jews were treated badly under Roman rule They turned inward and closed off their community Saw the world as split between Jews and Gentiles Jesus preached tolerance, love, and equality He wanted to “fix” Judaism Many of His followers believed that He was the prophesied Messiah and Son of God He would lead the Jews to victory over Rome

4 Jesus’ teachings upset two groups: Jewish High Priests because Jesus created controversy within the Jewish tradition Roman government was afraid Jesus would reduce their authority Romans arrested Jesus He was crucified at age 33 This is the end of the story for Jews But….

5 But… Followers believed Jesus rose from the dead Because of this… People began to believe that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God “New” religion was created and spread throughout the Roman Empire

6 Why did it spread so rapidly? Equality The Roman world was split between citizens, non- citizens, and slaves, and there was little/no opportunity to move up Only Roman citizens had rights Christianity taught that everyone was equal to God Slaves = Caesar Sense of Calm and Happiness To Romans, death was scary To Christians, death meant eternal peace in heaven Life expectancy was only about 35


8 Romans were still hostile towards Christianity Battle of the Milvian Bridge Constantine challenged by rival Night before battle, Constantine sees vision “Through this sign, you shall conquer” Constantine uses symbol on shields Wins battle, rival drowns in river Became sole Emperor of Rome

9 Constantine converts to Christianity Gave tax breaks and elevated status to Christians Caused many conversions AD 381 – Christianity made official religion of Empire by Theodosius I This paved the way for followers of Christianity to number over 2 billion today Capital moved to Constantinopolis Split in the Empire

10 Officially there was one church Many Christians disagreed on specifics Latin Church Centered in Rome Led by Pope (Il Papa) Followed by Western Europeans Greek Church Centered in Constantinople Led by Byzantine Emperor Followers from Mid East and East. Europe


12 Coptic Church Centered in Alexandria Led by a “Patriarch” Followed by Egyptians and Ethiopians Nestorian Church Centered in Antioch Followed by Syrians, Iranians In the 500’s, the Coptic and Nestorian Christians separated from the rest

13 In 1054, the Latin and Greek Churches officially split Today they are known as the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches

14 One billion followers Mostly in Europe and N. and S. America Catholics believe that the Pope has final say on: Biblical interpretation Church rules Pope traces his power to St. Peter First introduced Christianity to Rome Considered first Pope Capital is Vatican City Current Pope: Benedict XVI

15 Split from the Catholics (Schism) Leadership and theology problems Practiced mainly in Southeast Europe, Russia, Armenia, and Mid East Follow a different calendar than the others Celebrate Christmas Jan. 7 Easter later

16 Broke from the Roman Catholics in 16 th century Martin Luther main proponent Nailed 95 Theses to door of Wittenberg Cathedral in 1517 Excommunicated Began Lutheran Church King Henry VIII broke from Rome in 1531 Anglican and Episcopal Church Others include: Baptists, Methodists, Calvinists, Presbyterians, Puritans, etc. Most non-denominational churches in the US are Protestant

17 Jerusalem Palestine contains the main sites of Jesus’ life Huge tourist destinations Vatican City In Rome Home to Pope Visited by millions each year Contains many artifacts of Catholicism

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