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Please open your text to page 80.. WHAT WOULD MUHAMMAD SAY TO THESE TWO?

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Presentation on theme: "Please open your text to page 80.. WHAT WOULD MUHAMMAD SAY TO THESE TWO?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please open your text to page 80.


3 Raise your hand if you can tell me something about this picture. Who? What? When? Where? Why?

4 What was the journey to Medina that Muhammad was forced to take called?

5 What happened shortly after Muhammad’s return to Mecca?

6 CALIPH (KAY-luhf) A title for the highest leader of Islam. In Arabic it means “successor” or the next person who takes a position Abu Bakr was the first caliph.

7 Tolerance To accept

8 What issue from America’s recent history do these pictures represent? Segregation

9 Tolerance

10 What issue in today’s society do these pictures represent? Where do you see tolerance?

11 What issue in today’s society do these pictures represent? Which pictures illustrate tolerance?

12 Based on the last few slides, raise your hand if you can give your own definition of ‘tolerance’.

13 Influence To make a change or have an effect on another person. How would a multi-cultural society influence people in the society?

14 Based on what we’ve discussed today, raise your hand if you can give your own definition of ‘tolerance’. Add ideas of your own to the definition on your paper. Please use the word in a sentence.

15 Religious Structure The order in which the people of a particular religion are organized.

16 MONOTHEISTIC A religion based on a belief in one God. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are monotheistic religions.

17 POLYTHEISTIC The religious belief in more than one God. Early Greeks and Arabs believed in many Gods.

18 Holy Land The area on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea where Jesus lived and died.

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